Body Wraps, Insanity, P90X, Shakeology, and More!

They work on about 90% of people. It detoxes the fat cells causing them to shrink and the results last 2-6 months depending on your diet.

In this picture one leg was wrapped and the other one wasn't. Amazing isn't it? Originally Posted by Malaya

I met the daughter I mentioned last night. She's fat and ate as if she wanted to put on weight - cheesecake, lemon drops, wings and 'tots' with cheese, sour cream and bacon.

I hope Insanity can inspire some sense into her.
I did mine real slow,I have done body wraps and consistent use it does work!

I have tried b12 and also fat burners as well as the appetite suppresents previous.(past try outs)

in the past 13 going on 14 months I have used the teambeachbody programs,Insanity,p90x,turbo fire,yoga booty ballet and used the online site.

The ONLY thing that transformed and I have Maintained is by doing 5-7 days excersise with cardio and the FOOD part is a BIG part,I do a different diet but cut out sodas,coffees,limit meals and record what I eat.If I did a better food diet I would have the complete look but I am 4'11 have lost over 10 pounds and the rest was muscle weight I gained after burning the fat off. I went from a 34 waist to about 27 and my waist has the indents now I tried so hard to achieve.Especially after giving birth it is such a challenge!I recorded everything in a log book since day one and I have 2 nutrition drinks I take.When Traveling I bring my hand equipment and videos and shakes with me and continue.

YES the body wraps are AWSOME! My friend does this for a living and is making TONS of money! I love the videos p90x and Insanity although at times I have to break and pick up where I can and can't do everything.

The person above saying diet and excersise is the way....YES! I hated to admit it but I FINALLY tried both and that was my key to maintaining what I achieved.The Slower you lose,the easier to maintain.I lost over 10 pounds SUPER quick one time and it came back too quick also since I didn't consistenly maintain the results.
~Happy TGIF~ Originally Posted by Exotic Beauty

Almost everything here is on target. I've met some people who are genetically gifted and they just need a decent diet to achieve and maintain a good physique. But if you can get diet and exercise mastered together, then that is all you need. At your height (4'11), physique maintenance will unfortunately be more difficult than average.
At exoctic Beauty Pm what u did to lose 10pounds quick lol.. thats all I need to lose thanks
At exoctic Beauty Pm what u did to lose 10pounds quick lol.. thats all I need to lose thanks Originally Posted by Courtney
I don't mind pm'ing you at all but to be very very honest,the 10 pounds I lost very fast was NOT a way to give goodadvice at all.It may even make you mad since it will not stay off but for a quick snap of the finger unless done in the correct way...that was a mistake I learned,Feel free to pm and I can tell you but its just not a healthy way.I chamged and do things,slower,on a daily basis and maintain and alternate and do what is right and in porportion for my body type.

Losing pounds is cool and all but if you don't burn the body fat 1st,then tone and sculpt after you may have looser skin,less firmness,and start building mass and bulking up because cardio(The HARDEST thing to start and stick with) is a must,Not burning fat 1st is pointless...if you just go and work out then you add on and have mass which is frustrating....I went from ground 1 after giving up....I took 3 months of FORCING cardio EVERY day....then after the fat percentage burned off where I wanted it to be I then added all work outs,circuits and tone,sculpt etc.

So a QUICKIE loose of pounds does not neccesarily make your body have the shape or porportion you want to achieve personally for your body,height to ratio etc.

Salt and carbonations and sugars bloat the body and add lots off excess water to our bodies and make us swell...Also the human body can lose 5 plus pounds by using doing a "Cleanse" (Too shy to say the details of what that is here openly) Lol....But I learned in school of Anatomy and Physiology that is a HUGE factor and it can be done safe,less expensive and privately.....Sorry I rambled,This is my main goal in the past 3 yrs. to get my 3rd and 4th license and train others on diet and health and fitness since I battle every day with it.And naturally...I have not tried surgeries YET but since I am older now,If I do in 10 years I might not even want the re charge or "Upgrade and just leave it alone.

