Washington Post Caught FLat Out Lying........

Munchmasterman's Avatar
McMasters came out and said no sources or methods were discussed. The news media is saying that sources and methods might be compromised by the info he exchanged with them. If only 3 people know something and you can eliminate 2 of them as not being have been able to provide that info then process of elimination tells you who the source is

Your absolute and blind trust of an administration whose top person tells 7 lies for every 3 truthful statements, did nothing but lie all week long is what's unbelievable. No hesitation to condemn the story you don't like. The last 4 years you have jumped on whoever said something you don't want to hear. It was always Obama or the media with you. Now the repubs can't blame the dems. It can't be the lying politicians.
Because jackie doesn't want it to be so. You have yet to acknowledge the many contacts between trumps people and the Russians. There is no doubt of that. Except to you. You don't have a molecule of impartiality in your body.
You are and have been a fox "news" shill as long as you've been on this site. We'll wait and see tomorrow how you've made the truth sound like a lie or a lie sound like the truth.
I can't wait to hear what the king of the birthers has to say.

The odds are 7 to 3 he will lie.

By now, we have all seen the headlines......."President Gives Away Top Secret and Highly Classified Information To Russians".


The Post was relying on their usual "person in high place", "unnamed source", "a highly placed official".........

But this time they got bit.

None other than National Security Adviser Ret General HR McMaster, (Who, by the way, was actually in the Oval Office during the meeting), came out and gave a special statement saying that the reports are 100 percent false.


Of course, this isn't stopping CNN, MSN, AOL, Yahoo, and MSNBC from still reporting the lie. After all, McMaster will lie, won't he. Mr "Unamed Source" has much more credibility.

I'm watching CNN right now. The host Don Lemon is reporting the lie like McMaster never even came out and gave his statement.

Unbelievable. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think the Washington Post has been had, or as some might say, they got "plunked".

There was a finite number of people in that room, including the National Security Advisor and The Secretary of State. McMaster says they all agree that the story is false. The President did not do what the Washington Post reports that he did.

Since there was a finite number of people in that room, the FBI will be able to trace the source of the leak. This is serious shit.

This will prove that the "never Trumpers" and former Obama Lackies who are still in key positions in our intelligence community will do anything to discredit the President. Even lie, because they know that the discredited Main Stream Media will report it. And not only report it, but continue to report the lie in th face of the real truth.

I will give the Washington Post a pass on one thing. If a person of "high standing" called and told them this story, the temptation to "get the scoop" might outweigh all other considerations. The just might be serving as a "useful idiot" to those that wish to discredit Prsident Trump at any cost.

This is the likely scenario. The President is preparing to make a World Trip, stopping in on key Allies. What better way to sabotage the entire trip than to float a lie that they know a willing Press will run with.

The Main Stream Media is walking a tight rope. They have circled the wagons on this. They all want it to be true. They all want this President to go down. But now, they have made a crucial error, because as I said before, everybody knows who was in that room.

When the real truth comes out, and the Main Stream Media is proven to be not only incompetent, but totally untrustworthy, the smiling "Cheshire Cat" will be President Trump.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why don't we just list yours? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
We have. Ad nauseam.
LexusLover's Avatar

There was a finite number of people in that room, including the National Security Advisor and The Secretary of State. McMaster says they all agree that the story is false. The President did not do what the Washington Post reports that he did.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
Someone is "going down" for this one.

The explanation "last night" is there must have been a LEAK of information AFTER the intelligence organizations were given a "heads up" that information was shared with the Russian representatives in the meeting, BUT no sources and methods were disclosed to the Russian representatives in the meeting, which means that if the Post got any "sources and methods" information it came AFTER the "heads up" was transmitted to the intel groups!

Electronic pecker tracks will reveal the source. And it's time the Little Fuckers doing the pissing and leaking get some serious prison time to send the right message. And they can squeal "First Amendment" all the way to the showers in the morning, where they can do some more "squealing" for breakfast.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And this morning, drumroll please.....

Twitler admitted (tweeted) he gave the Russians the info in the White House. Of course, he lied about the fact that it was in a public meeting, but his bullshit doesn't seem to have any effect on reality anymore.

So the OP is actually now proven to be flat out lying. It isn't the media. It's YOU!

You dipshits should have learned by now...
  • DSK
  • 05-16-2017, 08:03 AM

When are we going to get back to the business of tearing down the democracy? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You liberals have been doing that for the last 60 years - can't we get a break?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nice defense, JL.

Do you feel that Twitler has the right to share classified counter terrorism information with the enemy?

More locker room talk?
gfejunkie's Avatar
"Anonymous sources" = "We made this shit up."
should I list the lies on Fox News over the years ? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Yssup Rider's Avatar
"Anonymous sources" = "We made this shit up." Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Twitler admitted/tweeted it, you fucking idiot. Again, he contradicts his staff's lies.

Did he make that up?

Is he just fucking with everybody?

Dumb lemming.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-16-2017, 10:12 AM
McMaster gave a short statement, turned and left without answering a single question.

He also denied shit the WaPo story didn't accuse Twitler of.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Trump is a braggart that blurts out shit without thinking.

At least he created a new job.....for Russian photographers! Evidently ours are not worthy of this great occasion of Trump blowing more Russians.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-16-2017, 10:16 AM
Someone is "going down" for this one.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Really. Is that a prediction? Like I did with Zimmerman? How soon will they be going down LL.

I'll save this post.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Someone is "going down" for this one. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yep. Twitler will throw everybody under the bus. But at the end of the day, the bus will go over the cliff, and Twitler with it.

The Turd Reich is going down. Say goodbye to the New World Odor! That fat piece of shit is on the way out.
Yep. Twitler will throw everybody under the bus. But at the end of the day, the bus will go over the cliff, and Twitler with it.

The Turd Reich is going down. Say goodbye to the New World Odor! That fat piece of shit is on the way out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
" That fat piece of shit is on the way out. " Are YOU and YOUR protégé LUBE having " relationship " problems assup ?
Yep. Say goodbye.....that fat piece of shit is on the way out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yes, he is....

2,806 days until the president number Forty-Six is sworn into office: January 20, 2025.