P411 keeps going up

Basic economics - Just like the other hookers. She gets to set the price wherever she wants. If she increases the price 15.5% and does not lose 15.5% of her customers...she wins.

That's what makes our country great! And Canada benefits!
2wheels2fun's Avatar
A lifetime subscription is currently $600. That's the equivalent of 2 appointments, or four years worth of annual subscriptions. Up front, it looks high. In the long run, not so much especially for someone who travels frequently. I'm thinking about ponying up for it myself as I've been thinking about traveling specifically to hobby as I'm getting increasingly concerned about hobbying at home.
what happened to Date-Check? is that gone?
jeez I am so out of the loop now!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Could be worse. Top 10 placement in Dallas on P411 is the single most expensive mainstream escort advertisement out there. Its almost double the cost of a VIP ad on Eros.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-15-2017, 09:38 PM
what happened to Date-Check? is that gone?
jeez I am so out of the loop now! Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS
It seems they were sold. The new owners decided to show no loyalty to people who had been members for years, did not honor lifetime memberships bought from the previous owners, did not respond civilly to client requests, and tried to charge for the priviledge of dealing with them.

Then, aftet chasing off a lot of guys--and I assume ladies as well--they seem to have gotten afoul of some legal issues.

4ariel's Avatar
My rates are actually lower on p411 with the discount. Its not a real discount if it makes it your same rate lol
Charlie Drake's Avatar
If you don't like the price....or the value for the money....or the ease of us....or the quality of the service....or whatever the reason you would use to subscribe or not....then don't spend the money. Complaining is just that, complaining.
joesmo888's Avatar
Total bullshit. P411 has a rule that providers cannot post a higher rate on P411 than they do anywhere else. That's BEFORE any P411 discount. If it is discovered that a provider charges higher on P411 than elsewhere, a flurry of communications happens and the provider rate on P411 magically drops. I personally have seen this outcome within a matter of hours from time of notice to P411. Originally Posted by Bobave
there has to be some sort of loophole to the rule. because if you look at my local board on another site the rates are way lower than P411.

i've actually message providers about this and they have acted confused and told me that the rate on their account is wrong playing stupid. we are talking a solid $20-60 difference

some of you do not have local forums so the point is moot. but for those of us who do have them you are way better off building cred on those sites vs. wasting money and time on p411
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-18-2017, 03:17 PM
some of you do not have local forums so the point is moot. but for those of us who do have them you are way better off building cred on those sites vs. wasting money and time on p411 Originally Posted by joesmo888
That certainly works for some folks, but it also depends upon how active the "local board" is, who is on it, and how often one travels.

It also depends upon what the particular ladies you wish to see accept for screening--I have had almost none who are on P411 refuse to accept P411 as adequate.

P411 is a tool. As with all tools they are good in some situations--less good in others.
Wakeup's Avatar
there has to be some sort of loophole to the rule. because if you look at my local board on another site the rates are way lower than P411. Originally Posted by joesmo888
Report them to Gina...they'll have to lower their rates or lose membership...
taint so
Wakeup's Avatar
Gina says it's so...

From P411 notices:
07.08.2013 - Rate Discrepancies

Some of you are charging more on P411 than you are charging on other sites, which is against P411 policy and could result in the loss of your account.

Please always ensure that P411 clients are getting the best rate you offer, otherwise you will be considered to be charging P411 clients a premium, which is not permitted. Your P411 account is free and charging P411 clients more than clients who find you via other avenues is not an option. This is stated in the Terms & Conditions that you agreed to when signing up.

If you are charging more on P411 than elsewhere, please update your rates immediately.

If you are a provider who would like to earn some extra points, please direct us to providers who are charging P411 clients more than their other clients!
plainjoe's Avatar
I too am glad that I purchased a LIFE membership a few years ago and I chose wisely as Old-T described what happened to Date Check. P411 eventually pays for itself when ladies offer discounts; makes meeting new ladies when traveling or when they travel to your area easier. I would describe P411 like the TSA Pre. Yes, you pay a bit for the program, but it sure makes traveling a lot easier.
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
if is worth it....
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-19-2017, 09:08 PM
Veronica, you remain one of the prettiest ladies anywhere. Thank you for the lovely avatar.