Bitten Beating Down Putin

When the Russians decided to humiliate the Americans in Syria, and attempted to take over oilfields held by American supported groups there(with an American presence), Trump told the commanders to do whatever they needed to do.

The commanders informed the Russians that they were present, and they must stop. The Russians said "its not us". The Commanders knew they were lying. So they killed them. en mass. With Trump's approval.

As a consequence, nothing like that happened again.

Do you think the Russians are calculating that Biden won't engage?


Are we in grave danger because Biden will engage stupidly.


Was this situation completely forseeable?


Was this largely a product of the Democrat's(specifically Hillary's) attempt at overthrowing our form of government(The attempted deposing of Trump)


Will the hate-filled race-baiting bigotted fascist thugs(Democrats) ever learn that the consequences of their actions inevitably leads to mass destruction?

Precious_b's Avatar
When the Russians decided to humiliate the Americans in Syria, and attempted to take over oilfields held by American supported groups there(with an American presence), Trump told the commanders to do whatever they needed to do.

The commanders informed the Russians that they were present, and they must stop. The Russians said "its not us". The Commanders knew they were lying. So they killed them. en mass. With Trump's approval.

As a consequence, nothing like that happened again.

Do you think the Russians are calculating that Biden won't engage?


Are we in grave danger because Biden will engage stupidly.


Was this situation completely forseeable?


Was this largely a product of the Democrat's(specifically Hillary's) attempt at overthrowing our form of government(The attempted deposing of Trump)


Will the hate-filled race-baiting bigotted fascist thugs(Democrats) ever learn that the consequences of their actions inevitably leads to mass destruction?

No Originally Posted by kehaar
Hell, they've been moving oil there during every conflict.
Even with our approval. Have a Syrian friend who called it during the Gulf conflict. Lo and behold he was right. Was the enemy doing it too. Why that shit going on under our nose?

Whenever there is a conflict, there will always be a cost. No matter who does or the results of said calculations are. You don't fall in mud without any sticking to you.
HedonistForever's Avatar

Ukraine crisis highlights German dependence on Russian oil

Germany has become dependent on Russia for much of its energy sector needs

Stefanie Babst, a former senior NATO official, also claimed in an article for the German Council on Foreign Relations this month that there was little appetite in Germany to sanction the pipeline.

"A considerable part of the public thinks that Russia should be granted an exclusive zone of influence in exchange for keeping up gas supplies," Babst wrote.
Germany has become dependent on Russia for much of its energy sector needs.

According to the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA), Germany received 34% of its crude oil needs from Russia in 2021 during the months of January through October. It also received 53% of its hard coal needed to fuel German power generators and steelmakers, from its northern neighbor last year, reported Reuters.
"Berlin’s reliance on Russian energy sources is too high, and it leads us to these unfortunate situations where Germany may not be as on board with what most of the other members of the alliance are willing to impose on Russia," President of Institute of World Politics and former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, James Anderson, told Fox News Digital.
Though it’s not only Germany that is reliant on Russian oil.
The European Union reported that in the second quarter of 2021 Russia was the top gas supplier to Europe, pumping in 42% of the continent’s gas imports.

So raise your hands if you think Germany is going to go along with crushing sanctions that could do great harm to Russia. What will be more important to Germany, NATO or Russia who cause them to freeze to death and have little energy for their industries if they cross Russia.

Anybody think Putin hasn't put that very real scenario into his calculations? And what happens to Joe Biden if NATO comes apart under his watch after telling the American people to elect him because he could do a better job keeping NATO together better than Trump who got them all to pony up more money for NATO.

This will be the final nail in Joe Biden's coffin ( as if there aren't enough nails in that coffin yet ) if he fucks this up like he did Afghanistan when some NATO member's began to wonder if this US President could be trusted to lead NATO.
We made fun of Trump when it looked like he was playing lapdog to Vladimir Putin. But Trump actually may have been playing him like a fiddle. The pundits are saying Putin right now is reacting to humiliation of Russia after the FSU and Warsaw Pact broke apart, and wants some respect. Trump gave him respect. Paying respect to autocrats with words doesn't cost money or lives. Admittedly paying respect with deeds like Neville Chamberlin did can backfire though.

