You know who refers to refugee immigrants as hostile invaders?

what's racist about the fact that a large minority of these illegals are criminals? that came here intentionally to work for the mexican cartels and US based gangs? is this the kind of person you think should be allowed in the US? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'm not saying that you are a racist, you may just be misunderstanding the situation, and buying into the rhetoric, but that's the opposite of the truth, so that in itself is a racist miss-characterization. The vast majority are hard working people coming here to make a better life for themselves. There's no evidence that Mexican and other Latino immigrants commit violent crimes at a rate that's higher than the general public. In fact, it's likely that the opposite is true.

your racism angle is based on the premise that these people are overwhelmingly mexican/hispanic. would you think it's racist to oppose millions of mainly whites from Canada illegally flooding over the border? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Thank you for bringing this up. This is exactly what I'm talking about. The Robert Bowers types who machine gun people who help immigrants, and others who propose machine gunning the immigrants, and call them scumbags, couldn't care less about white or Asian immigrants. That's what is racist about it. They're hateful, and/or fearful of those whose skin tone is significantly darker than their own.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm not saying that you are a racist, you may just be misunderstanding the situation, and buying into the rhetoric, but that's the opposite of the truth, so that in itself is a racist miss-characterization. The vast majority are hard working people coming here to make a better life for themselves. There's no evidence that Mexican and other Latino immigrants commit violent crimes at a rate that's higher than the general public. In fact, it's likely that the opposite is true.

i'm not misunderstanding anything. there is a large minority that are criminals, millions of them. if there are 25 million illegals and only 25 percent are criminals that's over 6 million criminals that shouldn't be here.

the rest are also criminals even if their only crime is entering the US illegally.

Thank you for bringing this up. This is exactly what I'm talking about. The Robert Bowers types who machine gun people who help immigrants, and others who propose machine gunning the immigrants, and call them scumbags, couldn't care less about white or Asian immigrants. That's what is racist about it. They're hateful, and/or fearful of those whose skin tone is significantly darker than their own. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

i brought it up because race has nothing at all to do with securing the border. no one should be allowed to illegally enter the US regardless of ethnic class. by confirming you consider it racist to oppose ILLEGAL immigrant by Hispanics but not white Canadians for example means you are biased at the minimum on this topic and continue to imply anyone who opposes this massive illegal immigration that the democrats openly want is racist.

you also intentionally tried to tie this asshole Bowers to Trump and got called out for it by me who knew the moment you claimed it, it was false.

'm not misunderstanding anything. there is a large minority that are criminals, millions of them. if there are 25 million illegals and only 25 percent are criminals that's over 6 million criminals that shouldn't be here.

the rest are also criminals even if their only crime is entering the US illegally.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Your numbers are way off. Not nearly 25% are violent criminals. Not nearly 25% are coming here to "work for the cartels." Those are gross miss-characterizations.

The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for **** crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes. In addition, the proportion of arrests involving undocumented immigrants in Texas was relatively stable or decreasing over this period. The differences between U.S.-born citizens and undocumented immigrants are robust to using alternative estimates of the broader undocumented population, alternate classifications of those counted as “undocumented” at arrest and substituting misdemeanors or convictions as measures of crime.
Everyone who has posted a review on here has committed a non violent misdemeanor. With as many laws as we have on the books, you'd be hard pressed to find a high percentage of Americans who haven't committed a crime in their life. I couldn't care less about people committing a victimless non violent misdemeanor, because I'm not angry at or fearful of people with skin that's darker than mine.

The racism is evident in the miss-characterizations, and in the fact that the same Robert Bowers type of people, who are irrationally angry at, or fearful of immigrants with darker skin than theirs, couldn't care less about white and Asian immigrants.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
“Coming here for a better life” isn’t a legitimate asylum claim. I’d agree that’s what the vast majority are doing, but, if that’s the case, they need to follow the legal immigration process. That doesn’t include paying a coyote or swimming across the Rio Grand.

Anyone who doesn’t follow the process, if caught, shouldn’t be given a court date and released. They should be immediately turned back and banned from ever entering the country again.
“Coming here for a better life” isn’t a legitimate asylum claim. I’d agree that’s what the vast majority are doing, but, if that’s the case, they need to follow the legal immigration process. That doesn’t include paying a coyote or swimming across the Rio Grand.

Anyone who doesn’t follow the process, if caught, shouldn’t be given a court date and released. They should be immediately turned back and banned from ever entering the country again. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I'm all for a debate about sensible immigration policy, though I don't think that asylum seeking should be the only reason, but people on here have used extremely disparaging language when referring to southern immigrants, calling them scumbags and advocating automatically and arbitrarily machine gunning them as they cross the border. It's Robert Bowers type rhetoric, and some of the same people financially support leftist Chinese immigrants.

