Can providers see the ROS in reviews?

BigBaldBlk's Avatar
I can see this thread being very long with pretty much the same results. To the OP, just remember ANYTHING on the internet, social media and adult groups, etc can/will get back to the party that doesn't want to see it....somehow/someway! I have to agree with others about ladies seeing their own reviews. People who have bad experiences, typically will not write a bad review, especially, if she's well reviewed.

The problem with this is, it should be based on your encounter, not all of her previous positive reviews.
Chung Tran's Avatar
expect a lady to see your negative review SOMEHOW.. and be prepared to never see her again when you write the bad review.. not that you should care.

I wrote a "yes" review recently, but with some negative undertone.. about a lady not affiliated with this site. the review got back to her, and she figured out who I was.. she blocked my number after having begged me to see her again, several times, LOL.. I guess my headline "Ghetto Sperm Whale" didn't exactly flatter.
Alyssa Monroe's Avatar
Correct, assume the ladies can read it or will find a way to see it or be shown it etc. Many boards worldwide the ladies can read and I tend to think this is best. They read it anyway so what is the benefit ( paid subscriptions are the main culprit) of not letting the ladies read at minimum open the review section up for them to read and just leave a locker room and powder room etc open for private discussions not co-ed and if a guy wants info out of the ladies area or visa versa they get it anyway ' illegally' as of now anyways.

So why lock it down? Does any guy really care if the lady reads her review? Rephrased can any guys actually see the benefits if the ladies see the reviews over locking them out?

If it is a good review I don't think the guys would care but what if it is a bad review? That is the bigger issue guys are scared to write a bad review and have her find out. The greatest thing for us guys would be for that girl to see her bad review and see ' what she did wrong' and perhaps she can improve on what went wrong or wasn't good and in the long run that does nothing but benefit other men and also her as she can improve. I am not an advocate of letting ladies reply to reviews, simply reading them. Who gives a shit. Helps us, and her in the big picture.

Instead we run to the private men's area and discuss these girls and they still can't see it unless they break rules w a mandle or a WK shows them so to improve service for all of us opening up the ROS tags to allow females to read would be most advantageous for service levels, keep the girls more in check as in all fairness to them if they get a bad review do we benefit more if we hide that from her or if she reads it and gives her a chance to improve? What is better to let her learn how to be a better provider or lock her out?

The sanctity of reviews is a bunch of BS to not let the women read as we all know they can read it anyway. It is about the paid subscriptions not the protection of the reviews themselves and the board owners/staffs for decades have know this. In light of the above suppressing the info in the reviews from the ladies does us men no good nor the ladies. It's more detrimental to all of us in the long run to protect a sanctity that is a myth when in reality full disclosure read by all parties greatly benefits all parties. Originally Posted by KosherCowboy

100% Agree

Criticism can be constructive to an open minded individual. Unfortunately not all people can agree to disagree or be accepting of opposing opinions. Ego vs Audience, Adults vs. Children.
Pangolier's Avatar
Bottom line: providers can't see ROS on the front end. But, they can always find other ways to access the information.
Da"Ghetto Sperm Whale" didn't exactly flatter. Damn Tran that was cruel.