Don't say no

Even Yes reviews have ways of hurting you. After all, Roc Britt won't daty with a guy who has daty with a number of others in their reviews. So you could do 20 positive reviews and use your wonderful oral skills to get them all off, yet have that used as a negative against you. That is just an example that comes to mind , but there are others. It's a land mine out there.
Originally Posted by Taskmaster

Agreed on the yes reviews having an impact on who will see you. Not to pile on Roc Britt but wanted to share an experience that happened to me. I had seen her a couple of times and tried a while ago when a trip to Buffalo was planned but she saw I did a review of Kiah and responded she would not see me because I met her. We went back and forth as I tried to understand. Her trip never happened so I don't know if she would have changed her mind for her to meet me or not but it did bring to light how she looked at my reviews. In this case not a positive way.
NTFunGuy's Avatar
That's what I'm sayin!!! So what gives? Can't rationalize why she blew me off. Originally Posted by Eager2pleazer
I really wouldn't dwell on why she blew you off or said 'No'.
First off she is just a provider. Move on to another one.
Second. She's a woman. I stopped trying to rationalize or figure them out a long time ago.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Even if it's not what it is many providers go off of how it looks ... kind of like with TER (hope I can mention that site here) when ladies see the number ratings. Lots of average or bad scores look scary which would translate to what too many 'No's' for her tastes anyways looks like here on ECCIE.
Might give the impression you are hard to please (even if her service was excellent) or an asshole or both. Reviews = business (more or less) for many. There are no providers that want you to be dishonest though but it's probably not a good look if you really only take the time or rather more time to review the subpar/bad experiences. Sorry to hear she suddenly got "tied up" but good you're not upset about it.

4 no's out of 15 reviews definitely would not have scared me off though.

I didn't think I really had that many no's.....I have a lot of good expirences I just don't review a lot. When shit is fucked up / sub par or not as others have painted it to be then I feel obligated to warn or share.... That's where my no's come from.

So did she think I must be an asshole??? Cuz I'm not. Or does she think her service is sub par and I wouldn't have enjoyed myself.... Not sure what to think.

I'm not even pissed, just confused. Won't stop me from telling the truth. Shitty...had no backup plan and was super in the mood to jam! Originally Posted by Eager2pleazer
I have got to say that looking at your "no" reviews, except for Jewels, they are pretty real, and like you said, Jewels just wasn't working for you and that can deserve a no rec.

If a BP wants to blow you off ( no pun intended) then thats life. There are always your fav's and VP's to work with. We don't have to go to the unknown all of the time.

If a BP wants to blow you off ( no pun intended) then thats life. There are always your fav's and VP's to work with. We don't have to go with the unknown . Originally Posted by Rocky427

She is a vp on this site. But also advertises elsewhere.