Starting off on the wrong foot via text

I definitely lack communication skills as I get no response more often than not. This includes PM and text.

I am with you OP, how would you know to handle it like "most gents". Unlike providers, we don't receive texts from gents, so since everyone is different why expect everyone to communicate the same?

Unless it is stated in her ad or showcase, I would think it would be permissible to receive varying types of texts, but since I am not a provider who cares what I think. lol
Chung Tran's Avatar
my thoughts:

I have no issue with your initial text, that sounds about what I would say.. although I would have PM'd her after her initial pushback.. PM is always the best "first contact", but some Providers take days away from ECCIE, and we don't always have that amount of time to hear back.

her response indicated that she is on multiple sites, so no need to take it too personal.. her response was not the most kind, but at least you got one.. I never give my handle or phone number on a first text (of course I PM first on ECCIE, where practical); I don't want my number "out there" if you are not committed to a session, same as you don't want your address given until we've cut the deal.
I thought we werent allowed to post text convo...I was pointed in the powder room...clarification please.

I would have started the text out with " Hey this is motor, I saw your ad on eccie ect....ect. Your way seems very vague.........just my opinion Originally Posted by motor
And to the op, as most gents had suggested along with a provider...texting or calling was permitted - with you saying " Hi my name is blaze blaze from ECCIE, my handle is blaze blaze. " instead of "are you available" end of story. It seems like you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

How do you know YOU didn't come off as an asshole throughout the text convo by sharing your plans with another provider?? Ya see, the sword cuts both ways.

Sometimes texts cannot give off an intended tone that a phone call could. She was LIKELY in a great mood, but RECOGNIZE that unfortunately with texts one can't hear voice inflection. So, enough with throwing out the "bitch" at said provider. Anyone who knows her would disagree, and those of you calling the said lady a "BITCH" happen to know of her solid rep and even praise her in countless threads

Saying something like this in her final text would have been decent:

"Nevertheless I hope you have a wonderful evening...I certainly will " or " life is great"

That would have been non-bitchy, right OP?

Or is that considered bitchy? I see no "Bitch" in that....but that's just me...

To the OP and all you Fellas, Happy steak and BJ Day!
txexetoo's Avatar
If things happened as the OP states, then the lady in question was being a bitch. If a provider posts her number in the ad and says text or call for an appt....then that's what she'll get. Yes, you could have said this is so and so from Eccie, but that doesn't mean he would have gotten a different response from her. Some ladies just have horrendous TCB skills. I think you probably dodged a bullet OP. I agree with what others have stated, always use a pm for initial contact. Good luck in your new search. Have fun and hobby safely! Originally Posted by Kendall4U

+1000. She was a bitch. Would it have been better for you to identify yourself immediately and say how you found her? Absolutely. But that's no reason for rude attitude on her part.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Getting butthurt over an inability to buy pussy from a prostitute = Failing, no matter how you slice and arrange it.
Getting butthurt over an inability to buy pussy from a prostitute = Failing, no matter how you slice and arrange it. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I don't think the OP did anything wrong. Occasionally, I get texts from ppl that are not contacts on my phone. The fact that the texts are via Google Voice, tell me it's hobby related. They generally start off exactly as the OP stated.

The lady could have been way more professional in my opinion. A simple, "I'm sorry. Have we met before?" is polite. There's no reason to be a bitch to people. And if this line of work makes you bitchy, it's time to learn new a skill besides sucking dick.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Maybe her pimp didn't tell her what he wrote in her ad or vise versa.

Sounds to me like you got lucky before you actually spent money on her.
TheEccie214's Avatar
I don't think the OP did anything wrong. Occasionally, I get texts from ppl that are not contacts on my phone. The fact that the texts are via Google Voice, tell me it's hobby related. They generally start off exactly as the OP stated.

The lady could have been way more professional in my opinion. A simple, "I'm sorry. Have we met before?" is polite. There's no reason to be a bitch to people. And if this line of work makes you bitchy, it's time to learn new a skill besides sucking dick. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Too many girls, especially the young ones (imho) seem to think being good at this is just being willing to suck said dick versus all the other stuff required to be successful in this field.
If a provider is going to be a bitch while setting up an appointment, she is going to be a bitch during the meeting. Best to say no thanks and move on.
I recently completely and unintentionally hosed a provider on an appointment. No opinion one way or the other but if I had been on the other side of me that day, my skill set might have been compromised. So maybe more info than and I saw your ad would be in order, even if she did say text or call. Text or call with enough info. But Kendall and others have said it best. Send a PM, give a lady a chance to figure out who you are, then move forward.

Scary as hell? Providers who text $ info. Specials and all that need to be worked out here or elsewhere, not in a text. How scary is it to text back - "$xxx is fine with me." Who the hell could be sending that text, anyway? Someone who could say thank you for being complicit when you show up? Even from a dispoza phone...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-14-2016, 01:58 PM
Getting butthurt over an inability to buy pussy from a prostitute = Failing, no matter how you slice and arrange it. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Some men believe this is a dating site, I wouldn't even give it a second thought, move on to the next one and so on.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Honestly, I hate the "Hi, how are you" texts only because MOST of them just turn out to be bullshit time wasters (NOT SAYING YOU ARE).

A straight forward, CLEAR text is always the best in my book. "Hi, I'm so and so on eccie. I would like to see you some time and I have ref's. Happy to pm them to you if you need me to"

Those kinds of texts ALWAYS gets my attention. To me, that's a guy who knows the drill.

"Hi how are you texts"..... Just shady in my book and I just choose to ignore them (MOST of the time).

As for the providers reactions: Not so smart in my book. It's better to say nothing than to show your ugly side and start scolding someone.
My first txt is usually sort of vague in case someone else has her phone. If I get a "Im at lunch w/ friends" sort of reply, I stop texting her.
^^^^^^ Yep....what Kaylee said.
OP, maybe next time figure out when and where (incall, outcall) you want to see her for your initial text/call. Tell her you want to see her and state the exact day, time, length of session.

By then, you should know her rates, activities, where she works and when she's available.

Wanna see her? Put it out there, buddy.