Coercion & grooming an intern for pussy: Foul or Acceptable?

pyramider's Avatar
BOQs are different than sexually harassing an intern.
algrace's Avatar
...has worked for many years to make sure that underprivileged black folks in the hood had equal access to some apple tree.

Bill suggests to Tom that because it is so hard for black students to get internships with those who are high up in the apple tree planting field, he should go to the local HBCU (for y'all that don't know, HBCU stands for Historically Black Colleges & Universities) and seek out a young black college student who is majoring in apple tree planting and offer her an unpaid internship & proceed to groom her into giving up some ass.

Is this suggestion foul or acceptable? Originally Posted by ArisRose
Reminds me of many adult film story lines about casting, audition, tryout, interview, etc. If Tom is waiting to get 'free' pussy until hiring an intern, there is room to become even more foul.

Once the intern knows Tom wants her to do something that is against her scruples she has the choice to weigh potential risks as severe as being blackballed from the industry in which Tom has so much influence, or on the other end of the spectrum, after the intern is hired, she may attempt to make the most of it.

How generous can Tom be? Have more ideas of what you want out of your internship? Make him feel like he thought of it.

Who is exploiting whom? After all, both receive benefit from the other. It is the perception of each that creates inequity, if any. The wrench in the works is Bill's feedback.

Find the good. Play the game well and be safe, miss.
RochBob's Avatar
Based on the changes that have taken place both in Society and Legally in the Workplace over the last 40 Years (Anti-discrimination Laws, Sexual Harassment Laws, etc.). This kind of behavior is way out of line. If "Tom" has some kind of "Mad Men" fantasy regarding the treatment of an fellow Employee or subordinate. He had better not act on it. The net result (unless there is some kind of mutual attraction and then maybe) will most likely be some type of Legal action against him. Now having said this. I still run into people (Male & Female) that despite this still behave like its pre-1970 and do not behave appropriately in the modern workplace.
Wakeup's Avatar
It's not sexual harassment if the dude is fine. Originally Posted by ArisRose
awl4knot's Avatar
So the exploitation of young black women is still acceptable to some folks? But, affluent white boys, just out of a distinguished Catholic high school, sing songs about keeping Blacks out of fraternities. Who could even imagine that such songs exist?

And BTW, there is a second trap that no one has spoken about, the myth of the unpaid intern. If the intern does the regular work of the business, he/she gets paid. Internships are not supposed to be a gussied up form of uncompensated labor.
Solitaire's Avatar
There are two different things being suggested in that poll... and everyone seems to be glossing over one of them.

We are so conditioned to blindly react to trigger words like "minority" and "black". The person's race in this scenario is a moot point... it's inherent rightness or wrongness wouldn't matter regardless of the race of either participant.

What concerns me most is using the words "coerce" and "intern" in the same scenario, as though they somehow fit together. They DO NOT. If she is there by coercion, then she is a "slave", NOT an intern.

"Grooming" is somewhat ok, but creepy. Other terms of "training", "offering an opportunity", "offering an incentive" could also fit the intern scenario.

If she is choosing this arrangement of her own free will, then it is acceptable. If she is coerced, and has little viable choice in the matter, then it is foul. This poll muddies those waters and imo, is invalid.
FoulRon's Avatar
Solitaire, I think you might have slightly misread the question. She's not been coerced to be there, only to have sex. At least that's how I read it:
Hire good looking, desirable young lady at interns wages, with intent to attempt to bone her.
Get her in and doing some work, could be useful, could be getting coffee and filing.
Try befriending her to see if you can get in her pants.
If not, coerce her somehow, e.g. threaten to give a bad review, etc. you know the old sexual harassment techniques.

At least that's how I read it, and that's what I used as the basis of my answer.
Utterly deplorable.
  • CS25
  • 03-26-2015, 02:03 PM
Once again SA Angel has a well thought-out, cogent response and looks at the possible situation as it develops. Superb answer.

You can try to coerce someone to have sex but you cannot force it without crossing a line. Tom can select someone he thinks will ultimately sleep with him but there is no sure thing or guarantee. And his friend Bill may play the in-between trying to convince the intern but again no guarantee. That is why SA Angel's response is on point. Somewhere for the sex to happen she will have to agree to do so and there would need to be a payoff of some sort...sugar daddy arrangement, full time job offer, whatever.