Arizona Supreme Court abortion ban

What you are saying that as a society, we are sick. Our women are so self centered and full of themselves that they don’t want to know the truth about what abortion is.

Many great civilizations had practices that we now look upon as being aberrant The Egyptians interbred within the royal family’s until many maladies cropped up.
They didn’t know any better.

In 300 years, will our descendants look back at us and say…..”They killed their own off spring in the womb for convenience. They knew better”.

That might be a good definition of barbarism.
  • Tiny
  • 04-11-2024, 03:31 PM
Oh Democrats do the same thing. They tell people what to do. In fact they do it more than Republicans. Both Parties have an insatiable need to control something. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Absolutely! I suspect Vitaman watches too much MSNBC.

You have the human instinct of what is right and wrong for you and not for others. Many don’t like factory chicken farms but that doesn’t stop people eating chicken. Many vegetarian eaters don’t like the slaughter of cows but that doesn’t stop people from eating steak. Most people don’t like war and killing but that doesn’t mean people stop killing each other. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I don't want to pick on Jackie, but in general you bring up some interesting points. Is it more immoral to abort a human embryo or fetus in the first trimester or kill an adult frog? I'm not sure. And I eat frog legs. Biologically, the frog is a lot more complicated and better developed.

One thing that puzzles me is that many people who are strongly pro life (for example, no exception for rape or incest) also are in favor of the death penalty.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Absolutely! I suspect Vitaman watches too much MSNBC.

I don't want to pick on Jackie, but in general you bring up some interesting points. Is it more immoral to abort a human embryo or fetus in the first trimester or kill an adult frog? I'm not sure. And I eat frog legs. Biologically, the frog is a lot more complicated and better developed.

One thing that puzzles me is that many people who are strongly pro life (for example, no exception for rape or incest) also are in favor of the death penalty. Originally Posted by Tiny
I guess my point would be this: This situation is complex and not everyone agrees with each other. In this case the most common point of agreement is that after 20 to 24 weeks the fetus becomes a baby able to live outside the womb. After that time it should be illegal to kill the child unless the mother’s health is at risk. Rape and incest shouldn’t be a consideration if abortion before 24 weeks is available.
Absolutely! I suspect Vitaman watches too much MSNBC.

I don't want to pick on Jackie, but in general you bring up some interesting points. Is it more immoral to abort a human embryo or fetus in the first trimester or kill an adult frog? I'm not sure. And I eat frog legs. Biologically, the frog is a lot more complicated and better developed.

One thing that puzzles me is that many people who are strongly pro life (for example, no exception for rape or incest) also are in favor of the death penalty. Originally Posted by Tiny
Society has become less "Pro Life" We politicize things that destroy rather than the things that preserve, such as abortion and depopulation.
Levi,"Stage of development isn't a factor."
I suppose your opposed to the Pill then, unless it's an aspirin held firmly between the knees.
Levi,"Stage of development isn't a factor."
I suppose your opposed to the Pill then, unless it's an aspirin held firmly between the knees. Originally Posted by reddog1951
What's the difference the results are the same.
The point is, why can't Republicans leave other people alone that don't share their beliefs ? They go after others with their laws, using their religious zealots as a guiding light.

All people do not believe the same thing. Originally Posted by VitaMan
.... You're correct with yer last point there, Vita.

And don't you lads in the thread here understand
what's going on? ... It's NOT about banning Abortion.
It's about BOTH Repubs and Dems there over in Arizona
coming to a reasonable compromise on WHAT the
state Law should be.

... Perhaps a ban on Abortion after 15 weeks.
Perhaps exceptions for rape/incest or for the
direct health of the mother.

... Time for both partys there to surely sit down
and negotiate the issue.

... THAT is me-own view (and Trump's) on things.

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
.... You're correct with yer last point there, Vita.

And don't you lads in the thread here understand
what's going on? ... It's NOT about banning Abortion.
It's about BOTH Repubs and Dems there over in Arizona
coming to a reasonable compromise on WHAT the
state Law should be.

... Perhaps a ban on Abortion after 15 weeks.
Perhaps exceptions for rape/incest or for the
direct health of the mother.

... Time for both partys there to surely sit down
and negotiate the issue.

... THAT is me-own view (and Trump's) on things.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
There were two laws on the books. One with a 15 week ban and one with a total ban. The latter being passed in 1864 before arizona was even considered a state.

Democrats tried to repeal the 1864 law but were stymied by republican lawmakers.

Arizona’s state Republican leadership halted an effort by Democrats on Wednesday to repeal an 1864 law banning almost all abortions, which the state supreme court this week ruled could go into effect.

Would repealing the old law return the 15 week ban back into effect? Sounds to me like Republicans want to re litigate back to something more severe like they have in Texas or Florida .
Absolutely! I suspect Vitaman watches too much MSNBC.

One thing that puzzles me is that many people who are strongly pro life (for example, no exception for rape or incest) also are in favor of the death penalty. Originally Posted by Tiny

What is puzzling about someone wanting to protect the most innocent and punish the most vile?
Absolutely! I suspect Vitaman watches too much MSNBC.

I don't want to pick on Jackie, but in general you bring up some interesting points. Is it more immoral to abort a human embryo or fetus in the first trimester or kill an adult frog? I'm not sure. And I eat frog legs. Biologically, the frog is a lot more complicated and better developed.

One thing that puzzles me is that many people who are strongly pro life (for example, no exception for rape or incest) also are in favor of the death penalty. Originally Posted by Tiny
Can you be charged with murder for killing a Frog?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I would LOVE to hear a female perspective on this. Pity none will post here in Mos Eisley anymore. Our female colleagues of child bearing age have abandoned this forum.

Then again, maybe some of you boys might never get laid again.

This thread is about one state enforcing an abortion law from 1864, yet a couple only want to scream “baby killing.” And then in another thread, whine about government overreach.

No wonder these threads are all derailed and hijacked.
I would LOVE to hear a female perspective on this. Pity none will post here in Mos Eisley anymore. Our female colleagues of child bearing age have abandoned this forum.

Then again, maybe some of you boys might never get laid again.

This thread is about one state enforcing an abortion law from 1864, yet a couple only want to scream “baby killing.” And then in another thread, whine about government overreach.

No wonder these threads are all derailed and hijacked. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There would be some for and some against Abortion. What amazes me is most of the women who are pro Abortion nobody wants to fuck them anyway, lol.
VitaMan's Avatar
Pew poll found support for abortion increased with how much education a person has received
Pew poll found support for abortion increased with how much education a person has received Originally Posted by VitaMan
That's ironic because the most uneducated actually are the ones having Abortions, lol.
  • Tiny
  • 04-12-2024, 08:50 AM
I would LOVE to hear a female perspective on this. Pity none will post here in Mos Eisley anymore. Our female colleagues of child bearing age have abandoned this forum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A female relative of mine was a Trump fan. She's now a Democrat and will vote for Biden, and likely won't vote for any Republicans this fall. Abortion and LGBT issues are the reason. She's past child bearing age and heterosexual. There are many like her.