Kendra Sparks vanished

Right,, I agree they may come and go at will, but for pete's sake they are people we get to know and like. If they disappear without a word it is only human to ask about them. That is not saying it is ok to stalk or pursue. A simple inquiry doesn't seem out of line.
I am accustomed to a phone call or at least a PM that she is dropping out for a period. In the past when I have a session I have exchanged phone numbers and have talked to the provider. I was concerned that some thing had happened but now I am inclined to think she is just bad at handling her business. I am positive that had it been the other way around I would be cussed and discussed. My reason for posting was to see if some one had heard from her or if her computer had gone belly up.
Never understood why a guy posts "Where is she?" The very nature of her not responding or ignoring requests should say: Leave me alone. This is a business but not a legitimate one and if she drops out of site, the last thing I'm thinking she wants is her handle posted about.

We don't have to know the reason, or be offended if she doesn't get back to us.'s none of our business. This reminded me of a girl I tried to see 11-12 days ago and she disappeared, too. I'm just not gonna ask what happened to her. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Right. Tons of businesses close daily - some with advance notice, some with no notice. Some with the reason on a piece of paper on the front door and some with just no lights and a locked door.
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Never understood why a guy posts "Where is she?" The very nature of her not responding or ignoring requests should say: Leave me alone. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Then a lady should put on her big girl panties and say it rather then just play possum. If she has told a guy "No" then she can block/ignore/go ninja on him. But it's not right to leave a client guessing about a response when instead he could be asking other ladies.

This is a business but not a legitimate one and if she drops out of site, the last thing I'm thinking she wants is her handle posted about. Originally Posted by Prolongus
If that were true in this case I'm guessing the first thing removed in a discretionary submerging would've/should've been her face pictures...?
Oh, opinions............