What is the strangest place you ever meet a some you knew outside of a session......

DRSlut's Avatar
At MY wedding.

My, now, SO and her were/are friends from college.

Talk about uncomfortable...
Kit Walker's Avatar
Asian Shelly at a KFC we both has our SOs with us, but it got me interested enough to call her later and go see her again.
driller77's Avatar
saw a provider I was with twice , seen her and her boyfriend at the bar. We looked at each other I just gave a little wink and passed by. But through out the night every time I would look in her direction she would look and wink at me.
bullet0's Avatar
No providers, but I did see a couple of hobbyists I knew in real life at a social years ago. Also ran in to a hobbyist I knew from the socials at a mutual friends birthday party.
texxanguy's Avatar
At a golf country club resturant and she was with her husband and friends. Looking very cute. We did not acknowledge each other. However, I did make an appt to
see her the next week and several times after that. Both agreed that we handled
it appropriately.
blowpop's Avatar
A kids' sporting event. I was there with my GF to watch her kid play; the provider was watching her kid. I was even introduced to her afterwards; neither of us said a word, but we exchanged some amused e-mails afterwards.
I have not run into any providers (or dancers) out in the civilian life. However, I think that is why the Golden Rule is so important in all walks of life.
Chillis! I almost choked on my shirley temple! But all was well we caught a glimpse and that was it.