America will look like what in 100 years?

The "race card" and it's latest variants, "CRT", "Replacement Theory", etc. are just the latest false narrative to keep us divided and fighting each other instead of uniting and demanding better from the most expensive and debt burdened government in the history of the planet. It was mentioned with little notice or concern a couple of decades back that the US debt burden exceeded all debt issued by the entire human race since debts were recorded. Yeaaa, US! Go USA! We're No. 1!

In a similar thought, if you think Democrats Vs. Republicans, you are thinking in two dimensions, just the simplistic way they want you to think.

If you think conservatives Vs. liberals, ditto.

If you think (choose a race or ethnicity) Vs. (choose a race or ethnicity), ditto.

Billions and billions of dollars are spent each year to keep us segregated and pissed off at each other, to peddle the above two - dimensional thinking when we should be thinking in four dimensions at a minimum.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm a human.

I'm not White or Black. I'm a human.

I'm not whatever lens you've been taught to look at me "as". If you have the need and feel comfy putting me into this category or that, that's your issue, not mine.

I only know that the political power model that has been in power since 1865 was dying at the start of the 1900's, was dead by the Second World War, failed to adapt to the rise of Communism, and is obviously eating it's own in the 21st century. As long as we fight internal wars of this two-dimensional "Us Vs. Them" thinking, we are all Screwed with a capital "S".

But I'm also realistic enough to know and understand that some of y'all have to hate on what I'm saying. It's not your fault. You are just regurgitating what y'all have been fed since your first poop, and continue to feast on every day: Hate. And I choose not to hate you back.

That's my $0.02, worth everything you paid for it.
As I understand it, replacement theory just basically notices that Whites are losing power and influence in White nations. Which seems to be quite factually true.

I mean, why should they care, right? Who cares.

Why would Gandhi care if English took over India, I mean, was he a replacement theory conspiracy theorist?
In a similar thought, if you think Democrats Vs. Republicans, you are thinking in two dimensions, just the simplistic way they want you to think. Originally Posted by Anonymous01
Well, technically, that's one-dimensional thinking. One variable.

I prefer to think about liberty and how much liberty a given candidate or policy increases or decreases the amount of liberty citizens are allowed to exercise.
Is it liberty to have a policy that permits a flood of aliens into the country?
[QUOTE=herbieh;1062900432]Seems to me that the whole world (except a few outlying countries in Africa & Asia) will basically be just a bunch of caramel colored people with dark hair...[/QUOT

Disagree.They will have big butts and stomaches, weird colored skin, dark mainly on the face and nick, strange orange, removable hair, and everyone will want to be called Mr. (Ms.) President.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I suggest those of you who constantly ponder race related questions let it go. By the time your greatest fears are realized, we’ll all be long dead. And, judging by what is posted here and in similar threads on this board, the world will be a better place for our absence.
You people who think that race has something to do with who your ancestors were are living in an outdated fantasy world. The Science proves that a white is less genetically similar to another white than to a black (who is the most diverse of all).

Read a book.

Genetics has disproved wrong old racist stereotypes such as that individuals tend to be more closely related to some people than to other people. What does who you are related to have to do with race, anyway? Race is just skin deep.

The Science has demonstrated that white people don’t exist. People who believe they are white are just a social construct gaslit by whiteness, which somebody ought to do something about, if you know what I mean.