Jordan23 passed away

Guest051010-3's Avatar
i'am so sad to hear this, he was such a character he would call me and say "what happened, your late" always trying to make me think i forgot a appointment, we never did have that appointment but many conversations and a few meetings. You will be missed Jordan23.
RIP Jordan23
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-15-2010, 02:07 PM
He is one I wish I could have met. I followed his postings and reviews very carefully as he and I liked the same type of lady.

RIP Amigo! Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
What DJ said.

Damn as many BS that these boards spawn it is sad to read this. If you are objective about this game.....then you can really appreciate people like J23. He was a true gent on the board and in PM's. Very few people like that.

Should have been a Moderator....
Captain Gus's Avatar
RIP J23;
Italia DiBella's Avatar
How sad and shocked I was when I found out.
Didn't want this to be my first post so I asked Htowner to post as soon as I heard of his passing.

A family member of his emailed me to let me know the situation.

Jordan23 will definately be missed by me.
He was always a true man and made me feel right at home ever since we met way back in my indy era.
He liked to joke around as much as I did and always laughed even when my chatter was plain goofy.

We kept in contact through all the years and respected each others privacy.
I knew I could count on him on keeping things hush hush.

So how he passed will not be posted by me.
I respect his privacy and just wanted to let all of you know of his passing.
ratboy jam's Avatar
Italia DiBella's Avatar
(Htowner) B.T.W. he was not old he just turned 50 this December.
Wayward's Avatar
Italia DiBella sorry it took this sad occasion for you to once again grace us with your beauty and compassion,
Htowner's Avatar
(Htowner) B.T.W. he was not old he just turned 50 this December. Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
Yes mam, we are just glad you made it, whatever age you say he was.
Italia for Super Mod, correcting me on her second post.
It is getting tough around here, I tell you.
Htowner introduced me to Jordan23 one day at The Mens Club. He was very knowledgeable and CLASS ACT ... sorry he is no longer with us.
Diabolo's Avatar
RIP J23.

He most of have been one heck of a gentleman... he even managed to get an angel like Italia to resurface and pay her respects.
gearslut's Avatar
I recognize the handle but didn't know him personally. It's always sad to hear of a well respected member passing. RIP
allofamber's Avatar
Wow someone told me about this thread and I couldnt believe it....This guy was a class act...loved hanging out with him at Treasures...he was a blast and such a cool dude...he will be missed..RIP
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Very Sad. I spoke with him every couple of months.

He was a great guy and will be missed.

topcat19542001's Avatar
Very bad news. Rest in peace Jordan23...