Religon and the Hobby! (Is it being hypocritical?)

guy fawkes's Avatar
I am atheist. I was a Muslim 10 yrs ago. Here are two views

hobbying is looked upon as a sin, as is having sex with a provider. However, Jesus was not judgemental in this. There is the wonderful story of a woman 'caught in adultery' (often a euphemism in the Bible for hobbying) who was being lynched (as execution by Jewish authorities was not legally permitted but only allowed under the jurisdiction of the Roman occupying force) by stoning. When questioned by those who condemned the woman as to whether she should be put to death, Jesus commented "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". He knew too well that those who accused her were those likely to pay for her favours anyway, and were hypocrites in the extreme. As the crowd dropped their rocks and dispersed, Jesus asked the woman "where are they who condemn you? .... and neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin no more." Notice that Jesus did not condone what she had done - he expected her to turn away from this sin for good - but he did not judge her. This is a good lesson for us. Although some may feel that providers are the lowest form of life - they are still people loved by God and worthy of that love. Yes, they and their customers are sinners, but so are we all - and we should never

It is called Nikah Mut'ah, a fixed-time arrangement between a man and a woman that dissolves once the duration expires.

Muhammad (Peace and blessings upon him)clearly allowed his men to use temporary marriage as a sanctioned form of prostitution. (To be fair, the end of the hadith also seems to suggest that the practice was later forbidden. Islamic scholars disagree as to the historical context, and whether or not it is enough to supersede verse 4:24 of the Qur'an).

forget that.
CaptainQ's Avatar
Watch "Religulous"...a movie with Bill Maher..VERY enlightening... Originally Posted by ratboy jam
I'm sure they are other clips of this movie also, but here is a good one...
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I am a sinner. God is forgiving.

It all works out.


Not sure about the "all", in your statement but, some folks do feel the need to have a relationship with a church and a higher-power. Originally Posted by bbkid
Great point about how important saying "some/a lot" instead of "all". I said something similar last year and someone got po-ed and went off on me.

You mention a debate, is it something you have to justify to someone else?

I especially liked Deerhunter and Jackie S points.
Thank GOD I'm an Atheist!!!!!

Keeps things simple....
There are many sins murder,robbery, etc...but i think that sex is not a sin. I don't know what the bible says on the subject but something that is natural can't be a sin. If i pay for water and i pay for food then i don't see wrong in paying for...well you know.
CaptainQ's Avatar
Thank GOD I'm an Atheist!!!!!

Keeps things simple....
Originally Posted by Megan Love
"My troubles are many, they are as deep as a well
While I swear there ain't no Heaven, I will pray there is no Hell"

Blood, Sweat, & Tears, circa 1968
boardman's Avatar
Watch "Religulous"...a movie with Bill Maher..VERY enlightening... Originally Posted by ratboy jam
Bill Maher is attention deprived. He will say anything that gets himself noticed.

He is a bad comedian that portrays himself as having serious thoughts on government, religion, social issues, etc. What gets me is that he actually gets airtime on some of these shows. He is a baiter of the worse kind.
CaptainQ's Avatar
Bill Maher is attention deprived. He will say anything that gets himself noticed.

He is a bad comedian that portrays himself as having serious thoughts on government, religion, social issues, etc. What gets me is that he actually gets airtime on some of these shows. He is a baiter of the worse kind. Originally Posted by boardman

Getting noticed is good business for his line of work. I wouldn't call that attention deprived. I haven't seen much of his "work", but I really enjoyed his view on religion, he said what many believe, even if we are a minority at this point. I am willing to bet there are many that think like him that just will not admit it publicy.

There will always be a divide in religious views, which religion is "true" etc, and then there are the ones who believe they are all a bunch of BS.
boardman's Avatar
Getting noticed is good business for his line of work. I wouldn't call that attention deprived. I haven't seen much of his "work", but I really enjoyed his view on religion, he said what many believe, even if we are a minority at this point. I am willing to bet there are many that think like him that just will not admit it publicy.

There will always be a divide in religious views, which religion is "true" etc, and then there are the ones who believe they are all a bunch of BS. Originally Posted by CandidCajun
CC I can respect your beliefs and have no reason to doubt your sincerity.

He may have said what many believe but I personally question whether he has any original beliefs himself. The guy doesn't have any credibility with me. I think he just likes to throw bombs around the topic du jour.
CaptainQ's Avatar
CC I can respect your beliefs and have no reason to doubt your sincerity.

He may have said what many believe but I personally question whether he has any original beliefs himself. The guy doesn't have any credibility with me. I think he just likes to throw bombs around the topic du jour. Originally Posted by boardman
No question it is not that original, it's just the presentation that I find interesting and funny. He's doesn't have to have any credibility for me to have fun watching it. I don't have any credibility at all, nobody will take me seriously. It's all good.
boardman's Avatar
Dennis Miller is another one that irritates me. Look at some of his old stand up routines on YouTube. The guy was as far left as they come. Now he is on O'reilly weekly as a conservative political analyst. WTF?

Ok I stand corrected. I should've said some or a lot. That's a better choice of words. And yes it was a debate b/t me and a few of my college associates. Coincidentally we were talking about a song and it quoted "It ain't trickin' if you got it!" and a few were saying "It IS still trickin' if you have it or not." So before I said my 2cents, they were going on and on about "I wouldn't pay for it" vs. "I WOULD pay for it." Then the 2 that said that they WOULD pay for it, this heiffa looked @ them and was like "Oh that's frowned upon God." etc. etc. etc. She was like "prostitutes and strippers are gonna burn in hell, its not right getting money like that, God is gonna punish them all, etc." So I jumped in and said "You're just mad b/c no one will pay for your thunder monkey lookin azz!" By then, everyone bursted out laughing. I wasn't trying to be mean and hurt her feelings, and I KNOW that I'm no Beyonce, but I felt kinda offended, (although they have NO clue what I do) and I just felt that she could've kept that to herself. I told her that fornicating, committing adultry, murder, cussing is a sin too. So I guess we're all going to hell in a handbasket. I said that w/much sarcasm, but the girl agreed and said, "getting paid for it is 3xs worse." and she went on about the girls @ strip clubs and corners. So I told her you NEVER KNOW what that person is going through. Point to me where it states in the Bible that its bad to pay for it, and the ONLY person that can judge us is our maker. She got quiet. I ended it with, and THIS is coming from a person who has 3 kids under 21. Once again, I didn't mean to hurt her feelings and I'm NOT talking down on someone here that might have 3 kids out of wedlock, but damn don't act Holier-Than-Thou, when you know you've done wrong yourself. That irks me!!
Religion should be and was intended to be a way of life. Hobbying is contradicting the way of life because most religions shun sex outside marriage and adultery. One hobbying and going to church on sunday is no different from one cursing, lying, stealing, wife beating, lusting, etc....and going to church.

It is our choice....and if you do follow religious doctrine...then hobbying is wrong. No two ways about it. No matter what we choose today, our day will come when we meet our maker and account for what we have done.

Live or Live in Denial......