What it looks like now is that Russia will do what it wants, and we'll look powerless. That doesn't serve the USA's best interests, and, as LexusLover said, may be an invitation to China to invade Taiwan. Originally Posted by Tiny
It seems like everyone around the world...except for Americans...know that the United States is a world power in decline. I don't think the reaction to this crisis is going to affect how China treats Taiwan one bit.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Come on guys, the Donetsk People's Republic (and the much smaller Lugansk People's Republic) simply want independence from Ukraine.
This has nothing to do with the situation that it's a heavy coal mining energy production region, that numerous citizens have applied for Russian passports, there's quite a bit of ocean frontage on the Azov Sea, that there's several transnat oil/gas pipelines, and a few major oil fields in the Luhansk area.
and, they even have their own government (sort of):

So why would anyone think there's a war, economic or otherwise?


Btw, Kiev should not have stopped paying governmental salaries.
Precious_b's Avatar

Ukraine crisis highlights German dependence on Russian oil

Germany has become dependent on Russia for much of its energy sector needs

So raise your hands if you think Germany is going to go along with crushing sanctions that could do great harm to Russia. What will be more important to Germany, NATO or Russia who cause them to freeze to death and have little energy for their industries if they cross Russia.

Anybody think Putin hasn't put that very real scenario into his calculations? And what happens to Joe Biden if NATO comes apart under his watch after telling the American people to elect him because he could do a better job keeping NATO together better than Trump who got them all to pony up more money for NATO.

This will be the final nail in Joe Biden's coffin ( as if there aren't enough nails in that coffin yet ) if he fucks this up like he did Afghanistan when some NATO member's began to wonder if this US President could be trusted to lead NATO.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Putting WWII in the past, you'd think the Ruskies would remember what the Germans did for them with the fall of the Wall and such. That country has bankrolled alot of developments in Europe.

They do have coal resources but want to go a greener route. Once all the hoopla with nuclear dies down they'll probably fire up the reactors. Damn, when reliable fusion becomes a reality, alot of petroleum business is gonna have to deal with cheap power.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Putting WWII in the past, you'd think the Ruskies would remember what the Germans did for them with the fall of the Wall and such. That country has bankrolled alot of developments in Europe.

They do have coal resources but want to go a greener route. Once all the hoopla with nuclear dies down they'll probably fire up the reactors. Damn, when reliable fusion becomes a reality, alot of petroleum business is gonna have to deal with cheap power. Originally Posted by Precious_b

the Germans shouldn't have shutdown their reactors to begin with. at the least they should have kept them online while trying to build out wind and solar. but the truth is many nations aren't in good zones for solar and/or wind power. i doubt Germany can go all green even if they paved half the county in solar panels.

a few years back France tested solar powered roads .. yes roads. the "idea" was to use existing highways to generate solar power by putting panels on them.

of course it failed. bahahahaahaaaa idiots.

France’s solar roadway experiment has failed

After nearly three years of use, Normandy’s photovoltaic highway is delivering disappointing results

Solar power highways are hitting a roadblock. Nearly three years after France built a 0.6-mile stretch of photovoltaic road in Normandy, the government is deeming it a disappointing experiment.

In 2016, France announced its bold plan to “pave” 1,000 kilometers (around 620 miles) with photovoltaic panels, which would generate 790kWh per day. When completed, the road was supposed to power up to 5 million homes. But that first 0.6-mile stretch, which engineers had originally estimated would power up to 5,000 homes, hasn’t lived up to expectations.

After installation, it was clear that the panels produced by the manufacturer Wattway couldn’t hold up under the wear and tear of highway traffic. According to Global Construction Review, “the 2,800 square meters of solar panels have degraded, peeled away and splintered, and 100m of them have been removed after being declared too damaged to repair.”

The report claims that engineers didn’t account for the natural deterioration caused by thunderstorms, leaf mold, and heavy trucks and tractors that would be regularly using the road. At its peak, the road only generated 149,459 kWh in a year, making them far less efficient than regular tilted solar panels.

The outcome, while disappointing, isn’t necessarily surprising. Experts have lobbed skepticism at the glitzy promise of solar roadways since they were first announced. Other experiments in the realm have gone similarly awry. In China, one six-foot panel of a 0.6-mile solar highway was stolen, prompting the government to abandon the project. In Missouri, where the company Solar Roadways was meant to test a small patch of sidewalk at a rest stop along Route 66, negotiations between the Department of Transportation and the company broke down.

