How much longer will CAROLINE! be permitted to run amok?

jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 05-30-2010, 12:23 PM
What is the point ... Originally Posted by viviantonight
I think the gentleman has stated the point of this thread pretty well. He's dropped all the other BS that swirled in the previous thread and simply wants to clear his name. It was besmirched publicly and he wants it cleared publicly. I understand that perfectly.

CPI suggests that ANON contact the board owners with his concerns over the accusations caroline made. It's a good idea, but surely folks in authority here already know about it. (I can't be the only one who reported her behavior to the moderators.)

I thought caroline behaved terribly -- vulgar, personal attacks and name calling, it was disgusting. I think most of us could just chalk it up to her personality shining through, let the thread get closed and go on our ways.

But come on, guys. In a fit of petulance ("Mess with me? I'll show you...") she claimed that thru her status as moderator on the former board she knew that ANON had outed and stalked a provider. It's not an opinion, it's either true or not. If it is true it is the kiss of death for him, the one capital crime in this business, the unforgivable sin. If it's true no provider (or hobbyist, for that matter) should feel safe in his presence. He should be shunned as a pariah and (as far as I'm concerned) removed from this community.

I don't care who caroline is, where she used to be a moderator, who she knows or how frenetic she becomes when some guy pisses her off. If she lied about ANON in an effort to shut him up, she is a vindictive slanderer and, in my opinion, a threat to any hobbyist.

Moderators, please take leadership in this situation. Others are watching. Providers are saying, "Way to go, girl. You're our "role model."" Hobbyists (one, at least) are looking at this and saying "WTF! Can a provider do this and not be called to account? Could she do this to me?"

Please, mods, take control of this and straighten it out. No one else can do it. St Mat, with all respect I don't believe "let's see what happens" is sufficient -- lordy, we saw "what happens" in the previous thread. Why has no one in authority simply required the accuser to prove her charge or face some consequences?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-30-2010, 12:40 PM
Let's face it, she's not going to back up her claim, nor will she retract it. And who can blame her since she'd likely lose Heather's undying love if she did?

I went and re-read Caroline's reaction to Charles when he got the facts mixed up about her on a statement he then retracted. All i could do was laugh at her.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Providers are saying, "Way to go, girl. You're our "role model."" Originally Posted by jfred
Careful, careful now. Things are ALWAYS being taken TOO literally in most ALL online blogs, forums, etc. And this specific remark will be too I can almost guarantee that.

NOT ALL providers are doing or thinking as you suggest. In fact, MOST I have encountered go the other way and are in agreement with the men on this particular one. Specificaly speaking.

  • PullT
  • 05-30-2010, 12:43 PM
Certainly an interesting strategy....calling someone out over and over and over in an effort to clear one's name of stalking behavior.
pyramider's Avatar
Why is the stalker is the last to know they are a stalker?
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 05-30-2010, 12:53 PM
Careful...NOT ALL providers are doing or thinking as you suggest. In fact, MOST I have encountered go the other way and are in agreement with the men on this particular one. Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
KKA, I do try to be careful. And I don't want to get things sidetracked from the single issue of this thread. To avoid that please let me restate myself:

There are providers (some on this very thread and, presumably, some who are silent) who are applauding caroline and consider her behavior a model for their own. If my PM box is any indication, however, most providers are appalled."

And I don't want to get things sidetracked from the single issue of this thread. Originally Posted by jfred
+1. Let's save this thread from being closed.
St.Mateo's Avatar
I think the gentleman has stated the point of this thread pretty well. He's dropped all the other BS that swirled in the previous thread and simply wants to clear his name. It was besmirched publicly and he wants it cleared publicly. I understand that perfectly.

CPI suggests that ANON contact the board owners with his concerns over the accusations caroline made. It's a good idea, but surely folks in authority here already know about it. (I can't be the only one who reported her behavior to the moderators.)

I thought caroline behaved terribly -- vulgar, personal attacks and name calling, it was disgusting. I think most of us could just chalk it up to her personality shining through, let the thread get closed and go on our ways.

But come on, guys. In a fit of petulance ("Mess with me? I'll show you...") she claimed that thru her status as moderator on the former board she knew that ANON had outed and stalked a provider. It's not an opinion, it's either true or not. If it is true it is the kiss of death for him, the one capital crime in this business, the unforgivable sin. If it's true no provider (or hobbyist, for that matter) should feel safe in his presence. He should be shunned as a pariah and (as far as I'm concerned) removed from this community.

