Hobbydude; that exact same thing happened to me with Lexapro. I mean I dried up worse than Death Valley! Got off of it now the baby batter is flowing yet again. Speaking of which, I think I owe some of that goo to ...... :-)
Wow! Thanks everyone for their input. It does feel like you're a porn star going and going, but men, when it's time to reach the goal, you just need to get there. Anyway, thanks my friends. Will be making lemonade with my newly granted lemons!
I am taking Zoloft and it has the same effect on me. A lot of the side effects lessen with time. I suggest you stick with the program and if it persists then have the doc switch to another SSRI. There is a derivative of Lexapro called Celexa (sic) that did not have as bad side effect. For me the delay has helpful.
For me, I keep taking Viagra and praying i will get one of those 4 hour erections that I WILL NOT cal and ask my doc how to get rid of!!
There are a lot of really good ideas being exchanged here. It's surely different for everyone to some degree, but I've had the delayed reaction effect of SSRIs too. One benefit is that it's an easy segue to ask for a little blue pill scrip, and to me a raging hard-on helps with inspiration to get to the finish line.
I've also done the "med holiday" experience totally on my own, which I would not recommend in the bigger picture. Yes, the juices were flowing much more easily, but overall there's too much at stake in the rest of your life to play around with it.
Lastly, alcohol and food (among other things) can bog things down as well. Some thoughtful planning and experimentation as described above should eventually lead to a good solution. Good luck!