Mans grooming

Shackle's Avatar
Any change is the landscape will surely raise questions at home unless the change is suggested by you're SO.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
lol 1CG, there are many Spa and Beauty Salons that cater to men and waxing, You just have to ask or google it, Hell this is Houston baby I think you can get just about anything you crave done to ya here.........Including me sucking your Cock.......YUM!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I have asked many men how they get away with the clean look and most say they shave and keep it clean for hygiene and even more so in the No on likes sweaty balls,,,,even the SO
Been grooming what I can for going on a year now and no one has said a word about it...not even the SO. Oh,'s been at least that long since she has come anywhere close to that area LOL. I love to have the starfish played with and would like to make that area "more presentable" for the ladies that like to play in that area, but that is impossible (for me anyway) to self groom. Oh, well...maybe some day.

Doc I'm not hairy either but I do tend to get lax with what I have growing...I needed to put that on my New Years resolution...I know more than once a provider has commented on how much they appreciate the extra grooming...and it does have it's perks... Originally Posted by cumalot
I'm a man and I get waxed regularly (monthly or so). It doesn't hurt nearly as much as you think it will and I'm not saying that because I'm into pain or think of myself as tough. It only hurts for a split second and if you take some anti-inflammatory meds (ibuprofen) about an hour before you won't get any swelling... but even if you don't it's minimal.

A few tips: Get an experienced waxer. Make sure they've done men before. Also, make sure they use HARD wax. The soft wax (that is used for eyebrows) will rip the skin off your balls and THAT will hurt for a couple days... sadly I know this from experience. Also, you generally need to have about 4 weeks of growth so the wax has something to hold on to... if you regularly shave, let it grow for a month.

The result is fantastic. No ingrown hairs. The hair that grows back is new hair, not stubble, so it's soft and fine. Also, the girl I see regularly LOVES it. My wife loves it. I talked her into it too and now she doesn't go without for more than a few weeks.

I generally don't like hair on me or my partner, and that's what keeps me going back.
lol 1CG, there are many Spa and Beauty Salons that cater to men and waxing, You just have to ask or google it, Hell this is Houston baby I think you can get just about anything you crave done to ya here.........Including me sucking your Cock.......YUM! Originally Posted by Ms. Athena

Sounds like you might have hit on a new business opportunity....male grooming with a happy ending...
actionjackson647's Avatar
what about if your hairy all over? a clean shaven area would look weird in that case.
A relevant question that I forgot to ask. How much does it cost, generally speaking, to get a wax job? I am curious to try it at least once to see how it goes. I wanted a ball park number so I can be sure I won't get ripped off when I ask about it.
Another question that I forgot to ask, has anyone tried depillatories for men on this area? Do any of them work? Any downsides to them?
stickitinyou's Avatar
I have been shaving the whole area for about 2 years and the few ladies I have seen are somewhat pleasantly surprised it seems. I also like the feel and extra sensitivity.
7071949597.I would NEVER turn you away if you came to see me hairy!![Or any man for that}

I just stated my prefernce Originally Posted by DallasRain
I appreciate this, DRain. I'd personally like to go smooth, but I'm trying to figure out how to do so while staying off my SO's radar.

And I do recall seeing ads for waxing places in Dallas for "Men's Brazilian" wax jobs. Figure just check CL or BP for something similar--I know they're out there.
I think it'd be some awesome foreplay if the woman restrained me and then gently shaved me bare wherever she intended to touch with her silky tongue and hot mouth. I can see being hard and ready for that kind of shave job...then the other kind of job PLEASE!!!
lol 1CG, there are many Spa and Beauty Salons that cater to men and waxing, You just have to ask or google it, Hell this is Houston baby I think you can get just about anything you crave done to ya here.........Including me sucking your Cock.......YUM! Originally Posted by Ms. Athena way in HELL am I going to have my hairs ripped off my scrotum via a wax job! You wanna see a cock retreat like a firghtened turtle just try and do that with me!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
lol Poor txcwby6, I by no means would be doing to waxing, I would be the one doing the kissing and licking to make it feel all better once your all done....I do love to kiss it and make it feel all better...............YUM!
To answer a couple questions, I've paid anywhere between $60-$100 to get a male Brazilian. You just need to call reputable spas and ask if they do it. Make sure you ask about the hard wax - try to talk directly to the aesthetician. Waxers generally have a certificate as aestheticians - which is a general term for someone who does beauty related things.

Some start you out doggy style and do your backside and scrotum first. Others have you lay on your back the whole time and then lay on your side and get your backside by having you hold your ass cheek open. Some waxers are a bit more modest and some aren't. Some have just grabbed my cock and balls and go for it, others prefer that I hold things out of the way. State laws in some areas may also dictate what they are and are not legally able to touch.

And seriously, about the pain... as soon as you're done you'll be like "that was it?" And you'll be insanely smooth. The smoothness lasts about a week, then you'll start to see some fine hairs grow back. Exfoliate often, with a loofa or something to avoid ingrown hairs, but in general, they are far less than when I have shaved. Also, no razor burn or cuts. Ever cut your balls with a razor? It stings for hours.

Anyway, you can tell I advocate this. Having shaved, gone natural and waxed, waxing is by far my preferred mode.