PPE - Time to duck and cover. Taking a vacation.

Thank you all, Even Rambo Creed.... Whatever your feelings about me or whoever, outing is NEVER acceptable.

This is a community, and with any community, we seem to have a few that cannot play by the rules. Hurt others that do not deserve it.

You all that hav sent messages or responded here I appreciate it. This is one of the hardest things I have had to do.

But do it I shall, I will be around, just very UTR.

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 05-08-2011, 07:49 PM
PPE, I am very sorry to hear you're going through this....Just know you will be missed....And I wish you all the best ...
Thank you, Dear Fawn.... Guess this is my official notification that I will not be attending the social.

Thanks for all the work. Sorry this site caused you any trouble. Hope to see you again when the weather clears. Best of luck.
Bye All