New Reference Policy

It seems to me that it is easier for all parties to simply check the reviews of the prospect as a preliminary check.

If he has seen known provides and has more than one or two or three (whatever number you choose) providers in the last month or two or three, that would give a good indication of his standing.

Just my thoughts, but I am NOT a provider, so what do I know. However, please respond with your thoughts. Originally Posted by maxfield
I agree. I always check reviews when screening and if he has recent ones, it helps me to feel more comfortable.

However, I do still contact those who were recently reviewed, just to get some further info on the gent, if possible.

The problem is, guys will see lots of ladies, but if you are a more "well-known" or "active on the board" provider, I think they continue to use your name, bc they think that it has clout. My feeling on the matter is that if we only sessioned once together and it has been a year+, I have no further obligation to "help you out" as you have not come back to "help me out". A line I recently said was, 'If they want to keep me on retainer to reference for them, they can pay me stipend to do so.'
I have no problem with your 3 months. I can't remember some I have seen 3 or 4 months ago. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Exactly. Not to be rude, but how could anyone be expected to remember someone they met with once, so long ago? Details get fuzzy over time!

VH....I have been that way this whole time and that is what works best for me. I will always let someone know if it has been too long and I can not remember specifics of that person.

Keep it going the way it works for you....
Originally Posted by Luvs2Purrr

Yup yup. I know lots of ladies have similar reference limitations. I really hated to have to do it, but this is getting silly, imo, and so I have to be more strict now.
I do 3 months and I state it on my showcase. And unfortunately most guys do not read my showcase and still use me.
Grace Preston's Avatar
It seems to me that it is easier for all parties to simply check the reviews of the prospect as a preliminary check.

If he has seen known provides and has more than one or two or three (whatever number you choose) providers in the last month or two or three, that would give a good indication of his standing.

Just my thoughts, but I am NOT a provider, so what do I know. However, please respond with your thoughts. Originally Posted by maxfield
WolfWhistle has reviews
Cute Papi has reviews
There are lots of problematic gentlemen who have reviews.
WolfWhistle has reviews
Cute Papi has reviews
There are lots of problematic gentlemen who have reviews. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Please tell me when you start naming gentleman.
And unfortunately most guys do not read my showcase and still use me. Originally Posted by Raquel Ryder
Girl, I hear ya.
KandiiCakesXXX's Avatar
Thanx for information hun.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Probably could have just put this in your showcase. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Remember that NewYears resolution?
Probably could have just put this in your showcase. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
They don't read it anyway
It seems to me that it is easier for all parties to simply check the reviews of the prospect as a preliminary check.

If he has seen known provides and has more than one or two or three (whatever number you choose) providers in the last month or two or three, that would give a good indication of his standing.

Just my thoughts, but I am NOT a provider, so what do I know. However, please respond with your thoughts. Originally Posted by maxfield
Reviews don't mean anything
So you're saying that what we had wasn't unforgettable?
Mokelberry's Avatar
What happens if things in your life haven’t been good so no time to see a provider. Then when you are ready a provider wants 3-4 refs. I’ve seen a few ads with this many do I have to go to a provider just for the ref. I mean the lady I like says I need 3 refs how do I get them unless I see others just for that ref. It can go both ways I guess what I am saying and with my wife’s cancer I can’t see providers all the time. One here and there at best sense reality is her care comes first my needs later. Thank you to all the providers that know me and treat me with compassion
Fancyinheels's Avatar
What happens if things in your life haven’t been good so no time to see a provider. Then when you are ready a provider wants 3-4 refs. I’ve seen a few ads with this many do I have to go to a provider just for the ref. I mean the lady I like says I need 3 refs how do I get them unless I see others just for that ref. It can go both ways I guess what I am saying and with my wife’s cancer I can’t see providers all the time. One here and there at best sense reality is her care comes first my needs later. Thank you to all the providers that know me and treat me with compassion Originally Posted by Mokelberry

There are plenty of ladies willing to see fellows without references, gents new to the Hobby or who haven't played in a while for various reasons, although you may have to cooperate with some type of screening for the companion's safety and comfort. Apparently there's this Houston Newbie-Friendly Provider List stickied in ISO...

Irish luck and blessings on your situation, Mokel.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
if your willing to go tho the screening !

What happens if things in your life haven’t been good so no time to see a provider. Then when you are ready a provider wants 3-4 refs. I’ve seen a few ads with this many do I have to go to a provider just for the ref. I mean the lady I like says I need 3 refs how do I get them unless I see others just for that ref. It can go both ways I guess what I am saying and with my wife’s cancer I can’t see providers all the time. One here and there at best sense reality is her care comes first my needs later. Thank you to all the providers that know me and treat me with compassion Originally Posted by Mokelberry
Apparently there's this Houston Newbie-Friendly Provider List stickied in ISO...

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Agree w Fancy. Try the newb friendly providers, but be ready to share other types of info w them. (I am one of those. )

On another subject, had yet another I saw only once, nigh on 7+ months ago use me as a reference recently!
I swear he read this thread and was testing me or something!!