Global Warming 2.0: The Freeze

The climate changes ALL THE TIME. ALWAYS HAS.

That's the point. Man has had no appreciable impact on the pace, or type of change.

We "deniers" only refuse to believe that a silly carbon tax or billions of dollars in regulatory costs added to businesses will make a dent in it. It's entirely vain to believe that we humans can make any difference for better or worse. If the earth finds us to be a nusience - it will shake us off like it did the dinosaurs and wolly mammoths. Even if we use CFL bulbs and have solar panels on our roof.

MAN-MADE climate change is what's up for debate, and what I, for one, will not blindly believe. Climate change is a fact that has been true since there has been a climate. Originally Posted by stockguru
I did not say man did, however take a stroll through some cities in China, and some would say they have. Unless you think wearing a mask when you are outside is just normal.
rioseco's Avatar
Don't forget BENGHAZI

Obviously, the fucksticks can't grasp the concept of climate change. (Or evolution, or science for that matter.)

It's another redundant and worn out argument from the Flat Earth Society.

Again, I ask our resident "conservatives" to bring something new to the table than the same old thing.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I remember the Texas drought. All we had to eat that year was parched corn. Now it is wet and cold out. I am now convinced we will hunt mamoth next winter !
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
The climate changes ALL THE TIME. ALWAYS HAS.

That's the point. Man has had no appreciable impact on the pace, or type of change.

We "deniers" only refuse to believe that a silly carbon tax or billions of dollars in regulatory costs added to businesses will make a dent in it. It's entirely vain to believe that we humans can make any difference for better or worse. If the earth finds us to be a nusience - it will shake us off like it did the dinosaurs and wolly mammoths. Even if we use CFL bulbs and have solar panels on our roof.

MAN-MADE climate change is what's up for debate, and what I, for one, will not blindly believe. Climate change is a fact that has been true since there has been a climate. Originally Posted by stockguru
half a Billions tons of CO2 emissions/year have no effect?

Why wouldnt it have an effect?
its all inert?
remember post 9/11 in america, No planes were in the air, which means no white contrails for 3 days? they have been quite a few studies showing those little clouds affect weather temperatures.

now contrails are mostly water,what about 500,000,000,000 tons of CO2. why wouldnt that have any effect?
half a Billions tons of CO2 emissions/year have no effect?

Why wouldnt it have an effect?
its all inert?
remember post 9/11 in america, No planes were in the air, which means no white contrails for 3 days? they have been quite a few studies showing those little clouds affect weather temperatures.

now contrails are mostly water,what about 500,000,000,000 tons of CO2. why wouldnt that have any effect? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker

Yea, volcanoes suck.

Budman's Avatar
The earth has gone from dinosaurs to woolly mammoths yet some will deny climate change. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I did not say man did, however take a stroll through some cities in China, and some would say they have. Unless you think wearing a mask when you are outside is just normal. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Seriously? That is such a shallow defense. Please show me one person that denies the climate changes. The only argument is how much, if any, that man affects the change. I guess it was all the SUV's that killed off the dinosaurs. You are a fool and not much different than WTF. You both try and play a silly little word game and act like you have out smarted someone. Grow the fuck up.
Seriously? That is such a shallow defense. Please show me one person that denies the climate changes. The only argument is how much, if any, that man affects the change. I guess it was all the SUV's that killed off the dinosaurs. You are a fool and not much different than WTF. You both try and play a silly little word game and act like you have out smarted someone. Grow the fuck up. Originally Posted by Budman
LMAO another idiot who is denying there have been dinosaurs and woolly mammoths on earth. Plus he believes SUV'S killed them. Talk about shallow idiots abound on this board, and bud boy is one.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Gore should have, errrr, was elected POTUS.

You fucksticks would have done real well... Even the intellectually challenged ones, you know who you are....

But no, you hitched your wagon to a scar. it dragged our society into the shitter, and ruined your petty little lives.

Imagine how the world might be without eight years of Bush!
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Yea, volcanoes suck.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The Koch brothers, for example, have thrown $61 million at the noble cause of denying that pumping toxic crap into the atmosphere might have negative consequences, just out of the kindness of their hearts.

Read more:

only to end up proving what they were trying to unprove!

and that it's our fault

I'd be more worried about cows

but there are good things regarding climate change,
#6. It Could Delay a Far Worse Ice Age
#5. Warmer Winters Means Fewer Deaths
#4. We May Grow More Food
#3. Cheaper Imported Goods
#2. It Might Actually Decrease Hurricanes
#1. It May Save the Rainforest

Read more:
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BigPussyCockLicker, you really don't make much sense. Ask someone to help express your thoughts in a coherent manner. You'll thank me later.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
BigPussyCockLicker, you really don't make much sense. Ask someone to help express your thoughts in a coherent manner. You'll thank me later. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
what is beyond your understanding?
ask your nurse to help you, or refill your memantine-class drugz
good luck
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Seriously, BigPussyCockLicker, get some help.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Seriously, BigPussyCockLicker, get some help. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
help for what?
what do I tell the person I'm getting help from?
"yeah, I need help....,I don't know why, some old guy, who can barely read, told me to get help"

anything else?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The earth has gone from dinosaurs to woolly mammoths yet some will deny climate change. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
We were talking about Global Warming, don't try to change the subject.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
LMAO another idiot who is denying there have been dinosaurs and woolly mammoths on earth. Plus he believes SUV'S killed them. Talk about shallow idiots abound on this board, and bud boy is one. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You want to show us the evidence that global warming killed off the mammoths (what about the mastadons?). Anything on the Dodo while you're at it.
You want to show us the evidence that global warming killed off the mammoths (what about the mastadons?). Anything on the Dodo while you're at it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I guess it was all the SUV's that killed off the dinosaurs. Originally Posted by Budman
You heard it here.