Do Muslims immigrate to a country or invade it?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
The tenets of Islam are incompatible with American notions of individual rights, free speech and freedom of (from) religion.
Over 70% of Muslims Support Sharia Law, 90% Support Execution of Apostates – the brutal and barbaric Sharia law is supported in majority through the entire Muslim world.
https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.c...f-apostates-2/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlway you and I both know that you never read a page of the Koran you are making false claims based on heresay and propaganda instigated by the Jewish owned network called Faux news. There are several mosques in the Dallas area go visit one and you will learn something whirlaway.
The polling data tells us all we need to know - combined with the what is happening in GB and France.

Why do you want to open our doors to the followers of a religion that wants to destroy our constitutional rights?

Whirlway you and I both know that you never read a page of the Koran you are making false claims based on heresay and propaganda instigated by the Jewish owned network called Faux news. There are several mosques in the Dallas area go visit one and you will learn something whirlaway. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
  • shanm
  • 05-07-2015, 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Why does it not surprise me that Hannity would invite the most radical muslim to speak along with Pamela Geller.
Faux news: making it's 80 year old viewers shit their depends since ever!

Fuck both the Imam and Pamela Geller. They're both low-life vermin duking it out to see who is the biggest baddest douche this side of town.
To the Imam: Come down to Texas, I'm sure our redneck boys will give you the attention that you need. Take your Sharia law and shove it up your ass.

Pamela Geller: you can go fuck yourself too, you ugly motherfucking whore. Seems like the years and years of hate have twisted your face into an ugly mess. I hope the fear-mongering is worth it.
The polling data tells us all we need to know - combined with the what is happening in GB and France.

Why do you want to open our doors to the followers of a religion that wants to destroy our constitutional rights? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
We opened them to Christians.
HAHAHA....I can remember hearing the same phony bravado coming from the equivalent redneck neighborhoods of GB (Manchester, Glasgow, Belfast).

They woke up the next day and their country was over run with islamists. In europe, Imams like Choudary are the norm, not the exception. You thinking it "can't happen here" is foolish

Why does it not surprise me that Hannity would invite the most radical muslim to speak along with Pamela Geller.
Faux news: making it's 80 year old viewers shit their depends since ever!

Fuck both the Imam and Pamela Geller. They're both low-life vermin duking it out to see who is the biggest baddest douche this side of town.
To the Imam: Come down to Texas, I'm sure our redneck boys will give you the attention that you need. Take your Sharia law and shove it up your ass.

Pamela Geller: you can go fuck yourself too, you ugly motherfucking whore. Seems like the years and years of hate have twisted your face into an ugly mess. I hope the fear-mongering is worth it. Originally Posted by shanm
  • shanm
  • 05-07-2015, 11:27 AM
HAHAHA....I can remember hearing the same phony bravado coming from the equivalent redneck neighborhoods of GB (Manchester, Glasgow, Belfast).

They woke up the next day and their country was over run with islamists. In europe, Imams like Choudary are the norm, not the exception. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Who told you that? Faux news?

I went to Manchester last year, wasn't over run with Islamists. I never heard a peep about Sharia. If it existed, it was only applicable to Muslims, same in Jewish communities

They've got whores walking down the streets, bars on every corner, what part of that do you think is complicit with Sharia law? You're clearly just another flame artist, making up bullshit on the fly without actually knowing fuck all about anything.
Yep. And those Christians built a wonderful pluralistic republic that offered upward mobility for all, protected speech and religious freedoms, and separation of church and state.

Exactly the opposite of Islamic states.

We opened them to Christians. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Deny all you want that massive immigration from Islamic countries isn't changing the face of europe for the worse. In europe the muslim immigrant (compared to other groups) is the most uneducated, least to assimilate, and most radicalized with respect to their religious beliefs.

You are the foolish minority.

Today's vote in GB will tell us which way the wind blows going forward. Polling tells us that the 2 big issues driving voting are economy and immigration (obviously linked and difficult to sepeate). And in GB the only immigration issue is muslims.

Who told you that? Faux news?

I went to Manchester last year, wasn't over run with Islamists. I never heard a peep about Sharia. If it existed, it was only applicable to Muslims, same in Jewish communities

They've got whores walking down the streets, bars on every corner, what part of that do you think is complicit with Sharia law? You're clearly just another flame artist, making up bullshit on the fly without actually knowing fuck all about anything. Originally Posted by shanm
  • shanm
  • 05-07-2015, 11:59 AM
Deny all you want that massive immigration from Islamic countries isn't changing the face of europe for the worse.

