How many times do y'all hobby?

Eight times a month, usually with multiple hours and a 24 hour fuckfest every couple months.
Never enough!
Pangolier's Avatar
I don't "hobby" But I do visit working girls as often as I can afford to without being what I would define as financially reckless. At times that has been as often as twice a week... on other occasions only a few times a year, due to varying circumstances. The frequency would depend on the year you are asking about. Not many people were shacking up the 2nd quarter of 2020 because most girls were afraid to work due to Covid at the time. Perfect example; frequency depends on the year and circumstances of the season in question. It's not all tied to money.
Once every few months, discretionary funds are hard to come by with other competing commitments. Makes the “quality over quantity” factor much more important. After seeing some other posts though, almost makes me feel like I might should walk away from the hobby and find another more affordable hobby that I can participate in more often, perhaps bingo or bird watching! Sigh.
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  • L1A2D
  • 06-25-2022, 09:56 AM
Depends. Sometimes twice a week and as many as five times. Always looking for the next ATF to make very regular
On the average 1 a month and has slowed down quite a bit. Used to be 2x a month when I was single and no one to bother me.
Way too much, yet never enough!