Ben Affleck

USAsoldier's Avatar
Ben affleck did the best batman ever imo. Lex was casted horribly tho. Awkward af twitches like wtf, lex doesn't do that shit. Originally Posted by the cute papi

What about Paul Dano? This dude is good. He got Best Supporting Actor Oscar nominated for "There's Will Be Blood."
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Goodness what a flick! So my damn idiot friend got us tix to Imax but on row A, which is the first row in the theater. It felt like I was the one getting punched ha! So we're giving it another go tonight. It's worthy of another viewing.

Yes it was a tad long but over all it was pretty awesome. Ben Affleck was intense as the new man for Batman. The guy who played Lex, Jesse something did a good role, I disagree with The Cats Meow review of him, but your over all review of the movie I somewhat agree with.

Bonus - The trailer for Suicide Squad! Margo Robbie as Harley Quinn! That's one for the spank bank lol! Originally Posted by USAsoldier
Lex in this movie did not have the villainous humor of Gene Hackman,,,It felt like a emo psycho kid was playing his role,,,Lex was suppose to be a diabolical criminal genius,,,This movie made him out to be some kind of spoiled, weird Aspie.
Fishpie's Avatar
Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor) has some OCD or something like that.
maj4play's Avatar
I wonder if they had a 10-82 on the set ... wait this wasnt a miramax flick ... where are jay and silent bob when you need them
oilfieldscum's Avatar
i thought ben afflec had redeemed himself with The town. Originally Posted by cr76
He'll never redeem himself from being Jlo's bitch.
darksouls's Avatar
He'll never redeem himself from being Jlo's bitch. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
he got to bang jLo! what redemption?

people can do a lot worse than make god awful rom coms for a chance to bang jlo
spear89's Avatar
These are the ONLY positive reviews I have seen on the internet. Everything else I have heard, even from fans, was that it sucked.
USAsoldier's Avatar
These are the ONLY positive reviews I have seen on the internet. Everything else I have heard, even from fans, was that it sucked. Originally Posted by spear89
The movie is pretty damn good! The whiners are probably the super nerds who want the movie as exactly written in the comic books. It hit $420 million box office opening!
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
The movie is pretty damn good! The whiners are probably the super nerds who want the movie as exactly written in the comic books. It hit $420 million box office opening! Originally Posted by USAsoldier
You probably thought The Force Awakens was a great movie just because it made a whole lot of money,,,The nerds are usually the target audience for these comic book movies,,,The average person thinks these movies are silly and retarded.
bigwill832's Avatar
The movie was too long,,,The first act was interesting,,,The second act was boring and confusing,,,The third act was action-packed,,,The epiologue was overkill and pretentious,,,There were too many dream sequences,,,Ben was great,,,Lex Luther was a boring weasel,,,Superman got his ass kicked throughout the movie,,,Wonder Woman was a highlight,,,Batman was dark and bad ass,,,Alfred complained throughout the movie,,,Doomsday wasn't menacing enough,,,Lois constantly needed saving,,,The soundtrack worked,,,There was no extra footage after the credits rolled. It was better than Dead Pool. Originally Posted by TheCat'sMeow
Here's where my geek comes out:

It was a long movie, but they did it right by hashing out the characters and their motives. I'd rather it be a longer movie that develops the characters and the story line rather than trying to slap a story together without doing so: X-men, Spider Man, etc... Hell the story arc about Superman having to deal with not being able to be all things to all people could have been a movie on its own. The part at Congress after the explosion...that look on his face when he is standing there in the flames...that was rough and could have been it's own movie. That would suck, standing there unscathed as everyone around you just got obliterated and you could do nothing about it.

They have to sort of reboot both Superman and Batman without having to reboot them. So the second act buildup was necessary. We got to see Superman's issues and concerns with the world. He just wants to do good where he can and be left to it but is being pushed into different roles by everyone around him. All the while people are loving him and hating him at the same time for his both action and inaction. and we got to see Batman's build up and internal issues as well and then how those two would collide.

Superman got beat up on because he didn't want to kill anyone and Batman was taking advantage of that with his planning and tech. Don't forget Superman wasn't aware of the Kryptonite.

I think they put this movie together by learning what X-Men did wrong. In the end it's a movie made for entertainment. If we dig into it too much, as we are, it takes away from that entertainment value. So we may as well just watch documentaries.
Fishpie's Avatar
You probably thought The Force Awakens was a great movie just because it made a whole lot of money,,,The nerds are usually the target audience for these comic book movies,,,The average person thinks these movies are silly and retarded. Originally Posted by TheCat'sMeow
Says the one who believes TDKR is the best superhero film. If nerds were the target audience these movies would be hell of a lot better.

I think they put this movie together by learning what X-Men did wrong. In the end it's a movie made for entertainment. If we dig into it too much, as we are, it takes away from that entertainment value. So we may as well just watch documentaries. Originally Posted by bigwill832
Seems like you're a little rusty on your geekness. Hack Snyder is a deep person like Nolan therefore yes you have to dig deep into this film. That's why it's shit and the DCCU is going to crash and burn unless someone who knows what they're doing steps in and saves the ship.

Interesting read on this link:

Also, BvS has to make somewhere in the 900 million range just to break even.
bigwill832's Avatar
Says the one who believes TDKR is the best superhero film. If nerds were the target audience these movies would be hell of a lot better.

Seems like you're a little rusty on your geekness. Hack Snyder is a deep person like Nolan therefore yes you have to dig deep into this film. That's why it's shit and the DCCU is going to crash and burn unless someone who knows what they're doing steps in and saves the ship.. Originally Posted by Fishpie
Well if they did make the movies to satisfy we who geek out on the comics, yes they would be a lot better and they'd be a helluva lot longer. I never was big into DC, so I can't say what's sticking with story lines or not on their side. I can go off on Marvel all day and night.
johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Just saw this movie. Movie was very good. Not sure why critics are panning it.

Ben Affleck rocks it as Batman.
Henry Cavill did well as Supes.
Gal Gadot, interesting as Wonder Woman, but nobody does Wonder Woman better than Lynda Carter
Fishpie's Avatar
My take on the movie is probably bias because that was a big heaping pile of shit. It's very hard to not be bias when you see all the different influential plot lines that were involved in the making of this and not be like WTF?! Cavill is the only one I like. I liked him in MoS but thought that movie was alright.
jayc987's Avatar
Superman dies at the end, after defeating Doomsday