What if you couldnt accept something, even if

Quote Cowboy8055
The bathroom thing isn't a big deal. That can probably be worked out in a reasonable way.
The Liberals will just mandate that every one will use uni-sex changing rooms, bathrooms and showers. I for one will enjoy taking a shower with a woman. How ever the first" guy" that gets a hard on with me in the shower will regret it.
I would suggest that the words bigot and racist is a fall back for those that have no way of explaining what they mean.
satan666's Avatar
Personally I don't have a problem with people doing what they want for the most part until it starts stepping on the rights of others. Im kinda conservative. I really don't think you should be using the bathrooms of a gender you were not born as. Just sayin.

But not here to talk trans stuff, only using it as an example of Originally Posted by Hobgoblin

A high school girl has a helluva lot more to fear from a straight male pedophile than from a trans-gendered individual who is just trying to get thru life the best way that they can. Most trans-gendered people's goal is to complete bottom surgery so that their outsides match what's inside their head. And by far the vast majority of M-to-F TG's are STRAIGHT - meaning that when they transition to female they are sexually attracted to men, so they wouldn't be giving a shit about the CG women or girls sharing their restroom or locker room.

The ignorance about this subject is really telling here. People need to do some reading and educate themselves about the reality of the topics that they automatically slam out of ignorance. Originally Posted by DakineOne777
now everyone who has commented on this subject need to re read the op's original post I highlighted it for you in green!

dak you don't see a problem with your reasoning here on the hs shower thing highlighted it in blue for you. you are correct a tg is attracted too men usually but if you have a tg in the womans shower. lets say they have parents that are accepting of this life change good for them and have their male son on female hormones.

so said male has breasts and feels he is female acts it and lives it. but has not had sexual reassignment surgery so said female living male still has a penis. this alone is going to make the genetic females uncomfortable because regardless it is a male with breasts!

now lets step over too the male locker room where said female living male showers with the boys who he is sexually attracted too. all of the homophobic boys are going to be uncomfortable pick on bully and torture said female living male!

there are problems when it comes to both sides. now naturally there are going to be variables. people from both locker rooms that are curious or know what they want that are going to be attracted to said female living male.

I don't even know how pedophilia got brought up in this. while yes there are ones who are in hs who probably are starting to know that they are attracted to young ones. but for this probably looking to an older crowd than hs age!

but to get to my original point the op stated he does not feel that a tg person be it m2f or f2m use a restroom of the opposite sex that they were born! e.g a f2m using the mens room or a m2f using the ladies room.

everyone is commenting to the contrary of what the op stated plain and simple! that being said don't start in on me of my bigotry or my misunderstanding of all this because I don't care. if you feel like a girl live life as one. if you feel like a man live life as one. if you want to lay in the bed with a same sex partner by all means do it. but that is your life choice don't push your views on me or think that your going to get me to bat for the same team! because many homosexual people think that they can get a hetero male or female to switch up.

and some do some bat for both teams. but it is infuriating when a homosexual man hits on a heterosexual male and is politely declined but persists on pursuing. and vice versa for females that are hetero!

shit if your born a man and feel like your a goat or a donkey and choose to live your life as a goat or donkey. by all means live life how you feel. but there will always be racists and bigots and homophobes as long as we rotate around the burning rock.

but for gods sake or the flying spaghetti monster Allah juda whomever you pray to follow your own advice and read before you comment. highlighted that in red for you!

(mods if anything that I posted violates forum guideline please delete it! hell I don't even care if I get points for it just trying to get a point across.)
Hobgoblin's Avatar
Thank you Satan for pointing out what you did. Youre all right Man.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Spoken like a true racist, sexist, paranoid bigot. LOL
You didn't trigger anything, but you sure did confirm plenty of things. Originally Posted by DakineOne777
That's about the response I expected. Your ability for intelligent discourse is truly impressive. I simply raised a concern as to how far we can try to accommodate TG's. What if it gets to the point where women have to share a shower with a TG who still has their male parts? That will likely be a problem for some women. That is not an unreasonable concern. How does that make me a paranoid bigot.
cowboy8055's Avatar
So what is "progress" in our current society according to you? Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Having everyone conform to their belief system whether they like it or not.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I would suggest that the words bigot and racist is a fall back for those that have no way of explaining what they mean. Originally Posted by tucson
They really don't feel a need to explain themselves. Have a bit of a superiority complex. You either come around to their way of thinking or be prepared to be called names.

So what is "progress" in our current society according to you? Originally Posted by SweetDulce

What do I consider progress?

For starters things like gay marriage helped to de-stigmatize alternative lifestyles and make them more mainstream today. Not even 20 years ago would anyone have guessed how far along sexual acceptance would come. Thanks to todays more tolerant and educated youth things like gay marriage and interracial relationships are a "who cares?" kind of thing. Of course anyone who doesn't fit the rigid view of "normal" for some people are viewed with revulsion and second class citizenry, especially in areas where old traditions still rule (like here). But the world is slowly coming to realize that extending basic rights to those who have lamented in the background for so long doesn't deprive them of their own rights, or basically alter them in any shape or form. They simply "do not like it". Well there are alot of things that I don't like either....but as long as it doesn't impact me or my family in any way why would I even care?

The transgender bathroom issue now has alot of people all spun up. The way I see it the only real solution to make everyone happy would be for businesses to continue offering ladies & men's rooms, and to add a single unisex bathroom for people still in transition. That would no doubt make everybody happy. But that is an unreasonable financial burden for many small businesses to absorb. But c'mon - it's ridiculous to insist that a trans woman who has had bottom surgery and now sports a vajayjay to continue to use the men's room. SHE should NOW be using the ladies room. It becomes murkier for trans women who have not yet completed their transition fully. So if she can't use the ladies room and is forced to use the men's room, she risks some serious injury from any intolerant real he-men in there that simply want to find an excuse to bash in a trans person's skull. You are dressed as a woman but still have a dick. What to do? You tell me. The reality is that it takes alot of balls (no pun intended!) for someone to come forth and be willing to deal with not only the physical pain of transitioning, but the psychological and emotional pain that goes along with it as well. I couldn't even begin to imagine it.

