Great one TXCowboy - not sexy, but best line ever from O'Toole in that same movie?

"I'm not an actor, I'm a movie star!"

My personal favorite is a little odd, but in Dogma, as Jay starts to try to drop trou, he says to Linda Fiorentino, who regrets her casual promise...."the world's about to end, and you said you'd fuck me". Originally Posted by Papacorn

Ladies are unwell...gentlemen vomit"
Well he's handsome and he's
Charming. He's all right. For
Now. Don't say it, I know, I'm
Rotten. I can't help it. I've
Tried to be good but it's too

The way you talk. Never heard a
Woman talk like that.

Oh look, I haven't got time to be
Proper, I want to live. I'm a
woman, I like men. If that's
Unladylike then I guess I'm not a
Lady. At least I'm honest.

Well you're different, no arguing
That. But you're a lady all right.
I'll take my oath on it.
Porky Poker's Avatar
I got you something for your birthday, I didnt have time to get a box so I wrapped it in my underwear.

Toby Kieth in Whiskey for my men Beer for my horses
TonyStark's Avatar
Carl Spackler: (Caddy Shack) Oh Mrs. Crane, you're a little monkey woman. Yeah, you're lean, mean, and I bet you're not too far in between are ya. How'd you like to wrap your spikes around my...
Guest062512's Avatar
Some more from the sexiest of all sirens, Mae West.

I only know two kinds of men - Dometic and Imported.

Good sex is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand

It's not the men in my life that count, it's the life in my men

Keep a diary, and someday it'll keep you

... and from "I'm No Angel" When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad I'm better.

I love Mae West.
From the Rodney Dangerfield movie "Back To School"

Diane: Actually, I'd like to join you, but I have class tonight.
Thornton Melon: Oh. How 'bout tomorrow night?
Diane: I have class then, too.
Thornton Melon: I'll tell you what, then. Why don't you call me some time when you have no class?
Diane: [laughs] Alright. Maybe I will.


Thornton Melon: What's your favorite subject?
Bubbles: Poetry.
Thornton Melon: Really? Well, maybe you can help me straighten out my Longfellow.


Mighty good cereal flakes ma'am! Son.....You've got a panty on your head!

Raising Arizona
Guest062512's Avatar
This one's for Emily...

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.

Great White Buffalo's Avatar
"I haven't met a woman that I haven't fallen in love with, whether its for 10 minutes or 10 years"

Hank Moody - Californiaication
EROS725's Avatar
Sam: Say what you want, Linda and I are in love.
Maggie: Yeah, except for her boning my boyfriend, you two are the perfect couple.
Sam: Listen, Catwoman. At the end of the day, she is coming back to me, and we're gonna be happy! And where are you gonna be? All alone somewhere, plotting some little revenge scheme, that's where!
Maggie: Let me tell you something, Sam. Listen to me very carefully. Are you listening?
Sam: Yes.
Maggie: The only way that girl is coming back to you is if a blast of semen catapults her across the street and through the window.
Mathew Broderick
Meg Ryan
Addicted to Love

Not really a sexy quote, but it has to do with sex and its funny as hell.
=cP's Avatar
  • =cP
  • 03-21-2012, 09:17 PM
I WILL GOUGE OUT YOUR EYEBALLS AND SKULL FUCK YOU!!!! - Gunny R. Lee Ermey - Full Metal Jacket
Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge:

"Hey baby do you fool around on the first date"

Same movie:

"Why dont you sit down and bleed before you experience some real pain"

WC Fields talking to a bartender:

Bartender: I heard you had to bury your wife

WC Fields: I had to she died!
And one time at band camp I stuck my flute in my pussy!!!!