Old ASPD By Invitation Only Party - Iniquity

Bestman200600's Avatar
Meeting people at the socials was fun.
Rico's Avatar
  • Rico
  • 04-29-2020, 08:18 AM
The Iniquity parties started after several years of Happy Hour Socials at Pugsleys with Ragin Cajun. Good Times.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-29-2020, 08:22 AM
I only wish I attended a social back then. Many of the ladies back had landing strips. The studio off Maņana (forgot the name), Southern Comfort and the Executive Spa were great fun. The hobby was exiting. Originally Posted by FunMonday
That was Studio 1
mtabsw's Avatar
LMAO - "the banter used to be more productive and it was more of a community". You always remember the good times and the bad ones seem to grow dim. As I remember, and I was a member from the start. including copying all the reviews, which were out in the open originally to the NEW BCD, there was just as much bitching, white knights, lying reviews, and general complaining as there is now.

I will admit there were a few parties which were a little more private with 6 - 10 people. Including swimming parties at the home of one of the modes. We also had a really cool group of about 6-8 guys who held a poker party by renting a conference room at a local motel. My job was to bring ONE new provider to the game every month. It's hard to keep a straight face while she is under the table sucking your dick. Each lady had a different talent that she would bring to the game.

The one that got us almost busted though was when our provider had to go to the bathroom so she walked down the hall. Then crawled back with no panties on and got spotted by several guests. Too fucking funny.

It's all been good. One thing for sure though ---- it was a whole lot less expensive. Originally Posted by Go4it
You nailed the observation that only good memories survive. My recollection, especially towards the end when the ownership got tangled up and eventually melted down was it was as bad if not worse than eccie at times. I think there were fewer total members, and thanks to the socials some of us could put a face to a handle (or tits, legs or ass). But trolls were just as bad if not worse, and there were some classic "yo mama swims out to meet troopships" animosities going on.

Seems eccie had more pimps based on the ads before those were shut down and reviews even I thought were bogus.

My most memorable personal experience I'll share y'all might enjoy. A provider and I had been exchanging emails trying to connect and we kept missing. She showed up at one of the socials so grabbed her and I introduced myself. We were both pretty enthused to finally at least see one another - so much so she gave me one of the hottest, deepest, wettest kisses I've ever had.

WOW.... until a review popped a day or two later with a guy describing how he had picked her up to take her to the social and they stopped at Executive Spa. Bottom line, just before arriving, she had gotten a mouthful of his jizz.
slingblade34's Avatar
You nailed the observation that only good memories survive. My recollection, especially towards the end when the ownership got tangled up and eventually melted down was it was as bad if not worse than eccie at times. I think there were fewer total members, and thanks to the socials some of us could put a face to a handle (or tits, legs or ass). But trolls were just as bad if not worse, and there were some classic "yo mama swims out to meet troopships" animosities going on.

Seems eccie had more pimps based on the ads before those were shut down and reviews even I thought were bogus.

My most memorable personal experience I'll share y'all might enjoy. A provider and I had been exchanging emails trying to connect and we kept missing. She showed up at one of the socials so grabbed her and I introduced myself. We were both pretty enthused to finally at least see one another - so much so she gave me one of the hottest, deepest, wettest kisses I've ever had.

WOW.... until a review popped a day or two later with a guy describing how he had picked her up to take her to the social and they stopped at Executive Spa. Bottom line, just before arriving, she had gotten a mouthful of his jizz. Originally Posted by mtabsw
How romantic...LoL
The Iniquity parties started after several years of Happy Hour Socials at Pugsleys with Ragin Cajun. Good Times. Originally Posted by Rico
Are you serious? Rajon Cajun! Meh Wee! He was so something els! Gosh...good guys...good times...good friends. Maybe somehow us seasoned veterans can set up an oragy that would rock the world! So...anybody remember the Italian chick who was wild as hell? Older, yes and killin it. I felt privileged to meet her in the parking lot in her Mercedes. I was with my good friend MIKE...aka greyhound bus".
Evelyn QV's Avatar
Memory lane for sure!

I showed up to Pugsley's a few times, along with a few socials held by Lady Sultry and a few at Raven's studio.

I'll never forget the couple of pool parties I made it to...WILD TIMES.

I was Marla of Dallas back in those days.

Those were the days
TinMan's Avatar
It was an ideal time for the hobby. The new openness of the internet boards without the dangers of social media.

You can’t go back, though. File it away as a happy memory and be glad you lived it.
TinMan's Avatar
Dupe post.
I think we developed a spivy sense back then by actually talking on the phone. You can tell a lot about the lady (and she could do the same with you) simply by having a short phone conversation. Now texting and emailing can be very deceptive. Sorry to high jack the thread but there were a lot of good things about the hobby aside from socials back in the day.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Good things back in the day.

Two words...

Private Connections. My first two forays in the hobby were a now LONG defunct agency in Austin.... and good ol' PC.
How this thread is bringing back fond memories. Chat was much more social and loved the banter and the PMs and later titillating phone conversations that came along with it a time or two. There was a wonderful form of seduction that went along with the hunt which made it more exciting back then.

Only went to one social. It was at PJs so must have been towards the end of ASPD or the beginning of ECCIE. Lame.

Studios like OES and agencies such as Private Connections are how I got introduced to the hobby. What better way to break in new hobby meat then when a nervous newbie walks into OES and picks Sasha Sims out of a line up. After that the little head finally exerted domain over this red headed step child.

Thank you for starting the thread. Wonderful reminiscing about the Good Times. Stay safe!!!

Memory lane for sure!
I showed up to Pugsley's a few times, along with a few socials held by Lady Sultry and a few at Raven's studio. Originally Posted by Evelyn QV
Wow! That's a blast from the past! LS was lots of fun. I never got to meet her sister, Elegantly Yours.

Speaking of, does anyone remember the ASPD cruise?? The train wreck stories were... well.. of a train wreck on water..
JimInDallas's Avatar
I was on ASPD right after Amber from Houston started it. I was JimInDallas back then too. TinMan is right-the hobby back in the say was awesome!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
The hobby was so much simpler back in the day, but once the pimps, asslickers and trolls who created handles just to inject drama started to be the majority of posters, the hobby became more of a hassle than fun for a guy just trying to get his dick wet.