Progress is being made everyday in acceptance, education and tolerance. I wouldn't expect much of that here, since women hobbyists are "forbidden" to even post real reviews here. And it's even more ironic to see opposition to more sexual freedoms on a fuck board fercrissakes! But one day even this place will start to evolve and see that change is necessary and it is scary only if you allow it that be that way. It's amazing what education and a little empathy can do.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Of course anyone who doesn't fit the rigid view of "normal" for some people are viewed with revulsion and second class citizenry, especially in areas where old traditions still rule (like here). Originally Posted by DakineOne777
Kind of the way the PC progressives view people that don't agree with them. The PC people can be quite harsh. You're a good example of that. I merely express a reasonable and legitimate concern regarding how far we can accommodate TG's and you say I'm a racist paranoid bigot. That's pretty much the knee-jerk response one can expect from you and your ilk when they disagree with ya.
Kind of the way the PC progressives view people that don't agree with them. The PC people can be quite harsh. You're a good example of that. I merely express a reasonable and legitimate concern regarding how far we can accommodate TG's and you say I'm a racist paranoid bigot. That's pretty much the knee-jerk response one can expect from you and your ilk when they disagree with ya. Originally Posted by cowboy8055

And you and your PC regressive ilk are more than happy to do the same. You're a great example of that.
cowboy8055's Avatar
The transgender bathroom issue now has alot of people all spun up. Originally Posted by DakineOne777
There's more to the issue than just TG bathrooms. You have to look forward and see where this is going. I have no problem accommodating TG's but there may very well be a limit to that. The question of a pre-op TG who still has male parts being able to use the women's locker room or shower will likely come up. How is that going to be handled? But I guess I'm a bad person for bringing that up.
cowboy8055's Avatar
And you and your PC regressive ilk are more than happy to do the same. You're a great example of that. Originally Posted by DakineOne777
Why doesn't that response surprise me. Exactly how am I regressive? All I did was express a concern society will have to deal with some day.
There's more to the issue than just TG bathrooms. You have to look forward and see where this is going. I have no problem accommodating TG's but there may very well be a limit to that. The question of a pre-op TG who still has male parts being able to use the women's locker room or shower will likely come up. How is that going to be handled? But I guess I'm a bad person for bringing that up. Originally Posted by cowboy8055

I'm sure that the pre-op issue will definitely come up if it hasn't already. And there really isn't a good answer with the only option being a male & female restroom. The pre-op TG will not be welcome in either. Unless businesses are willing to incur the expense of adding a 3rd accommodation (which many won't), what are the options? It would be very dangerous for a female looking pre-op to use a men's room. That really leaves only the ladies room as an option.

And of course you are not a bad person for bringing that up. Peace.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I'm sure that the pre-op issue will definitely come up if it hasn't already. And there really isn't a good answer with the only option being a male & female restroom. The pre-op TG will not be welcome in either. Unless businesses are willing to incur the expense of adding a 3rd accommodation (which many won't), what are the options? It would be very dangerous for a female looking pre-op to use a men's room. That really leaves only the ladies room as an option.

And of course you are not a bad person for bringing that up. Peace. Originally Posted by DakineOne777
But you saw fit to call me a racist paranoid bigot. What exactly did I say that justifies that?
But you saw fit to call me a racist paranoid bigot. What exactly did I say that justifies that? Originally Posted by cowboy8055

Well if I recall correctly I was taking a dig at you and throwing your own words right back at you. You wrote "Love the fall back retort of PC freaks who disagree with you. You're racists, sexists, paranoid bigots."

And I replied "Spoken like a true racist, sexist, paranoid bigot. LOL"
TheOtherMan's Avatar
I would like to add a few points, hopefully in a sane, calm manner without "triggering" anyyone with a low regard for the fact that every asshole gets his own opinion attached to it.

I *do* see a problem with school locker rooms, but since it is fairly rare for adolescents to undergo hormone tretments, much less SRS (18 y/o in US), I think that this could and should be easily be worked out with a sensible compromise at the local level. State and federal blanket rules will just get in the way, and let's face it... They (the state) should really be focusing on other matters. I couldn't find any numbers on it or even experiential evidence stories, but realistically, you know this has been going on for years.

I *do not* (as previously) stated see a problem with adults using bathrooms based on gender identity. There are doors in these places, and they are used to keep private stuff private. They will continue to work at this purpose. And everone will be happily ignorant or happily concealed. No issues - status quo. I see many more problems with TS/TG personnel in their gender-assigned bathrooms. Women will start seing bearded muscular "women" and guys will see other dudes pulling up dresses and pumps. That's a shit-ton more confusing than the status-quo. And who's enforcing this law? Do cops get to look at junk now in order to investigate this problem that doesn't exist? Oy vey... It's a can of worms.

All this being said, if we are talking about the NC law, it was *never* about child safety or privacy. The ordinance that ignited this debate, passed by Charlotte on Feb. 22, only prevents businesses from discriminating against gay people.The state rejoinder legilasture (the law) in Part I does require all bathrooms to be restricted by “biological sex”, but Parts II and III roll back any local ordinances protecting gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender people from discrimination.

And "selling" the law the wanted (Parts 2 & 3) by adding a fear-mongering Part 1 is not only disttasteful... It's simply hateful and bigotry.