I'm Just Curious from Yours Truly MarieLynn

Yeah thats a good one. I would love it if every provider let you know if multiples was available.

Of course it is also a turn on when you dont know if it is and the provider asks for more.

Yes, Please, List, Your, Activities, in , your, ad, or , on, your, Showcase....

I may be BFE and go with the flow but I do like to know if I am at the Buffet or at the Al Carte table....

MikeHonchoHimself's Avatar
Listing services is absolutely NOT a turn-off. Now going into a session expecting GFE and a service such as bbbj or Greek is not an option (thus possibly creating an akward moment); THAT is a big turn-off.
steverino50's Avatar
I want to know the menu. I may not order everything on it....depends on my appetite. But at least I will know for those days when i have a craving for more exotic fare.
Int3rested's Avatar
Your personal ad will create interest and expectations within your target audience. Good luck.
  • djxk8
  • 05-27-2010, 05:52 PM
It is a Key Factor when I am looking to know what services are available, if they are not listed then I tend to assume they are not.

If I have to ask, then its going to cause embarrassment - and a poorer session - potentially for both sides, especially if the answer is No.

Just because its there, doesn't mean I have to have it.

Like everyone else here, I would say carry on listing!
daltxm4f's Avatar
Make the information that your customers want easily available to them. You are offering an important service and the only way for customers to know if that meets their needs is if it is easily accessible.

You will pick up more "Satisfied" customers with this approach then leaving things off the menu for fear that a minority of customers may be lost due to it.
Torito's Avatar
As I see it, this is a "hobby" for us guys, but it is business for the ladies, and we are the customers. I understand that she sells only her time, but the complimentary services thrown in are quite important to most customers, certainly for me.

Outside the hobby there is nothing else that I spend as much money for and I am very careful to learn about the merchandise before I buy. Why would I not want the same full information here where I spend most? The ladies services are the merchandise I am trying to acquire. I do not mean any disrespect, but we are talking about a business decision.

I can't afford as many encounters as I would like; therefore, I need to be well informed before I spend that much time and money. Disappointment is not fun. Services and attitude are even more important than dimensions and hair color, etc. At least for me. When a lady gives a lot of info about services, she helps me with my decision, minimizes possibility of disappointment, and gains a lot of favor with me for doing that.


PS Thanks for asking.
oglfp12's Avatar
I very much prefer to have the menu listed. That way I can focus on those who are providing the services I am looking for. I can assume that GFE means the same thing to both of us, but I don't really know. I may think watersports is an integral part of GFE. If she doesn't see it the same way, I am likely to be disappointed.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Like many, I prefer the normal menu items stated in the showcase or website. Otherwise, if I'm expecting GFE and then find out L1 is all that's offered, I might be a little disappointed. I've been with a couple of ladies that did more with me than their menu stated. They told me that it's not something they normally do with all guys, so they don't list it. I think that's okay. YMMV can mean you get more!

When I see YMMV on a review, I get excited. I'm an optimist. I never expect more, but I know it may be available. I never try to enjoy all of the charms offered. I do enjoy my time, though.

Bottom line: Some things I want to see listed to gain my interest, just not necessarily in an ad. Ad's attract initial interest.
  • npita
  • 05-27-2010, 09:19 PM
I very much prefer to have the menu listed. That way I can focus on those who are providing the services I am looking for. I can assume that GFE means the same thing to both of us, but I don't really know. I may think watersports is an integral part of GFE. If she doesn't see it the same way, I am likely to be disappointed. Originally Posted by oglfp12
That's a red herring. There really isn't any disagreement over what services are implied by GFE. You would be no less justified in posting a bad review if any of those were unabailable as you would if they were stated expicitly and unavailable.
oglfp12's Avatar
There really isn't any disagreement over what services are implied by GFE. Originally Posted by npita
I'm sorry, npita, although I am incredibly old, I am fairly new to the hobby. I didn't know that there was general agreement on all the the services implied by GFE. Nevertheless, I prefer to have the menu clearly stated. That way newbies like me know what's available.
In my opinion, the ladies should only mention what's not available on the menu since this should be a very small list in the menu of a GFE provider.
PODarkness's Avatar
What is not on the menu would have solved a couple past misunderstandings, that's true. On the other hand, the list of "NOs" would never be complete, and would cause a few misunderstandings as well.

I checked your list of things that are off the menu, and it wasn't on there, so lets get started! This is Buba. He plays tackle, That's Tank over there. He's our center, and a bit shy. Bob is on your left there, and loves anal....

I'm not bothered by the list. I find it useful. If there are those who are (first I've heard of it) bothered, the solution would be to put it on a second page with a clearly marked link. I'd click the link. Those bothered would not.
  • npita
  • 05-28-2010, 09:11 AM
I'm sorry, npita, although I am incredibly old, I am fairly new to the hobby. I didn't know that there was general agreement on all the the services implied by GFE. Originally Posted by oglfp12
GFE implies:

You could add the illusion of passion, but that depends on how good you are at suspending disbelief. Since any gf (or one-night stand) in the real world will do all of those things, I can't see any real debate over these activities. Other than fetishes, greek and nqns, I can't really think of anything that is so out there that you wouldn't expect it on a YMMV basis as just routine sex. Here, I'm not using YMMV to mean you have to be special beyond having showered recently and that you are basically polite and friendly.

(I'll anticipate questions from other planet dwellers by saying that I assume bbfs doesn't count as something anyone on our planet could reasonably expect for any reason.) I can understand wanting to know about greek and possibly nqns if you're dead set on those being available, but nqns doesn't seem to be uncommon, even when it isn't advertised.

When I was hobbying, my priority was on attitude, so my idea of a session was 2+ hours with an upper limit on rates at $$$ to $$$.5 an hour. For that, I didn't think I should have to ask about something as vanilla as russian or cob nor would I expect a GFE provider who could charge those rates to feel like it was necessary to spell it out. If I was shopping on price for a specific service, I guess a list of activities would be important, but that doesn't seem to fit the general spirit behind the idea of a GFE so, I wouldn't expect the session to be very good anyway.

I'd be interested in knowing exactly which activities other than greek or nqns aren't so vanilla that a client couldn't just expect them to be available from a GFE provider by going with the flow.