When is it OK to "out" someone

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And how would said person even know where he worked unless he chose to give up details about his personal life to someone in the hobby rather than erring on the side of discretion????
And how would an employer be able to verify that said employee is said hobbyist?? UNLESS said hobbyist is using the company computers/servers and company emails to communicate with said other persons in the hobby?? Then, yes, perhaps said employer can find ways to verify that said employee is hobbyist x.

None the less. It's never good to out someone. Period. That goes for in the hobby too, when your declined a date and you in turn find ways of finding out who said provider is and stalking her & trying to out her to anyone who'll jump on your bandwagon.

Maybe you should explain how that's even possible. For example, how would the outer communicate with the outee's prospective employers? I don't think the job-hunter would take her along to job interviews. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
I don't want to know details about my clients, nor do I want them to know about my personal life. I'm not sure what you mean by "outing". If you mean posting their names and details here, well that's just childish. If I'm threatened I simply go to the proper authorities. Why would you go to an internet board if you have a legitimate case of threats or stalking or blackmail with the police??

"Child molesters, rapists, thieves, and thugs all deserve to be shown to the world for what they are." Sweetheart, these people belong in jail and not punished on some website. Are you serious???