Hi! Does anybody remember Shannon aka sexybackbabygirl

I introduced you to my old buddy. He only saw you once before you were gone. At least once a month, he asks if I can find you again. My memory sure never forgets what a delicious country hottie you are.
I tried for years to meet her. THen I had to move out of state.... One of my regrets not every meeting her!
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Hell yeah!
Is your number still the same? Fox turned me on to you and I certainly had a very relaxing time with you.

Incalls? Stay in Dallas city limits. The suburbs with their own police departments have the time, money, and manpower to be nosy.

DPD is spread too thin and only cares if there are compliants or other activities going on in your place.

Welcome back.

Guys, this gal is warm, nurturing, gives a great massage and has excellent oral skills.
That makes me smile! Pm I will be in town Wed for a couple of days. Cant wait to see you!
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
OMG I remember following you up the stairs at your place, looking at your ass in boy shorts.
Phrodo's Avatar
OMG I remember following you up the stairs at your place, looking at your ass in boy shorts. Originally Posted by sancocho
Have to agree with you on that. Great view!
Sigh...had to grab a handful of napkins when I saw that name. Pleasant memories.
Thanks for all the kind words. I will be in North Dallas tomorrow for a couple of days! Please pm to set up appt. Thanks, cant wait to see yall again!

My number is 9034224191. Im hear through tomorrow night!