What Did 'Broadband Czar' Harris Do With the $40 Billion Appropriated for Internet?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So what you are saying is that a program to build fiber out to rural communities that's on track and on time and will last for decades to come and owned by the government is bad because it's not being built as fast as they would like. I don't see any heat here just manufactured blame. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

No. i'm saying Harris was given a worthless political role/title by Biden that was intended to make it "look like" she was accomplishing something, in this case, internet access that hasn't accomplished anything in nearly four years yet the liberal media are hailing as an "accomplishment".

do you think this cunt Harris even attended any planning meetings on this? not a chance in Hell she had any direct involvement. she couldn't understand any of it anyway even at the highest minimum level.

and any talk the project is "on track" is nonsense. if some CEO wanted to build a new headquarters and 4 years later they hadn't even broken ground on construction would be fired.

and it's proof that Ronald Reagan's 9 "dirty words" are still true today ...

"I'm from the Government and i'm here to help".

mark Ronnie's words as an axiom and watch the progress over 10 years. if they get 1/10th of it done in ten years they'll be lucky. in fact, it has the high possibility of becoming another "Democrat Solyndra"
To say Harris hasn't even attended meetings is just your narrative and ignorance. She doesn't need to be in every meeting with engineers, planners, contractors, suppliers, etc. As a software engineer myself the CEO/CTO doesn't sit in every meeting about day to day coding. We give them biweekly or monthly updates on progress, needs, problems, etc.

All 56 states and territories had to submit proposals by a deadline and these were all met. I imagine these proposals took months of research. Then it took months to go through all the proposals to total up costs and allocate funding as needed.

It's been a little less than 3 years since the bill was passed, during the pandemic. Over 60,000 projects have been greenlighted from the bill so far, these all took time to process. Probably a lot of the same people were involved in the proposals from each state for the internet.

Many rural communities already have some sort of internet if they want it so they aren't totally cut off. The goal is affordable high speed internet. Starlink is good, but a basic plan is like 120 bucks a month for really slow download speeds by today's standards. Starlink Priority product doubles that speed, and is capped monthly before it goes back to standard. Priority is between 140 and 500 a month depending on how much data you buy before it hits the cap and goes back down to priority. Not exactly affordable...

I know when Google Fiber was announced for the KC area it was over 3 years to get completed in one part of the metro area. That is in a part of the metro area around 400 square miles. All with plenty of local labor, cable, equipment on site. Compare this to running cable and equipment 100s of miles into middle of nowhere. Where every day workers will have to travel to the job site and back. Logistics nightmare....

I think it is a lofty goal even to get this all done in the next 5 years knowing it took 3 years in one part of the KC metro area for Google Fiber rollout.
txdot-guy's Avatar
and it's proof that Ronald Reagan's 9 "dirty words" are still true today ...

"I'm from the Government and i'm here to help".

mark Ronnie's words as an axiom and watch the progress over 10 years. if they get 1/10th of it done in ten years they'll be lucky. in fact, it has the high possibility of becoming another "Democrat Solyndra" Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I’ll be the first to admit that government is not as efficient as it could be but Reagan’s axiom as you put it is definitely not true. After disasters the government response is almost always welcomed. Whether in the form of the national guard, rescue workers, fire and police response, housing assistance, or federal insurance payments.

Not to mention the programs that would never get done without government assistance.

Like the manhattan project, nasa, the heavy press program, mine safety, aeronautics, gps, the internet, telephony, the nuclear industry, the federal highway system. I could go on.

Vilifying government seems to be a national pastime for some but in my opinion we need better government not less government.

### Salty
Allocated to the states/territories per the needs of each based on their proposals. It is now up to each state to get it all done.