You mentioned that you're of Italian descent. It's likely that your ancestors came here trying to make a better life, just like mine did. I personally know people who came across with a coyote and are now great contributors to our society. A lot more so than many citizens.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
They did, but they followed the immigration rules that were in place at the time. It doesn’t matter what someone eventually makes of themselves, anyone can do that in the US. If they came illegally they should be thrown out and not let back in. The simplest way to solve the problem is making the border as impenetrable as can practically be done. Nothing will be 100%, but certainly it can be slowed to an easily manageable trickle. Maybe something along the lines of…..a wall?
They did, but they followed the immigration rules that were in place at the time. It doesn’t matter what someone eventually makes of themselves, anyone can do that in the US. If they came illegally they should be thrown out and not let back in. The simplest way to solve the problem is making the border as impenetrable as can practically be done. Nothing will be 100%, but certainly it can be slowed to an easily manageable trickle. Maybe something along the lines of…..a wall? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
How do you know that they followed the immigration rules? Do you have their legal immigration papers? My ancestors came here illegally. So did the ancestors of many US citizens.

It absolutely matters what they do when they get here. I welcome those who are going to be hard working contributors to our society, because I'm not hateful or fearful of people with darker skin than mine. According to the study that I linked, immigrants commit violent and property crimes at a lower rate than US citizens do, so they actually lower the violent and property crime rates.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your numbers are way off. Not nearly 25% are violent criminals. Not nearly 25% are coming here to "work for the cartels." Those are gross miss-characterizations.

Everyone who has posted a review on here has committed a non violent misdemeanor. With as many laws as we have on the books, you'd be hard pressed to find a high percentage of Americans who haven't committed a crime in their life. I couldn't care less about people committing a victimless non violent misdemeanor, because I'm not angry at or fearful of people with skin that's darker than mine.

The racism is evident in the miss-characterizations, and in the fact that the same Robert Bowers type of people, who are irrationally angry at, or fearful of immigrants with darker skin than theirs, couldn't care less about white and Asian immigrants. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

  • These figures only count arrests in Texas for state offenses. These individuals may have criminal records in other states.
  • These figures only represent offenses and convictions that are associated with arrest events that occurred between June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2023.
  • The criminal activity for individuals identified as illegal while in prison is under represented for this time period because they may have been incarcerated during the time frame used in this report.
  • These figures do not count federal criminal charges.
  • These figures do not include similar data for foreign nationals who are lawfully in the country and commit state criminal offenses.
  • Individuals whose lawful presence was determined while in prison may or may not be currently incarcerated.

Over the course of their entire Texas criminal careers, these 280,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 678,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 1,473 homicide charges; 82,163 assault charges; 19,612 burglary charges; 84,023 drug charges; 1333 kidnapping charges; 38,456 theft charges; 57,752 obstructing police charges; 4,881 robbery charges; 8,444 sexual assault charges; 9,546 sexual offense charges; and 10,177 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 289,000 convictions including 718 homicide convictions; 32,873 assault convictions; 9,904 burglary convictions; 39,834 drug convictions; 428 kidnapping convictions; 16,917 theft convictions; 26,175 obstructing police convictions; 2,660 robbery convictions; 4,274 sexual assault convictions; 4,842 sexual offense convictions; and 4,006 weapon convictions.

They did, but they followed the immigration rules that were in place at the time. It doesn’t matter what someone eventually makes of themselves, anyone can do that in the US. If they came illegally they should be thrown out and not let back in. The simplest way to solve the problem is making the border as impenetrable as can practically be done. Nothing will be 100%, but certainly it can be slowed to an easily manageable trickle. Maybe something along the lines of…..a wall? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

worked in Berlin. i'm sure someone will point out people did manage to cross. many failed in their attempts

How do you know that they followed the immigration rules? Do you have their legal immigration papers? My ancestors came here illegally. So did the ancestors of many US citizens.

It absolutely matters what they do when they get here. I welcome those who are going to be hard working contributors to our society, because I'm not hateful or fearful of people with darker skin than mine. According to the study that I linked, immigrants commit violent and property crimes at a lower rate than US citizens do, so they actually lower the violent and property crime rates. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

well this explains why you want the border open.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I know because I know. Dad’s grandpa and his wife landed on Ellis Island with everyone else. They signed the logs, did their quarantine and went to work building the country. Frankly, there weren’t many, if any, immigration laws to follow in the early 1900s. IIRC you only had to prove you weren’t feeble minded, which was a few simple questions when you stepped off the boat.

And no, it doesn’t matter what they do when here if they didn’t legally immigrate. If you want to live in the US then come in the right way. If your first act is to break our laws you’ve got no business here, and it has nothing to do with skin color. The race angle is just your attempted bludgeoning of anyone who disagrees with what you believe should be policy.
You know because you know... means that you don't really know for sure.

To folks who aren't filled with irrational anger, and/or fear, it absolutely does matter. I'm happy to have hard working people here who commit violent and property crimes at a rate that's less than what American citizens do. Many other reasonable people are happy to have them here too. I'd rather deport the Robert Bowers types who call them invaders and scumbags.
The race angle is based on the observation that the irrationally angry are only mad at the immigrants coming from the south. They're not mad at illegal immigrants from Europe who over stay nor are they mad at the leftists coming from China. It's also based on the mis-scharacterizations.

