This ones for the Ladies...What is the best part about being a provider?

Oh my goodness providing as shown me so much, hands down one the best things i could have ever done. I am super shy, and having men i would not even dreamed of stuttering the word hello to, wanted to spend with me. It has been an eye opener. I really love when the guys come over a session and then we chat later on yahoo, and the session doesn't come up well maybe a little, but you know the pressure is off and we talk about everything there is to talk about. It some genuine people in the hobby and i am so happy to have met them.

And im not going to forget the ladies, the ladies have been more than supportive and gracious. All in the name of hobbying.
WOW, what don't I like about being a provider??? Most that have seen me, know that I see this as my cake & eating it too......I get all the things I need, My attention, my conversation, my sexual needs taken care of, and bills being paid....without having to answer to a BF, asking who I'm with, where I'm going, what time will I be back. Just getting what him & I need and him going back home to his wife, LOL!!!
I love everything about it!!! The feeling sexxy is one... I like getting naked. The kissing. All of it, gives me these chills thru my body that make me feel good. I like being the mistress type... we both know what we want and we get it...

WOW! What started out as fullfilling a fantasy, has turned into something much BIGGER. If I can make a difference in just one persons life, however that is, then it makes it even that much better.
Kendra Hart's Avatar
I love meeting new people. I love the possibility of learning something new from a wonderful gentleman. I'm so turned on by a smart guy with a personality and a sense of humor. I cant leave out that I love seeing the look on his face when we climax together.
Personally I like the sex, kissing, meeting people, and everything else that comes with it. Who knows, I may learn some new things I don't know.
berkleigh's Avatar
well hell, no one really said it but Carly ......

The MONEY .......DUH!

lol! Ha!

You know I love you guys!

I gotta be honest jeez! You guys aren't stupid!
johnnybax's Avatar
lol only one person said money
Well, the money is nice but I do quite well with just my regular massage business. THAT part is NOT being a provider but it's still decent money. The money is good enough to allow me to work part time and take care of my family needs.

The PROVIDER part is icing on the cake! I get to spend decent quality time with decent quality gentlemen. I get to have intelligent conversations and learn about all sorts of different and interesting things. I get pampered as well as get TO pamper and well, it's just all good!

Most would think that money is the obvious answer but (TO ME) NO money is worth it if I am miserable and not enjoying myself. But that is just me. Believe it or not. I think that anyone who really knows me would know this...
I have always been a people watcher. I love seeing people, what they do, how they act, etc...

I am young, and I have lived a pretty limited life, and I learn so much from the men I meet. Most of them have lived such interesting lives, and I love hearing about that.

I am also new to the area, so it's a great way to feel connected.
WOW, what don't I like about being a provider??? Most that have seen me, know that I see this as my cake & eating it too......I get all the things I need, My attention, my conversation, my sexual needs taken care of, and bills being paid....without having to answer to a BF, asking who I'm with, where I'm going, what time will I be back. Just getting what him & I need and him going back home to his wife, LOL!!!

That's quite interesting that this post would be put up by Carly or even Alissa, who is now on the pic, considering it has been found that they both have the same pimp. They masy not have a boyfriend to answer to, but they have a pimp to answer to.
Very Interesting.........hmmmmmmmmm mmmm
LMAO, just curious.....its really funny how all your posts are pertaining to me and Alissa...seems to me your the same person that just got banned a week or so ago for the same stuff your doing right now. My reputation speaks for its self. You have been a member here for how long??? And majority of your posts are about me??? WOW, seems to me you need to get a life, seriously!!! You or your posts have no credibility....sorry babe. Maybe you should find someone else to trigger on. You are fairly new to this site and your already starting drama.....I'm a well known, well respected provider...thats no question. I'm not worried about you trying to come on here and spread lies about me or any lady that works with me. You know they have soap oprahs on tv for this type of stuff. Anyhow, as I've already stated, my reputaion speaks for its self, so whatever your trying to do by all these lame, lying ass posts, its not going to work. Try actrally seeing a lady and doing a review, instead of just using this site to start drama about people you don't even know.
So... Inquiring minds want to know. What do you find most gratifying about being a provider??? I know that we all have to make a living, therefore, I'm not talking about money here. Originally Posted by LatexLover
I know you said you are not talking about money but is about the money first and foremost. Where else can I make this hourly rate? I like working for myself, my own hours. It affords me opportunities to travel and spend time with my family as opposed to punching a clock. I don't too much like people telling me what to do-I had enough of that in my military years lol.

But what can I say...I like being hunted. I get a thrill knowing a man seeks me out. It's an ego boost, ya know?
Judge Smails's Avatar
Good insight from some of the ladies. For some of us horndogs, there is nothing more sexy then a lady who is conversant, assertive, confident and knows what she wants.
I've been very fortunate to have met some of the nicest gentlemen ever. They make me feel sexy, respected, and appreciated.