Have a Good night and YES pm if you REALY wanna do the QUICK lose...But it is temperary.Just bein honest You get the BEST results starting slow and achieving a maintenance plan and not bouncing back and forth......OR getting surgeries but after the swelling and healing process some tummy tucks or lipos or gastric bypass etc. If not doing what the doctor says as a "Follow up" the fat you gain from not doing any work outs,diet etc,distributes everywhere it can that was not worked on and can give the body a very odd shape such as chunk on the sides and a flat stomach or ripples and dimples etc....Woooooo Saaaaaa What hard work to get results! UGH! It is frustrating at times but holla I can help give ya positive notes to help if ya like XOXO
Almost everything here is on target. I've met some people who are genetically gifted and they just need a decent diet to achieve and maintain a good physique. But if you can get diet and exercise mastered together, then that is all you need. At your height (4'11), physique maintenance will unfortunately be more difficult than average. Originally Posted by Mike1427
Very hard and I am so hard on myself I am my own "Drill Sergeant"

After quitting cigs in June 2003...NEVER had another one since...I had the hardest challenge ever! I wanted to quit smoking so bad I did...Now I wanna stay healthy and not get Obese for my body type so I am trying very hard not to give up... I gained self motivation,positive attitude and feeling much better...I Lost alot of so called "friends" since now none of them like anything I am interested in and the ones I had still do the same things that got old to me : (
Very hard and I am so hard on myself I am my own "Drill Sergeant"

After quitting cigs in June 2003...NEVER had another one since...I had the hardest challenge ever! I wanted to quit smoking so bad I did...Now I wanna stay healthy and not get Obese for my body type so I am trying very hard not to give up... I gained self motivation,positive attitude and feeling much better...I Lost alot of so called "friends" since now none of them like anything I am interested in and the ones I had still do the same things that got old to me : ( Originally Posted by Exotic Beauty

Yep. It is a lifestyle choice and that means it requires sacrifice. If we are being honest, you are shorter and genetically thicker than some other women (absolutely nothing wrong with that). Now I know you are a firm believer in cardio, and I agree that it is a great way to lose weight, especially quickly, however, I believe strength training is the best way to control one's weight and physique in the long term is due much to strength training.

By the way, congrats on quitting cigs!
Yep. It is a lifestyle choice and that means it requires sacrifice. If we are being honest, you are shorter and genetically thicker than some other women (absolutely nothing wrong with that). Now I know you are a firm believer in cardio, and I agree that it is a great way to lose weight, especially quickly, however, I believe strength training is the best way to control one's weight and physique in the long term is due much to strength training.

By the way, congrats on quitting cigs! Originally Posted by Mike1427
Yes! Thanks so much! I alternate so I do cardio 4-5 times a week the hardest and alternate,Today I do Core training and a hour of stretch techniques.Tomorrow only 20 minutes of cardio and then I do a hour of sculpt. I Love the resistance bands alot! also I use dumbells and other pieces like ankle weights,body ball,step platform,stairs even for the calf muscules... It rained so much I like to do the 3 mile trails but it is yucky mushy wet Lol! ~Happy Saturday!~...And Yup Yup! No cigs since 2003! Woot!
Yes! Thanks so much! I alternate so I do cardio 4-5 times a week the hardest and alternate,Today I do Core training and a hour of stretch techniques.Tomorrow only 20 minutes of cardio and then I do a hour of sculpt. I Love the resistance bands alot! also I use dumbells and other pieces like ankle weights,body ball,step platform,stairs even for the calf muscules... It rained so much I like to do the 3 mile trails but it is yucky mushy wet Lol! ~Happy Saturday!~...And Yup Yup! No cigs since 2003! Woot! Originally Posted by Exotic Beauty
The resistance bands, body ball, ankle weights, and step platform, are all more targeted towards women for women's fitness needs. As long as you are hitting every muscle you are fine. I actually like the resistance bands as I find them to be easier on the joints.
Mojojo's Avatar
There is no running away from it folks, it all comes down to simple diet and exercising PERIOD! There is no such thing as a magic pill that will help you lose weight, all that stuff is a gimmick, any personal trainer or doctor will tell you that. Besides it can't be good for your liver to process and I don't think any of us want to destroy that because you only get one. Additionally some folks use prescribed stuff such as clenbuteral but again you dont have asthma that can't be healthy for you. Some folks think cardio sucks but actually it can be fun! The best thing about exercising is when you start to see results additionally when that happens it becomes addicting. I'm a gym rat, I go crazy if miss more than 2 days.

