Earn $13,000 a year selling your feces

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Im not on the gub'mint tit you liberal retard. I am a hard line conservative. Folks like me pave the way and pay the bills for swine like you fuck face !
Now hi-jack that you spermacidal manaic ! Originally Posted by rioseco

"Spermacidal manaic (sic)?"

Thus spake the Great Cornholio, another taker who melts down through his BUNGHOLE!

rioseco's Avatar
"Spermacidal manaic (sic)?"

Thus spake the Great Cornholio, another taker who melts down through his BUNGHOLE!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Who here has the bung/corn hole fixiation ?
Word of caution :
If you pick Yssup, he will blow you before he can throw you !