the vaccination battle continues

VitaMan's Avatar
Anyone that follows vaccines and can clarify please add.

My understanding is this vaccine is not a weakened strain of the Covid 19 virus. It is not like past vaccines. It is a manufactured vaccine, something to do with receptors. Would this be why the CDC definition has changed.

If the vaccine was a weakened strain of the Covid 19 virus, would that immunize you ?
ICU 812's Avatar
Anyone that follows vaccines and can clarify please add.

My understanding is this vaccine is not a weakened strain of the Covid 19 virus. It is not like past vaccines. It is a manufactured vaccine, something to do with receptors. Would this be why the CDC definition has changed.

If the vaccine was a weakened strain of the Covid 19 virus, would that immunize you ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
My inexpert and vague understanding is:

1. The vaccines are NOT a weakened virus.

2. The vaccines are a product of recombinant DNA research where "messenger Reverse Nucleic Acid" (mRNA) instructs a person's cells how to fight off the virus.

So someone can actually be infected and actually spread the virus to others while perhaps not feeling sick or much worse than allergies or a mild cold. . . .or flue.
FatCity's Avatar
My understanding is this vaccine is not a weakened strain of the Covid 19 virus. I? Originally Posted by VitaMan
it has nothing resembling the SARS COVID.
It is a specific mRNA gene therapy, meant to induce a protein spike against any foreign cellular activity. Once you realize this, all the side-effects make perfect sense.

Think what you like about the "pandemic" and the response to it, but if you ever stopped to take a moment and reflect on all this, you'll see we've been lied to at every step of the way. Start with Neal Ferguson's mortality rate calculations which kickstarted the West's ridiculous panic mode response. The MSM has been blatantly lying, moving the goalposts and villifying any critical view....and yet, these are the same people (those in this thread) blindly parrot like they're speaking from authority.
winn dixie's Avatar

We have many parrots here!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-16-2021, 04:01 PM
Maybe all the electronic waves floating through the air from cellular phones and wireless internet are causing cancer. Should that be shut down until the "science" is known ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
According to ICU's logic, yes
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
ICU is talking about how people who have natural immunity against a virus do not need to be forced to take a vaccine by Joe Biden to gain immunity from the same virus.

This doesn't have much to do with cell phone towers.

Maybe you can elaborate on the connection between natural COVID immunity and cell phone towers.
VitaMan's Avatar
The elaboration would be the "science" is only partly known, as to the long term effect of the vaccine and the exposure to electronic transmissions (especially as many as there are now).
FatCity's Avatar
we're now two years into "two weeks to flatten the curve".
My one question at this point for people is, "have you never been conned before"?
** if you're still swallowing what the MSM is shoveling to you, then I am the hottest escort ever and want to fuck you crazy, but first send me a deposit. Oh baby, I might need another deposit before we meet, too. If you really want to meet me, you'll send me another deposit, as well

First it was shut down travel
then it was grant EMERGENCY EXECUTIVE POWERS to every government body (GOD MODE)
then it was shut down churches, bars and gyms (anywhere people gathered socially)
then it was limit store hours, services and create arbitrary 'covid plans' so your business can stay open
its only for TWO WEEKS, otherwise the hospital systems will get overrun (this is all based on Ferguson's faulty algorithm).
TWO WEEKS gets extended to just another month or until we get COVID TESTS (tests do absolutely nothing but create a faulty statistic of "outbreak" using a PCR test that can be manipulated to produce anything)

repeat, repeat, repeat
The TESTS were used as a way to drum up panic and justify continued EMERGENCY powers. What they never told you was that those TEST RESULTS don't represent any symptoms, let alone unique patients (one person could have 10 tests performed. those 10 results is what would be reported on that statistic). Also, in every state, labs were reporting BACKLOGGED tests months you ended up with August having a HUGE spike in 'cases'. The fine print would tell you 1/2 of those numbers came from tests performed in April & June.

They were counting EVERYTHING as a COVID death from Feb 2020 - Dec 2020, over exaggerating the scope of whats going on and most importantly, polluting all data to derive any meaningful statistics for trending.

They used the TEST statistics to drum up hooplehead demand for vaccines. Vaccines don't happen that quickly, so need an excuse to push things through and justify side-stepping all quality control methods (these vaccines aren't up for clinical trials until 2024). Vaccine comes out and we start seeing another COVID "spike", but different this time. We're getting blood clotting, heart attacks, spontaneous abortions, etc ....all the result of the vaccine side effects, but labelled as COVID.

First the mask was worthless, then it was absolutely necessary, then it was TWO masks, now ....who knows what the fuck they're all rambling about.

Go nuts about whatever this is, fine with me. You just can't tell me what I've outlined above isn't true and absolutely ridiculous. Also, if any of the above is NEW to you, you haven't been paying any attention and should SHUT THE FUCK UP
winn dixie's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^

I like this poster! Whole lotta common sense!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^

I like this poster! Whole lotta common sense! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeah, right. A lot of sense. Not common.

The TESTS were used as a way to drum up panic and justify continued EMERGENCY powers.

Go nuts about whatever this is, fine with me. You just can't tell me what I've outlined above isn't true and absolutely ridiculous. Also, if any of the above is NEW to you, you haven't been paying any attention and should SHUT THE FUCK UP Originally Posted by FatCity
I can and will. Can you prove the above? If it's just an opinion, go with it.

One today, three on the eighth and the first last month on the 26th since the join date?

FatCity's Avatar
. Can you prove the above?
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Can I prove WHAT?
Were you alive in the last two years? You're telling me none of those events happened?

If you were clueless to COVID statistics being backlogged and reporting non-unique patient encounters, then you were just reading headlines and not interrogating information as it was being presented. How do you consume news normally? You just blindly accept whatever is pitched to you? Do you do that in other life decisions?

All that was needed during the covid hysteria was two things:
1. "trusted" or familiar personalities (these can be celebrities or people you see ALL THE TIME)
2. keep repeating the same thing over and again
these are the tenets of hypnotism.

please, respond with a dismissal and a large image to waste tons of space on this page.
winn dixie's Avatar

Yeah... What he said
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Can I prove WHAT?
Were you alive in the last two years? You're telling me none of those events happened?
If you were clueless to COVID statistics being backlogged and reporting non-unique patient encounters, then you were just reading headlines and not interrogating information as it was being presented. How do you consume news normally? You just blindly accept whatever is pitched to you? Do you do that in other life decisions?

All that was needed during the covid hysteria was two things:
1. "trusted" or familiar personalities (these can be celebrities or people you see ALL THE TIME)
2. keep repeating the same thing over and again
these are the tenets of hypnotism.

please, respond with a dismissal and a large image to waste tons of space on this page. Originally Posted by FatCity

Okay. Were tests used to induce panic and powers? I know your answer is yes. Provide proof.

It was in red.
FatCity's Avatar
what changed....but more importantly WHY?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Finally. Proof.

Just smoking them out.
