Donna Brazile Is Fired - Hildebeest Fails ANOTHER Integrity Test!!!

If you look at her email message several people had to conspire if not the whole CNN production staff for that show: "A woman with a rash will be asking..." How do they know that a woman with a rash will be in attendance, much last asking a specific question? Why identify specific questioners instead of just identifying the questions to be asked? So the questioner works into the demographic Hillary is appealing to?

Likely every question Hillary got was set up and every questioner was set up too. Anyone else notice when Hillary gets a pre set up question she raises her head and starts to smile before the question is even finished?

Matt Lauer has a new found respect.

Drain the swamp.
gfejunkie's Avatar
If the DNC had any integrity at all they'd fire her too like they did DWS.

The problem is they don't.
bambino's Avatar
If the DNC had any integrity at all they'd fire her too like they did DWS.

The problem is they don't. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
The Democrats are screaming about the Russians rigging our election, they should look in the mirror.
Hellary Has no character

Wasserman-Schultz lies and cheats for her, gets let go softly by the
DNC and gets rewarded with a campaign job

Hellary just reloads at the dnc with someone else who she knows lies and cheats for her, big donna

Hellary is amoral
  • DSK
  • 11-01-2016, 08:26 AM
No shit! If you were Teddy K. you could even drown a beautiful young woman in her prime, report it 12 hours later after you sobered up, and STILL be a Dimotard rock star for the rest of your life!

Some political parties just have NO MORAL COMPASS!

The Dimotard "Big Tent" Party welcomes cheats, drunks, perjurers, dirty tricksters, serial sexual predators, gay prostitution pimps, (forbidden topic) addicts, compulsive sexting perverts, and congenital liars!

Like Donna Brazile, they all feel right at home! Originally Posted by lustylad
I don't believe they could get any worse, but they are an amazing bunch. Next, they will probably invent something like mandatory reeducation camps for dissenters, and force straight guys to suck dick while listening to radical feminists teach them how to be subservient to liberal women.
lustylad's Avatar
Next, they will probably invent something like mandatory reeducation camps for dissenters, and force straight guys to suck dick while listening to radical feminists teach them how to be subservient to liberal women. Originally Posted by DSK
And they won't release you from the re-education camp unless you can convincingly pretend you have turned into a neutered, cocksucking, lib-retarded pig like assup!
And they won't release you from the re-education camp unless you can convincingly pretend you have turned into a neutered, cocksucking, lib-retarded pig like assup! Originally Posted by lustylad
You can add Lube and suckclown to that list !
Do you notice how all of the Main Stream Media pundits qualify all of their condemnation of Brazile's actions with, "she's such a good person".?

Well, no she's not. She is a partisan political hack who lied about the entire thing on National TV until released e-mails showed her true self.