I am concerned ....

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Now I said almost all cream for ECCIE. Well if you take milk right from the cow. Let it sit. The cream will rise to the top. Well not all providers here had a easy start. Some where skim and others whey before joining this and other fine boards. But learned a better way. What can be made of skim and whey. Well Yogurt is a fine and tasty treat for the guys that like it. So there is always hope for the ones that did not start as cream.

mmmm this mike shake I made is good, whole milk and icecream. I will have to have yogurt for lunch all week at work. To make up for this shake.

ps: I found my way to the old board from a provider. mmmmm So many guys did not start from a nice place like this also.
silverfox's Avatar
"Maybe they are trying to make ends meet"....now that's funny. I remember my church saying something like that 35 years ago...just before I walked out and never came back. Tax free living is not something I have one ounce of sympathy for. I'm a bit puzzled about the notion that unless a provider advertises on this or other "approved" media...that somehow its OUR fault? WTF..?...
Just to clarify... I am not pointing fingers of blame at anyone. And while it may not be our fault (or anyone's fault), I was just wondering if maybe there is something we can do to help.... if help is needed.

It seems the consensus is there is no help needed ... or if there is, there is nothing we can do about it.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
One can not run the life of another. If someone wants more work. And you see that the extra work, is to much form them. Well you can tell them what you think. But what they do is still up to that person. No matter how we feel for another we can not tell another how to run things. One can not tell another where or where not to put a ad. Or who or who not to see. If a provider did not want me to see another provider for my own good. Would she be right to take my hobby phone. No. Just like it would be wrong to take hers, thinking one can safe her from herself.

Its ok to tell some one what you think. But do not try to run things for them. To fall trying to get ahead is part of life.

ps: I apologize for the tone of this post. But not its meaning.
I agree with offshore completely. Although I firmly believe that our responsibility as human beings to help each other... not by telling them what to do or impossing your will on them ... but by creating opportunities, lending a hand, helping other people get to where they want to be in life.

And, if bringing more decent, respectful gentlemen into the fold would help, why wouldn't we. Or, if turning this site into more of a solid community, why wouldn't we?

Of course, as I say that, I realize that I live in the real world, and I understand that most of it is filled with assholes. And I am not necessarily excluding myself from that category.

And that is the other question. If something seems impossible, does that mean we shouldn't try?

However, I have hopes that this site is a rallying point for non-assholes. It is definitel;y the best option out there. And I have hope that this site can help transorm us assholes into better people.
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 05-10-2010, 09:33 AM
And I have hope that this site can help transorm us assholes into better people. Originally Posted by EasyWriter1967
Once you figure out how you can do that, please let the rest of us know.

Maybe then some people would come out of being UTR (Ladies & Gents)
FlyboyNY's Avatar
This is indeed an interesting thread. My only observation that I would like to throw out is that many of them are doing more advertising but my experience tells me that the girls from this board are not doing it for more work but to thin out there clientle. I emailed three of the girls that were coming to visit in the last month as soon as I saw the ad and by the time they got back to me they said they were booked. So either they are that busy (so they would not advertise on CL/BP) or they want to build a "closed" list of people that they want to see. Not sure which one. But I think it is the latter.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Well I came to the old board by word of mouth of a provider in Rochester. I came to this board by word of mouth(email) hobbyist from TX. The provider that told me about the other board was told by a hobbyist in another city in NY. Some find this site by luck. Some post alot, others not so much, and some just lurk even if they did join. Some are member of just one board others many. I can be found on 3(lurk 2 others). But do not start threads or post alot on the others. Did in the past. This is home now. Maybe for a long time or not. Others that have been on boards longer than I can tell you that is just how it is.

If you know a nice lady or gent that you want to join us. Tell them and maybe we just grew by one more.

cnym: like your post

This board was growing fast. Then something hit the fan on another. And this board grew realy realy fast. Looking at "Today's Registrations"it is still growing. Yet you can not make others post more or less. I am sure some would like me to post less. When I have done just that I have gotten PM's "hay are you ok".

ps: also you can not get a gent or provider to see more or fewer than they do. I think GP stated this in another way.

ps2:FlyboyNY: interesting observation. another good post
I keep forgetting that this is still a relatively young board. When I mention it other people, they look at me with a confused look on my face. Confused but intrigued.

Perhaps we should have a contest. We all pitch in $20, and the person who brings in the most active and new guys gets the pot to pass on and celebrate with his favorite provider. If we could get 25 people involved, we could raise $500, increase the eccie pool of quality hobbyists, and make one hobbyist and provider very happy.
Just to clarify... I am not pointing fingers of blame at anyone. And while it may not be our fault (or anyone's fault), I was just wondering if maybe there is something we can do to help.... if help is needed.

It seems the consensus is there is no help needed ... or if there is, there is nothing we can do about it. Originally Posted by EasyWriter1967
As one of my favorites, very favorites once said to me when I sincerely offered help:

"Just respond to my ads when I post them."

Simple to follow request for help. Anything more is as likely to backfire as it is to do good.
  • Chloe
  • 05-10-2010, 01:00 PM
Well I am illergic to milk but I am still a fan of licking up the cream!
"Maybe they are trying to make ends meet"....now that's funny. I remember my church saying something like that 35 years ago...just before I walked out and never came back. Tax free living is not something I have one ounce of sympathy for. I'm a bit puzzled about the notion that unless a provider advertises on this or other "approved" media...that somehow its OUR fault? WTF..?... Originally Posted by silverfox
Careful, Silverfox...I think you'd be surprised to learn how many of the ladies pay taxes on every cent we earn.

You're right about this issue not being the hobbyist's fault, though. While EasyWriter may have good intentions, the idea of the hobbyists bringing new people onto this site makes me nervous. Hopefully I can adequately explain.

Let's say GP brings a couple of guys here. They might be newbies, and they might not be newbies. GP vouches for them because he knows that they are great guys, and providers see them. One of them harms a provider. Knowing how much he cares for the ladies, I think that this would be harmful to him. Heck, even if he didn't vouch for them, the knowledge that he provided the pathway for a harmful experience to occur would be awful for him. My point is that when you meddle with the provider's ability to take care of their own business, you shoulder some of the responsibility for bad things that happen as a result. This isn't fair to you guys.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 05-10-2010, 02:14 PM
Hey, listen to these 2 ladies right above me. They are both pretty darn smart!
China Doll, that makes perfect sense. But isn't that the risk you take everytime you see someone new? I am not suggesting anyone relax their screening process. In fact, just the opposite. I saw a well-reviewed eccie/BP provider this week, and there was no screening whatsoever. Frankly, I was scared for her. That is what started this whole thread. And a personal referral from a client you trust has got to be better than a CL/BP or random eccie or e.com connection, right?

Anyhow, I appreciate what you are saying. And it seems the best thing to do is let things be until someone asks for help.

And so far, none of the women who have engaged in this discussion seem to think it is necessary.

So, I will leave it at that. : )

And I just want to make one thing clear. By no means am I suggesting that the strong, intelligent, sincere women on this site do not have the capacity to take care of themselves. I respect and admire them for what they do and what they bring to my life. I am thankful in so many ways.

I have learned a lot from this thread. Thank you guys and girls.
Easywriter, I think you missed my point. I'm not saying that the ladies are more likely to get hurt this way. I'm saying that if a hobbyist were to refer someone, he would be partially responsible for any resulting harm to the provider. That's not a position I would want to see any of you gentlemen in.