So my point is dont waste your money on this bs, just fix your diet, join a gym or find a park to go jogging the reward is definitely worth it! The only one that I will vouch for is P90x, it's a good program proven to be effective but again that requires work on your behalf.
There is no running away from it folks, it all comes down to simple diet and exercising PERIOD! There is no such thing as a magic pill that will help you lose weight, all that stuff is a gimmick, any personal trainer or doctor will tell you that. Besides it can't be good for your liver to process and I don't think any of us want to destroy that because you only get one. Additionally some folks use prescribed stuff such as clenbuteral but again you dont have asthma that can't be healthy for you. Some folks think cardio sucks but actually it can be fun! The best thing about exercising is when you start to see results additionally when that happens it becomes addicting. I'm a gym rat, I go crazy if miss more than 2 days.

So my point is dont waste your money on this bs, just fix your diet, join a gym or find a park to go jogging the reward is definitely worth it! The only one that I will vouch for is P90x, it's a good program proven to be effective but again that requires work on your behalf. Originally Posted by mojojo213
You just said the BEST thing ever! Covers all bases! I agree 100% plus I feel TERRIBLE if I miss 1-2 days also : )
There is no running away from it folks, it all comes down to simple diet and exercising PERIOD! There is no such thing as a magic pill that will help you lose weight, all that stuff is a gimmick, any personal trainer or doctor will tell you that. Besides it can't be good for your liver to process and I don't think any of us want to destroy that because you only get one. Additionally some folks use prescribed stuff such as clenbuteral but again you dont have asthma that can't be healthy for you. Some folks think cardio sucks but actually it can be fun! The best thing about exercising is when you start to see results additionally when that happens it becomes addicting. I'm a gym rat, I go crazy if miss more than 2 days.

So my point is dont waste your money on this bs, just fix your diet, join a gym or find a park to go jogging the reward is definitely worth it! The only one that I will vouch for is P90x, it's a good program proven to be effective but again that requires work on your behalf. Originally Posted by mojojo213
I appreciate your input but with my OWN experience with these products I will tell you they DO work. They are NOT BS and I don't really appreciate you saying that without actually trying the item yourself. I've lost 10 inches with the wraps and they stayed off for 3 months with NO diet and exercise. While I AGREE that diet and exercise is the BEST way there are other ways that will help people that just don't have time or refuse to exercise. It's better to have these simple solutions for those people instead of them continuing their weight gain. I personally think the body wraps and supplements HELP WITH exercise and eating right. I am in no way saying that it's the only thing you should do but it DOES help.
Mojojo's Avatar
I appreciate your input but with my OWN experience with these products I will tell you they DO work. They are NOT BS and I don't really appreciate you saying that without actually trying the item yourself. I've lost 10 inches with the wraps and they stayed off for 3 months with NO diet and exercise. While I AGREE that diet and exercise is the BEST way there are other ways that will help people that just don't have time or refuse to exercise. It's better to have these simple solutions for those people instead of them continuing their weight gain. I personally think the body wraps and supplements HELP WITH exercise and eating right. I am in no way saying that it's the only thing you should do but it DOES help. Originally Posted by Malaya
Actually I am using simple biology to draw up my conclusion, although you may not like it, it's a discussion board so I'll state my opinion in regards to how i feel about pill's and other stuff, just like you can state your's.

More power to you if you believe you lost that without having to change your diet up or work out but after reading how the human body works I just don't see it happening without the switch in lifestyle. Perhaps you might have changed your diet up and not noticed, but hey as long as your happy that's all that counts. I(me, myself) would never introduce these substances to my body just because there most are not FDA approved or have been proven by any studies to lose weight therefore they seem harmful to ME.