I don't care who caroline is, where she used to be a moderator, who she knows or how frenetic she becomes when some guy pisses her off. If she lied about ANON in an effort to shut him up, she is a vindictive slanderer and, in my opinion, a threat to any hobbyist.

Moderators, please take leadership in this situation. Others are watching. Providers are saying, "Way to go, girl. You're our "role model."" Hobbyists (one, at least) are looking at this and saying "WTF! Can a provider do this and not be called to account? Could she do this to me?"

Please, mods, take control of this and straighten it out. No one else can do it. St Mat, with all respect I don't believe "let's see what happens" is sufficient -- lordy, we saw "what happens" in the previous thread. Why has no one in authority simply required the accuser to prove her charge or face some consequences? Originally Posted by jfred

Well lets see what happens is giving time for a response to this and thats what I am waiting for.

I agree wholeheartedly that any statement made without proof is merely just that. It creates rumor and rumors and accusations do more damage than anything else.

I really do not like the fact that the original post in the other thread and all that could of easily been handled a number of other ways instead of the manner in which it was done

I do not know any of you personally and I would suggest that when a thread like that starts and before you start typing be careful what you say.
Caroline has been told it is in her best interest to at least comment hereand thats what I am waiting for......
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
KKA, I do try to be careful. And I don't want to get things sidetracked from the single issue of this thread. To avoid that please let me restate myself:

There are providers (some on this very thread and, presumably, some who are silent) who are applauding caroline and consider her behavior a model for their own. If my PM box is any indication, however, most providers are appalled."

There. Originally Posted by jfred
Thank you Sir.

I have been flooded with Pms as well. I actually think everyone should come out and be straight forward, some of them have. Others are maybe too afraid. I dont know what for. I am not afraid of anyone or anything- only myself- LOL

atlcomedy's Avatar
Well lets see what happens is giving time for a response to this and thats what I am waiting for......

...... Originally Posted by St.Mateo59
I'm reserving comment on this more broadly & this is certainly not a defense of Caroline, but folks, get a grip! Not all of us sit in front of our laptops monitoring eccie all day. For gosh sakes it is Sunday afternoon of a Holiday weekend.....hopefully you get the resolution you want, but it might not be this afternoon....
ANONONE's Avatar
For the record, I have never outed or stalked anyone.

If someone can find evidence of the stalking/outing Caroline! is speaking of, please do post links or text that either condemns or exonerates me.

While I am saying this I apologize for my abrasive posting style and controversial views. I deserve as much as I give with regards to towel snapping and banter.

I have to draw the line at libel, however.

Being an asshole is a universe away from a creep that stalks or outs a lady. I will own the asshole tag, but have to fight this defamation.
I'm reserving comment on this more broadly & this is certainly not a defense of Caroline, but folks, get a grip! Not all of us sit in front of our laptops monitoring eccie all day. For gosh sakes it is Sunday afternoon of a Holiday weekend.....hopefully you get the resolution you want, but it might not be this afternoon.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Unfortunately, some of us are condemned to sitting in hotel rooms this holiday weekend, and have nothing to do but watch ECCIE.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Unfortunately, some of us are condemned to sitting in hotel rooms this holiday weekend, and have nothing to do but watch ECCIE. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

I am "off" today. My house is clean. My chores and errands are done. I love ECCIE and want to help maintain the integrity of MY home away from home so to speak.

So I will continue, at least today, to plant my big ass here and give my thoughts and opinions like any and every member here who has the right and "time" to do so.

St.Mateo's Avatar
I'm reserving comment on this more broadly & this is certainly not a defense of Caroline, but folks, get a grip! Not all of us sit in front of our laptops monitoring eccie all day. For gosh sakes it is Sunday afternoon of a Holiday weekend.....hopefully you get the resolution you want, but it might not be this afternoon.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy

Yeah and I have to leave for a while plus I dont normally have this much free time either
Tex9401's Avatar
I am also stuck at home since I can't hang out with my family. Do paperwork, Study Dell DTT, and do things around the house.

Unfortunately, some of us are condemned to sitting in hotel rooms this holiday weekend, and have nothing to do but watch ECCIE. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005