  • These figures only count arrests in Texas for state offenses. These individuals may have criminal records in other states.
  • These figures only represent offenses and convictions that are associated with arrest events that occurred between June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2023.
  • The criminal activity for individuals identified as illegal while in prison is under represented for this time period because they may have been incarcerated during the time frame used in this report.
  • These figures do not count federal criminal charges.
  • These figures do not include similar data for foreign nationals who are lawfully in the country and commit state criminal offenses.
  • Individuals whose lawful presence was determined while in prison may or may not be currently incarcerated.

Over the course of their entire Texas criminal careers, these 280,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 678,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 1,473 homicide charges; 82,163 assault charges; 19,612 burglary charges; 84,023 drug charges; 1333 kidnapping charges; 38,456 theft charges; 57,752 obstructing police charges; 4,881 robbery charges; 8,444 sexual assault charges; 9,546 sexual offense charges; and 10,177 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 289,000 convictions including 718 homicide convictions; 32,873 assault convictions; 9,904 burglary convictions; 39,834 drug convictions; 428 kidnapping convictions; 16,917 theft convictions; 26,175 obstructing police convictions; 2,660 robbery convictions; 4,274 sexual assault convictions; 4,842 sexual offense convictions; and 4,006 weapon convictions.

worked in Berlin. i'm sure someone will point out people did manage to cross. many failed in their attempts

well this explains why you want the border open. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're posting absolute numbers which is just meaningless fear mongering. For example, in 2021 alone, Texas had 2064 homicides, so Texans on a whole committed a lot more homicides in a one year period, than Texas immigrants did in a twelve year period. Thank you for further proving my point. Crime rate is the significant figure to look at, and I've already shown proof that immigrants commit violent and property crimes at a rate that is less than that of American citizens. By coming here, these folks actually lower the crime rate.

Once again, you're putting up a straw man. I've never said that I "want the border open." I'm happy with the current fences, checkpoints, patrol, etc. and I'm happy not to villainize the melanated immigrants coming from the south with ridiculous made up statistics claiming that 25% of them are criminals.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You know because you know... means that you don't really know for sure.

To folks who aren't filled with irrational anger, and/or fear, it absolutely does matter. I'm happy to have hard working people here who commit violent and property crimes at a rate that's less than what American citizens do. Many other reasonable people are happy to have them here too. I'd rather deport the Robert Bowers types who call them invaders and scumbags.
The race angle is based on the observation that the irrationally angry are only mad at the immigrants coming from the south. They're not mad at illegal immigrants from Europe who over stay nor are they mad at the leftists coming from China. It's also based on the mis-scharacterizations. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

you've already revealed why you think opposing mass illegal immigration is "racist" to you. it's personal to you. it's not to me and many others. if millions were flooding in from Canada i'd be just as against it.
berryberry's Avatar
Over the course of their entire Texas criminal careers, these 280,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 678,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 1,473 homicide charges; 82,163 assault charges; 19,612 burglary charges; 84,023 drug charges; 1333 kidnapping charges; 38,456 theft charges; 57,752 obstructing police charges; 4,881 robbery charges; 8,444 sexual assault charges; 9,546 sexual offense charges; and 10,177 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 289,000 convictions including 718 homicide convictions; 32,873 assault convictions; 9,904 burglary convictions; 39,834 drug convictions; 428 kidnapping convictions; 16,917 theft convictions; 26,175 obstructing police convictions; 2,660 robbery convictions; 4,274 sexual assault convictions; 4,842 sexual offense convictions; and 4,006 weapon convictions. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
These FACTS matter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well this explains why you want the border open. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well said
berryberry's Avatar
I know because I know. Dad’s grandpa and his wife landed on Ellis Island with everyone else. They signed the logs, did their quarantine and went to work building the country. Frankly, there weren’t many, if any, immigration laws to follow in the early 1900s. IIRC you only had to prove you weren’t feeble minded, which was a few simple questions when you stepped off the boat. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yeah, can you imagine trying to conflate those immigrants who followed the law and entered the US legally thru Ellis Island compared to those criminals who are illegally invading the country over the southern border?

100% different scenarios - no one would logically try to argue the two are even similar

And no, it doesn’t matter what they do when here if they didn’t legally immigrate. If you want to live in the US then come in the right way. If your first act is to break our laws you’ve got no business here, and it has nothing to do with skin color. The race angle is just your attempted bludgeoning of anyone who disagrees with what you believe should be policy. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
100% spot on. There are people of ALL nationalities, skin colors, etc. illegally invading our country via Senile Biden's wide open southern border. All of them should be kicked the hell out. The fact that he tries to turn everything into race is abhorrent
Do you think the Chinese women who's services you partake of are "legal?' Are they not "invaders" and "scumbags?" Are you not concerned that they probably send some of your money back to leftist China?