Its 7:30 so

bobmidnight's Avatar
Doove still thinks this has something to do with Confederate statues. That's cute.
alot easier than actually showing up, on TIME

to tear down the statue

the joker wouldn't be a whiney puss

its still up
Next Best Thing's Avatar
N gets it!
Your trump twink scumbag brigade at it's highly organized best...
Originally Posted by Zollner
Z you're a fun guy but it looks like it's gotten to the point that you've become unable to communicate unless you're posting cartoons that you found on homosexual-oriented left wing propaganda websites.

Isn't twitter mostly for moronic democrat party ideologues, lesbians (including male lesbians), and generally unhappy misfits?

Why do you insist on identifying with these people.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-27-2020, 08:07 AM
Why are you identifying with these people. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Because he's not an incel?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Because he's not an incel? Originally Posted by Doove
Doove is this what you're resorting to.

You don't know me and have no idea how able or unable I am to get pussy.

On the other hand, anyone can tell by your posting style that you would prefer to be a woman because you strongly identify with feminine and gay male issues, like most moronic democrats.

On top of it how do you know whether or not Z is an incel?

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-27-2020, 08:40 AM
You don't know me and have no idea how able or unable I am to get pussy. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Oh, i think your bitterness towards women, particularly those who charge you for the experience makes it pretty obvious.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Oh, i think your bitterness towards women, particularly those who charge you for the experience makes it pretty obvious. Originally Posted by Doove
So you consider whores who fuck for money the same thing as women?

I guess technically.

But what would that have to do with being an incel? An incel is someone who wants pussy but can't get it. Because I have not lost the plot and don't believe that prostitutes dictate terms to paying customers this means I can't get pussy? Pretty scatterbrained, doofus logic.

You can clarify if you want.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-27-2020, 10:14 AM
So you consider whores who fuck for money the same thing as women? Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Case in point.

You can clarify if you want.
I don't see a need. But thanks for the offer.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Case in point.

I don't see a need. But thanks for the offer. Originally Posted by Doove

I really don't care what you think anyway, was just pointing out how you can't sustain one of your standard, silly, basic non-points.

Not submitting to the will and the whim of troubled prostitutes = incel. Moronic.

Thanks for confirming again.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

do you ever agree with anything ? or anyone?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-27-2020, 12:27 PM
Not submitting to the will and the whim of troubled prostitutes = incel. Moronic. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
And i have little doubt that's how you actually view your bitter, misogynistic commentary.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-27-2020, 12:29 PM

do you ever agree with anything ? or anyone? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Sure. But what's the point of responding to something or someone you agree with?
lilylivered's Avatar
Sure. But what's the point of responding to something or someone you agree with? Originally Posted by Doove
I agree : )
An incel is someone who wants pussy but can't get it.. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

thanks I thought it had to do with the Taliban

who incidently have no problem attracting women sexually,

they act confident , masculine and thus

take the proper role that makes the natural sexual attraction arise out of the female

their politics and terrorist tendencies I totally disagree with though
OH and NBT dovers a lefty , politics is the religion and the tactics don't change

calling guys mysogenist and the like is his attempt at putting you, me , whoever on defense

who the fuck cares , its not like this guy is going to introduce me to anyone cute with a great personality

that s going to change my life in any way

and this being a hooker board , I can easily be screened out of the equation , I want the girl that is centered on the financial transaction

the best part is getting him on the white night horse

trying to take some misguided high road to probably attempt to gain favor with hookers

who by that alone gains nothing but contempt from women cause it is a guy heading into the friend zone with the women real or bought cause

that will kill any natural sexual desire from said females

which is deadly with an actual real life girl and will just put you in a horrible side of the equation with the hook