Look up the credible scientific researches on these weight loss alternatives which prove they are effective, you'll find there aren't very many. Again your entitled to state your opinion just like I am entitled to mine.
I am also getting my degree in Health and Wellness. These "chemicals" are natural herbs. Herbal medicine in MY opinion is better than mainstream medicine. No I did not change my diet in the slightest when using the wraps and I got instant results and they lasted 3 months. The pills are also all natural herbal medicines that boost your metabolism and curb your appetite. The FDA does not usually approve herbal medicines. Plus I wouldn't trust the FDA for crap anyways since they apparently think pink slime is good enough for our children to eat and they also think it's perfectly ok to add arsenic to chicken feed that is fed to the chickens we eat. Our government only has their pockets in their best interest. They do not nor will ever care about our health and well being.

Actually I am using simple biology to draw up my conclusion, although you may not like it, it's a discussion board so I'll state my opinion in regards to how i feel about pill's and other stuff, just like you can state your's.

More power to you if you believe you lost that without having to change your diet up or work out but after reading how the human body works I just don't see it happening without the switch in lifestyle. Perhaps you might have changed your diet up and not noticed, but hey as long as your happy that's all that counts. I(me, myself) would never introduce these substances to my body just because there most are not FDA approved or have been proven by any studies to lose weight therefore they seem harmful to ME.

Look up the credible scientific researches on these weight loss alternatives which prove they are effective, you'll find there aren't very many. Again your entitled to state your opinion just like I am entitled to mine. Originally Posted by mojojo213
Mojojo's Avatar
I am also getting my degree in Health and Wellness. These "chemicals" are natural herbs. Herbal medicine in MY opinion is better than mainstream medicine. No I did not change my diet in the slightest when using the wraps and I got instant results and they lasted 3 months. The pills are also all natural herbal medicines that boost your metabolism and curb your appetite. The FDA does not usually approve herbal medicines. Plus I wouldn't trust the FDA for crap anyways since they apparently think pink slime is good enough for our children to eat and they also think it's perfectly ok to add arsenic to chicken feed that is fed to the chickens we eat. Our government only has their pockets in their best interest. They do not nor will ever care about our health and well being. Originally Posted by Malaya

Soooo because it's herbal it is safe? You obviously didn't hear about hydroxycut which was claimed to be an herbal weight loss supplement....look how well it turned out for muscletech (developers) when all those claims of liver damage sued the shit out of them..... I think I'll take the FDA's opinion into consideration, but of course I'll still want to see their supporting studies and of course I'll conduct my own research on any products regardless.

So again I'll stand by MY opinion about these quick weight loss "herbal" alternative's as being nothing more than gimmicks. P90X and Insanity on the other hand are a different story, your body is actually active and burning carbs and fat.

btw: Herbal weight loss pills can fuck your liver up too!
I have finished my program with Insanity...I just finished my last fit test and the number speak for themselves as how much I was able to improve from the first fit test...

And also my weight when I started was 120 and is still 120...however I dropped 3 sizes in the 2 months of this program..i followed the program to a tee...and I plan on continuing the program as I love the basics of it and as well its not complicated dance moves..its push-up..squats and lots of cardio...

For me it was a mind thing..once I decided it was time..boom I did it..and I feel very accomplished at the results and where I am today...This was a great program as I didnt need any equipment and thats why I went with this one as opposed to the px-90..

Also this program is very simple to follow..and the workouts vary from day to day which is very nice..since I get bored very easily..

As far as the diet..well I was burning up to 1000 calories per work the diet was just basically stay away from the chips and twizzlers and bacon cheeseburgers which btw I simply love...and I stayed away from fried foods..other than that..I didnt put alot of thought into what i was to eat or what i was to stay away from..

I found myself drinking a gallon of water every other day which was fine with me as I wanted to incorporate more water into my daily coffee yes..I will have my morning coffee and still do..however its 1 to 2 cups at the very most and its at 6;15 in the morning..if that makes any diff I really dont know..but I did keep that in my daily and it didnt affect me either way..

I knew this program worked when I had to buy a belt to help hold my pants up..woohooo!! lol..

as for diet pills or body wraps I cannot comment.. however I can comment on insanity..and I love it..I will do it a few more times and them try to evolve to the
asylum workouts which is created by the same "man" shaun t..however Im not ready to shread my muscles yet..Im still building them up...