bars open ??

It is not just old.... younger ones are playing Russian roulette because long term effect is unknown... all med documents indicate that there are some damage to lung and other internal parts.
adav8s28's Avatar
Numbers: 2,545,000 cases / 126,350 deaths = 4.96% mortality rate
U.S population = 328,240,000
Assumed Total Infection % = 70%
Expected Total Infection # = 229,768,000
Expected Total Deaths @4.96% = 11,396,492

It doesn’t do anyone good to discount the potential problem when the potential number of dead is over 11,000,000. Hopefully, we can improve the numbers but the current numbers mean that we may only be at about 1% of the total death totals. Originally Posted by futbolhead
Two things:

For number of cases you left out the asymptomatics which can be from 5 to 10X the number of people with symptoms.

Mortality Rate = Number of deaths/ Number of people infected
You have it reversed.

Using your numbers except for the Mortality Rate)

Mortality Rate = 126,350/ (5 * 2,545,000) = .0099

.0099 = Number of deaths/ (.70 * 328,240,000)

Number of deaths = .0099 * 229,768,000 = 2,274,703

A little shy of 1% of the population of the USA (about 3 million people) If you were to check with the CDC, this is close to what they have. 11 million deaths is way too high.

Why the .70?, that's the percentage of population that needs to be infected to reach Herd Immunity. (The CV19 virus runs out of potential hosts to infect).
I see what you did. You made up an extremely high asymptomatic number and entered it in as though it’s relevant. Almost as though asymptomatic cases aren’t included in the case numbers. Let me guess why.... it serves your ideal narrative to discount the problem because oh, you wanted alternative facts to be used?
The math is right on the mortality rate, I just reversed the numbers on the proof.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
I know the bar by my place is still open because it is technically a restaurant.
texassapper's Avatar
What no one seems to understand is that there is no hiding out from this virus. We could all still stay indoors and isolated for the next 2 years and the Chinese Communist wuhan COVID19 virus would still kill the same number of people. Until we get to an infectious spread that will serve to effectively cut off future growth vectors, the shit CANNOT be stopped. We closed everything down to


Who remembers that phrase? We did that. Remember the 100,000 ventilators we needed? Not hearing too much about that now? Remember we sent the USNS hospital ships to NYC and LA? they treated a total of around 327 CCP COVID patients. Some crisis.

By the way... how have the exerts been batting this season? I don't seem to remember any of them doing very well. But you keep on trusting them because... well that's how you are kept in a panic mode. And if you're panicked you probably aren't thinking too much. And really that's the goal of this thing now.

Political opponents of the the current POTUS want to keep this thing going long enough to try and force vote by mail. If they can keep enough people locked down, they think they can commit enough fraud that the vote is really irrelevant. Regardless of the actual votes the Dems will declare they won just to keep Trump from effectively governing and gutting the DC cash circuit.

Although the infectious rate is going up, the mortality rate (even though its a lagging indicator) is not keeping pace indicating that it's not as infectious as we thought, that vulnerable populations are keeping it at bay with isolation and hand washing and that unless you're >70 or live in a nursing home, you're gonna live.

And the people claiming we don't know the long term effects... you're right. But neither do you. If you want to play chicken little with your life that's fine, but you don't need to do it with everyone elses.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Some of you guys! Let me put it in simpler drawn out terms that might make the light bulb go on in your head instead of playing in the dark.

If you are younger and have a fantastic immune system, while it is true that you might not feel the symptoms of having covid-19, if you have been exposed to someone that has it and breathed in their respiratory vapors because they coughed, sneezed, burped or anything else, then you probably have it as well. Then you do not wear a mask or safely socially distance yourself from those who do not have as good as immune system (your older siblings, friends, ect.), you are going to expose them, making them sick and possibly on a ventilator in a hospital.

