I'm getting tired of each post being LIKED.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
I have a confession:

I have run across posts I've made that only had one like, and I am guilty of hitting the like button again so that people don't think I am liking my own posts! I'm so tormented! Get rid of the damn thing! Originally Posted by Dannie
Or you could just ignore the damn thing too! I really don't even see or look at it. Don't even notice it until someone brings it up. Everyone realizes that it is a completely meaningless feature...right?
Boltfan's Avatar
Tia I thought you enjoyed self liking?
Wayward's Avatar
I have a confession:

I have run across posts I've made that only had one like, and I am guilty of hitting the like button again so that people don't think I am liking my own posts! I'm so tormented! Get rid of the damn thing! Originally Posted by Dannie
I have a confession too, sometimes when doing a search I find my simply amazing posts that were made before the like button and I run a java script at it and get it up to 4 or 5 likes. I know this is wrong, but it feels so right...

Oh and thanks to the power of TIOMFT the OP is now having to deal with the fact that 25 users liked her post.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
It's 26 now.

Hey Tia!!!

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-27-2011, 09:29 AM
I hit your like button just because I love you.
Hey Tia

Baby I Like you....wink.

I Like this thread.

I even hit the like button.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
At this point, Tia should at least have a little glow to her cheeks that so many people appreciate and like her!!!

Mojojo's Avatar
tia travels's Avatar
I was taking a break from the computer today but had to come on to check for any important messages and this thread.
I must say...Wow...yeah...I DO feel the warmth of all the "liking".

Even MIKEY likes this thread!!

Thanks girls for the special lovin' you so acknowledged giving publicly... (and to all those who've done so anonymously.)

(Boltfan...Ummm, I am into self liking...(but it's more a private thing, ya know!?) LOL

Brian4fun...thank you.

Mojo...nice graphic.

Wayward...what's TIOMFT?
  • Paven
  • 03-28-2011, 06:15 AM
I like the anonymity of the Like button when I rarely choose to use it .
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ive never paid attention to it ...till NOW ...thanks Tia !! lol
I do LIKE you though !! XOXOXXO
Wayward's Avatar
41 users liked the original post....

TIoMFT is ymwv.net or The Island of Misfit Toys
Can you make it possible so that someone can NOT "like" their own post? Originally Posted by tia travels
Good Idea....
MacTheKnife's Avatar
And someone with a view other than just the fact that "I don't like it."

I've started to enjoy the use of the LIKE button a lot more lately.

Here are some ways.

Provider Ads.
I cannot reply to a provider ad but I do LIKE them when I see one that grabs my attention. If guys would LIKE the ads they enjoy and other providers begin to notice that a lot of a providers are getting them, that is an informal feedback that they may want to change their own ad format. Since their is no Dislike, this is just a small step.

There are many reviews that I read and don't feel a need to comment with things like "Great review" or a thanks but I do enjoy giving the feedback by using the LIKE button. Providers cannot reply to reviews but I am sure they can LIKE their own reviews. It doesn't bump it or do anything else but if a review writer sees he is getting a good number of LIKEs on a review, that may encourage him to write more or to encourage others to write more and it has a small chance where guys who bump reviews to say good job can simply LIKE them to show they appreciate the time it took the poster for a good job.

Coed Threads.
Like reviews, many times I may not care to reply for whatever reason, either to a thread, or even better, a perfect reply especially when some smart-ass gets his/her ass handed to them by someone else. The LIKE button allows me to show I appreciate the post when I don't have anything to really add but want to show my "support" for a view or opinion.

How many others have been using the LIKE feature for the same reasons?

FYI. You can only LIKE a post one time, it will not count multiple times from the same handle. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Mariah Moore's Avatar
Is this thread really about the ''Like" button?