You are the foolish minority.

Today's vote in GB will tell us which way the wind blows going forward. Polling tells us that the 2 big issues driving voting are economy and immigration (obviously linked and difficult to sepeate). And in GB the only immigration issue is muslims. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Wrong and wrong again. You clearly haven't been outside McAllen Texas, have you? why the fuck would anyone take advice from you?

Illegal immigration is a problem for them. There are a lot of Muslims yes, but there are also a lot of poles that immigrate along with every other nationality east of their border. In fact, I would argue that it appears to be Polish people that constitute the majority of immigrants.
Their immigration issues aren't largely dependent on a prevalent Islamophobia, such as the one that makes you shit your pants. Its more an economic and social issue. Just take the illegals coming in from mexico and multiply them by ten, you'll get some idea of what they're going through.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
OH they have to swear? Well, then it's all good. No way that anyone could swear and then turn around and hurt us. I mean, they swore, right. Goddamn, are you Forest fucking Gump? Originally Posted by WombRaider
I'm sure that you wake up everyday and WISH you had the brain power of Forest Gump.

Try to understand English, part of the process to citizenship is to swear alligence to the United States (for the religiously scared you can affirm). So my statement that anyone who swears and then acts counter to that sworn oath does not deserve citizenship and has, by their acts, forsaken that citizenship. We should accommodate them and make it official. Every person (not just Muslims) who leaves the United States to train or serve with an enemy or terrorist country will find the door shut when they return. There is no racial component in play. It is all about your actions. I do make allowances for those with duel citizenship and one country requires compulsatory service.

Finally, your nonsense post is another low point for you. Not the lowest but low. It says nothing except that you hate those with more on the ball (which is most people) than you.
Nice try at deflecting; the issue is assimilation...of course GB and Europe has other immigrant groups. However, Muslims are the only immigrants coming into the EU in large numbers; there are plenty of entrants from all points of the compass. But Muslims represent a particular set of issues beyond the fact that atrocities have been committed in the West in the name of Islam.

In parts of GB the muslim populations have more than doubled in less than 10 years. And will grow faster due to birth rates of muslim families compared to other immigrant groups.

Wrong and wrong again. You clearly haven't been outside McAllen Texas, have you? why the fuck would anyone take advice from you?

Illegal immigration is a problem for them. There are a lot of Muslims yes, but there are also a lot of poles that immigrate along with every other nationality east of their border. In fact, I would argue that it appears to be Polish people that constitute the majority of immigrants.
Their immigration issues aren't largely dependent on a prevalent Islamophobia, such as the one that makes you shit your pants. Its more an economic and social issue. Just take the illegals coming in from mexico and multiply them by ten, you'll get some idea of what they're going through. Originally Posted by shanm
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some gratuitous humor (that will piss off our Muslim loving brethern)

I'm sure that you wake up everyday and WISH you had the brain power of Forest Gump.

Try to understand English, part of the process to citizenship is to swear alligence to the United States (for the religiously scared you can affirm). So my statement that anyone who swears and then acts counter to that sworn oath does not deserve citizenship and has, by their acts, forsaken that citizenship. We should accommodate them and make it official. Every person (not just Muslims) who leaves the United States to train or serve with an enemy or terrorist country will find the door shut when they return. There is no racial component in play. It is all about your actions. I do make allowances for those with duel citizenship and one country requires compulsatory service.

Finally, your nonsense post is another low point for you. Not the lowest but low. It says nothing except that you hate those with more on the ball (which is most people) than you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your naivete is astounding. Do you think that someone who swears allegiance with evil in their hearts, would give two shits about their citizenship at that point? You try really hard to sound like you are informed, but your words betray you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That's it. Real of feigned, you're too stupid to listen to anymore.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Some gratuitous humor (that will piss off our Muslim loving brethern)

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
As much as I hate to say this but I hope you have 24 hour surveillance and protection because by posting this pics you just have angered a lot of Muslims. Whether you know it or not there are Muslims on this site. Although I don't agree with Muslims acting out violence towards anyone - you may have put others on here in great danger. I suggest you take those photos down and apologize before you get some innocent people on hurt. Do you know realize that if you were in a Muslim country those cartoons would mean instant death ?