What does this mean for the future of energy generating roads? It’s safe to assume companies will continue exploring experimental roadways—they might just have to temper their expectations.
Precious_b's Avatar
I can't remember when they feathered the nuclear plants. Probably around the time the japanese one was knocked out by the tidal wave. Got everyone to thinking. I'm sure they'll come around again, like other places that shut down their plants, when they install further safeties. *I* think the japanese failure was a fluke that could be prevented today.

I've heard about the solar roads. Maybe a Tesla thing, can't remember. Neat thing with them was they could have all kinds of road marking built into them so as you could like the road to be one way, two way, walk way, etc. Liked the idea. Too bad it didn't work out in France. Didn't read your article links to see why they failed.
HedonistForever's Avatar
It seems like everyone around the world...except for Americans...know that the United States is a world power in decline. I don't think the reaction to this crisis is going to affect how China treats Taiwan one bit. Originally Posted by SecretE

China will move on Taiwan, it's just a matter of timing at this point.
They surely may do it on the SAME DAY that Russia
invades Ukraine.

Why wouldn't they? ... BOTH countrys there own Biden.
And they understand that he's "all talk and no cock"...

Actually, garbled talk and limp cock. .. And they know it.

This invasion piss surely wouldn't happen if Trump
was still on... 'Cause Trump wasn't "all talk and no cock"...

That's for sure - Trump is Loud Talk and a Big Prick!
And everybody knows it!

#### Salty
Oilrig's Avatar
Germany blocks transfer of weapons to Ukraine

  • Tiny
  • 01-26-2022, 07:19 AM
China will move on Taiwan, it's just a matter of timing at this point. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Taiwan manufactures high end chips we buy. As such it has strategic value. I’m the biggest free trader on here, but believe our leaders fucked up not pushing semiconductor companies to locate more capacity in North America. Rare earth elements are in the same category, although China already has a monopoly on those — they don’t need to invade Taiwan.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They surely may do it on the SAME DAY that Russia
invades Ukraine.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
HedonistForever's Avatar
Taiwan manufactures high end chips we buy. As such it has strategic value. I’m the biggest free trader on here, but believe our leaders fucked up not pushing semiconductor companies to locate more capacity in North America. Rare earth elements are in the same category, although China already has a monopoly on those — they don’t need to invade Taiwan. Originally Posted by Tiny

So perhaps instead of spending billions to protect Taiwan, we spend billions on bringing "strategic" manufacturing back to the US. IF China wants Taiwan and it sure sounds like they do, there is literally nothing we could do to stop them and all those billions will have been wasted and we are even more at the mercy of China.

How did we get in this fucking mess?

Taiwan AGAIN ( other than the manufacturing of chips ) serves no strategic interest to America. Taiwan is occupied by China, does that change the balance of power in any way?

We need one plan going forward. All things of strategic importance must be manufactured in America regardless of the cost, period. Of course we will continue to speak out about human rights and do what we can but we can not go to war over human rights in far away countries. I hate to say that but I'm speaking MY truth here.
Ducbutter's Avatar
they already lost it. in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR. many vassal states broke away and declared independence including Ukraine.

some decided to join the new Russian Federation. not Ukraine among others. of course Putin wants to get Ukraine back. but unless Ukraine which has a strong independent streak voluntarily decides to join the Federation then invading is the only way that happens ... and if Russia wins. that's not a guaranteed as it once was.

does anyone here realize what Putin really wants?

he wants the U.S. out of Europe and NATO. and we should be out of NATO after the fall of the USSR. at the end of WWII, NATO to counter the Soviet Union while all of western Europe was in ruins was needed. that need ended decades ago. and we should have left a long time ago.

who said this ..

"There is no reason for the American taxpayers, in the face of our own substantial deficit, to continue to subsidize Germany, France, England, Norway, Belgium and other prosperous European democracies."

and this ..

"If in 10 years, all American troops stationed in Europe for national defense purposes have not been returned to the United States, then this whole project will have failed."

this ..

“Turkey even gets to renegotiate (NATO) base rights every year. I don't know what genius negotiated that deal, but every year we give Turkey the option to shoot at our feet and say, 'Tap-dance, Uncle Sam!’ ... As long as (our NATO allies) can get one more bite out of the apple, nobody is going to voluntarily say, 'We will pay more money.’ ”

all these statements must be that Evil Donald Trump railing against NATO, right???

you'd be wrong.

the answers will surprise you. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Barney Frank. Sorry to steal your thunder. Okay, that's a lie. Ha!
For the most part, Frank's quotes come under the heading of a blind squirrel finding a nut. Though, I'm told he was pretty good at finding nuts.