So, instead of thinking you can do whatever you want with no consequeces, there are!
We need to stop preaching younger healthier people are ok to be exposed. No one knows the long term effect. Scientists know there will be some damage to lung and other part from exposure.
texassapper's Avatar
Some of you guys! Let me put it in simpler drawn out terms that might make the light bulb go on in your head instead of playing in the dark. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Speaking of lightbulbs...
  1. You understand you cannot stop the spread of CCPCOVID?
  2. You understand that the virus spread will only slow once infection rate hits ~70% of the population (the so-called herd immunity which isn't really immunity, just not enough uninfected hosts to spread the virus)
  3. You understand that anything that prevents or slows us from getting to that 70% mark is simply delaying the INEVITABLE.
  4. We need to get to 70% as quickly as possible without overwhelming the healthcare system.

Staying closed delays us getting to 70%.

It's not a medical decision, it's a political one. I'm not surprised so many people don't get it. It requires math.

There is nothing to fear but Democrats themselves.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-30-2020, 10:43 AM
I see what you did. You made up an extremely high asymptomatic number and entered it in as though it’s relevant. Almost as though asymptomatic cases aren’t included in the case numbers. Let me guess why.... it serves your ideal narrative to discount the problem because oh, you wanted alternative facts to be used? Originally Posted by futbolhead
Yeah, I mean, it isn't like you did the same thing right before.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-30-2020, 10:53 AM
Some of you guys! Let me put it in simpler drawn out terms that might make the light bulb go on in your head instead of playing in the dark.

If you are younger and have a fantastic immune system, while it is true that you might not feel the symptoms of having covid-19, if you have been exposed to someone that has it and breathed in their respiratory vapors because they coughed, sneezed, burped or anything else, then you probably have it as well. Then you do not wear a mask or safely socially distance yourself from those who do not have as good as immune system (your older siblings, friends, ect.), you are going to expose them, making them sick and possibly on a ventilator in a hospital.

So, instead of thinking you can do whatever you want with no consequeces, there are! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
So, what exactly is your proposition here? People wear masks for the next 3 years while waiting on a "vaccine"? People just stop living their lives for just as long?

When are you going to realize that there is no escape from this shit?

Chances are, you probably already got hit with it and you didn't even know it. Because guess what. If someone who was infected went to a Walmart and sneezed? Everyone within a multi-dozen meter radius will be infected. And no fucking mask is going to protect you.

And then they're going to go home, take off the mask and look what happens. Now the whole household is infected.

In fact, that's literally what happened in NY, as Cuck Cuomo himself has said the majority of cases were from family units.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-30-2020, 10:58 AM
We need to stop preaching younger healthier people are ok to be exposed. No one knows the long term effect. Scientists know there will be some damage to lung and other part from exposure. Originally Posted by georgecam
Scientists have also said this will kill millions in the first 3 weeks the first "wave" happened.

Scientists have also said this was not transmittable, person to person.

I really don't give a shit what fearmongering the scientists do now. I'm over it.

Nobody is saying younger and healthier people are ok to be exposed. Ideally, it's best if nobody is. But it's incredibly selfish and chickenshit of you to force your fears on us and make us think and live like you.

Sweden adopted a model of younger people living their lives and protecting their vulnerable. And they're doing just fine now.

But, you're a lemming of the media so I wouldn't expect anything more educated from you. And yes, the media also includes Fox News.
mr. haney's Avatar
In response to old but still going post about technically not closing bars :this is directly from governor's executive order

7. People shall not visit bars or similar establishments that hold a permit from the
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) and are not restaurants as
defined above in paragraph number 6; provided, however, that the use by such
bars or similar establishments of drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options for food
and drinks is allowed to the extent authorized by TABC;
In response to old but still going post about technically not closing bars :this is directly from governor's executive order

7. People shall not visit bars or similar establishments that hold a permit from the
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) and are not restaurants as
defined above in paragraph number 6; provided, however, that the use by such
bars or similar establishments of drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options for food
and drinks is allowed to the extent authorized by TABC; Originally Posted by mr. haney
You should post the whole thing. Regardless, the effect is the bars are closed except for delivery and takeout service. And being picky, he did not close the bars. He simply restricted people from being able to visit them. So technically, the bars can be open.🤔
mr. haney's Avatar
if they are not closed..why are bar owner suing??

Texas bar owners suing state's governor over forced closures

either way ...we probably shouldn't be frequenting them