FBI concerned over potential 'organised attack' in US after Russian concert hall shooting

Not from me you won’t. The Biden administration did make a number of mistakes at the border during their first year. However I would argue the effect of the changes were disproportionate to the expected result. I’m not going to defend their actions on this issue but I can’t defend Trump’s and his acolytes actions either. This is a problem we can fix if people would get their heads out of their asses and vote in the new border bill. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Biden made a couple of mistakes???

That has got to be the understatement of the week.

His entire policy can best be described as a complete fiasco.
txdot-guy's Avatar
They could fix the Border Crisis but they don't want to. The reason Christopher Wray is concerned about a Terrorist attack is because that's what might happen. If it does they'll call for Martial Law and halt the election. If they can't cheat again they have to do something to keep Trump out of Office. Originally Posted by Levianon17
If they is Trump and his lackeys then you are correct. Joe Biden and a group of reasonable senators and congressmen have come up with a bipartisan solution to the problem. Trump didn’t want the bill to pass so he had the chaos caucus kill the bill. It’s all there on the record in both houses. But conservatives keep throwing sand in the gears and then blaming Biden for not being Trump.

Don’t they realize how counterproductive that is?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Not from me you won’t. The Biden administration did make a number of mistakes at the border during their first year. However I would argue the effect of the changes were disproportionate to the expected result. I’m not going to defend their actions on this issue but I can’t defend Trump’s and his acolytes actions either. This is a problem we can fix if people would get their heads out of their asses and vote in the new border bill. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Biden made a couple of mistakes???

That has got to be the understatement of the week.

His entire policy can best be described as a complete fiasco. Originally Posted by Jackie S
First of all I never used the word “couple”, I used the term “number” which is open ended.

Secondly not everyone will read this as an understatement.

Thirdly it’s still a fiasco because Trump wants it to be. Let’s all get off our high horses and get the border bill passed.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
First of all I never used the word “couple”, I used the term “number” which is open ended.

Secondly not everyone will read this as an understatement.

Thirdly it’s still a fiasco because Trump wants it to be. Let’s all get off our high horses and get the border bill passed. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
This is exactly how the whole revisionist history thing gets started.

Many of us refuse to forget when that sorry ass piece of shit Biden sat down at the desk that first week and to the cheers of every Socialist/Progressive/Democrat in the Country and signed away the entire Trump Agenda.

Look what it has got us. Our President is the laughing stock of the World, There are wars every where, inflation has driven middle Americans to living check to check, he is trying to destroy our energy industry, and by curtailing our extremely productive fossil fuel industry has allowed the like of Vladimir Putin to sell his resources for weapons to carry out a war in Ukrain.

And the Border is 100% out of controle.

I guess some people hate Trump so much they are willing to settle for this.
txdot-guy's Avatar
This is exactly how the whole revisionist history thing gets started.

Many of us refuse to forget when that sorry ass piece of shit Biden sat down at the desk that first week and to the cheers of every Socialist/Progressive/Democrat in the Country and signed away the entire Trump Agenda.

Look what it has got us. Our President is the laughing stock of the World, There are wars every where, inflation has driven middle Americans to living check to check, he is trying to destroy our energy industry, and by curtailing our extremely productive fossil fuel industry has allowed the like of Vladimir Putin to sell his resources for weapons to carry out a war in Ukrain.

And the Border is 100% out of controle.

I guess some people hate Trump so much they are willing to settle for this. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You keep telling yourself that and we’ll get nowhere. Some of us are willing to work with a divided government. Some of us won’t and that doesn’t work, it only leads to grievance and gridlock. If you want to fix the problem you MUST be willing to compromise with the opposition.
If they is Trump and his lackeys then you are correct. Joe Biden and a group of reasonable senators and congressmen have come up with a bipartisan solution to the problem. Trump didn’t want the bill to pass so he had the chaos caucus kill the bill. It’s all there on the record in both houses. But conservatives keep throwing sand in the gears and then blaming Biden for not being Trump.

Don’t they realize how counterproductive that is? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
There is no such thing as a reasonable Senator. Because if there were the immigration crisis would not exist.
You keep telling yourself that and we’ll get nowhere. Some of us are willing to work with a divided government. Some of us won’t and that doesn’t work, it only leads to grievance and gridlock. If you want to fix the problem you MUST be willing to compromise with the opposition. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You live in Fantasy Land.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You keep telling yourself that and we’ll get nowhere. Some of us are willing to work with a divided government. Some of us won’t and that doesn’t work, it only leads to grievance and gridlock. If you want to fix the problem you MUST be willing to compromise with the opposition. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
After reading the last two posts, I'm wondering if there was anything in the Dumpster's agenda that was worth keeping.

I can't hide it. I have too much hate, as he pointed out, to consider whether or not there was anything good about his four years. I leave it up to you, for me, to tell me, and he, what good, if any, there was for the dumpster fire we had to endure. Any? Sir?

Was it about money? Is that all. Self preservation? Isolation?

Definitely not social security.

(Okay. I'm tipsy.(
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Sorry, post 20. And your's.

This is getting good.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You live in Fantasy Land. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Says the guy who doesn't know if wind mills cause cancer or not. The land of make believe is where you live.

Says the guy who doesn't know if wind mills cause cancer or not. The land of make believe is where you live.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Yeah, Your Government can get you to believe in anything.