Mac Laptop or IBM Laptop

Mac sux
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Darth.... Is this new machine only going to be for MOD duties only? I have a netbook that I only paid like 150 for and it serves its purpose for me without any problems. It with clear internet makes it perfect and very easy to take whereever you want.

Spirit.... I believe I've seen you mention the netbooks in previous posts. Is it possible to upgrade or customize one a bit to one's liking?
Darth.... Is this new machine only going to be for MOD duties only? I have a netbook that I only paid like 150 for and it serves its purpose for me without any problems. It with clear internet makes it perfect and very easy to take whereever you want.

Spirit.... I believe I've seen you mention the netbooks in previous posts. Is it possible to upgrade or customize one a bit to one's liking? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Netbooks are scaled down but still quite useful

usually they are running the 1.6 gig ATOM cpu (its dual core) has a 160 to 250 gig HD, NO CDRW/DVD RW but you can get a USB powered one for around 50
Comes with 1 gig ram, max is 2 and I highly recommend it! You can run Linux on it as well.

the PLUS about these little units are just that.. Little.. most are 10.1 inch screens, they are light, the newer ones get 3+ hours on a battery, you can buy extended batteries for them which can get you 6 + hours (add about 3/4 a pound to carry weight) and to carry one in a briefcase, small backpack is easy, You can pack it, the power supply and the external CD drive easy.

Price wise they are about 280 starting price

But before you whip out the $$$$ go look/fondle them at a computer store.. if its not comfy for you to type on or use, then you won't like it.

2 things to always look for in a notebook style PC... How much RAM is it coming with, and what is its max limit?

RAM is the playground programs play in.. bigger playground, less chance of programs bumping into each other and fighting (blue screens of death) the CPU speed should be 1.6 or higher....

Eccie Addict brought up a GOOD point... if you intend on using a third party USB 3g -4g adapter, that might hinder a choice in Linux. The ones that work are usually the Puck that charges off the USB and you connect to it via wifi (like the MIFI devices)

If you need that sort of connectivity, then stick to windows or Mac.
Guest021213's Avatar
If you can afford it, Mac Book Pro with eyes closed ... I've been using Mac since 10 years ago, and never going back to PC ... The only PC's we have at the office, it's because the accounting software was made for Windows ... still I am running Mac OSX and Windows in my mac that has now an Intel processor ... Its like having two laptops in one
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-20-2011, 01:13 PM
If you can afford it, Mac Book Pro with eyes closed ... I've been using Mac since 10 years ago, and never going back to PC ... The only PC's we have at the office, it's because the accounting software was made for Windows ... still I am running Mac OSX and Windows in my mac that has now an Intel processor ... Its like having two laptops in one Originally Posted by HardWired
I saw that in the Apple store here in Houston the man that waited on me had one and showed it to me. I really like that idea. I am just now getting use to the IPad and I am now saving money or will barter for a Mac Book Pro. Thank you all for the information that you all have shared. I use photoshop at lot. Does anyone know any thing about their version of it? I am switching over to Mac I am sick of all of the virus bs.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
The Mac Store told me my Mac was ancient lol but believe it or not even as old as it is I have yet to get one virus....
the big difference between Mac's running OSX, unix linux and windows machines is that virus's are written to target windows workstations (your home pc etc. but on the Mac OSX - linux-unix machines hackers want the server not the workstation.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Thanks for all of the great advice. Spirit, I have heard of Ubuntu. I am an IT guys as well. I am on the software side though.
Thanks for all of the great advice. Spirit, I have heard of Ubuntu. I am an IT guys as well. I am on the software side though. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Darth, I am working 3 pm - midnight all this week but if you are in town this next weekend lets meet up, I will bring my nerd stuff and can show you how it looks.

Also I think another on here (just woke up) is interested in seeing it, I am usually free around 3pm Saturday (got a thing I go to every week at Rudyards from 12:30- 2:30 and its in mid town. so from there I am central. Where ever we meet however it would be good for it to have free wifi so that you can see Ubuntu in action,

If Midtown is convenient for you, the I say meet at Rudyards 2010 Waugh drive (they sell beer, food, have darts, pool tables, sports on TV and wifi)
being opposed to the MAC prices and their claim to fame on not needing a PC and Windows 7 is the bomb. Besides you can get a smoking laptop spec'd out for a fraction of the price of a MAC. I personally prefer the Dells as i use them for work and play in my home, extended family,...and you cannot beat their hands down chat feature customer service.

i agree with ubuntu as well. linux based is the best hands down operating system. many companies are rewriting software to get away from licensing by microsoft. be careful on the drivers but once its up....ur rocking better than a MAC on steriods.
Differences between Macs and PCs, having used both.

I was helping two different family members migrate from desktop computers to laptops.

Family 1: Windows XP desktop to Windows 7 laptop: You can't restore a "full" backup, because way too many programs have hardware options settings. You can't move the "users" because of the darned "user profile" which deeply dictates hardware usage, program options, and how your system interacts based in installed programs. You can't "move" the programs, because it's all tied to the System Registry, which points to all of that wonderful proprietary hardware that each manufacturer buys from China and puts into their system, all requiring driver software to run it.

Family Member 2: Migrating older iMac desktop to a new Mac Book Pro. Restore full Time Machine backup using the Migration Utility - which can be done over direct cabling (Firewire, or an Ethernet or Wireless network (wireless much slower, but it does work). You can even restore from a Time Machine drive which is network based, or an external USB drive you can directly attach. It's that simply, you migrate programs and settings, users, basically the entire image, which is hardware independent.

Mac, hands down!
being opposed to the MAC prices and their claim to fame on not needing a PC and Windows 7 is the bomb. Besides you can get a smoking laptop spec'd out for a fraction of the price of a MAC. I personally prefer the Dells as i use them for work and play in my home, extended family,...and you cannot beat their hands down chat feature customer service.

i agree with ubuntu as well. linux based is the best hands down operating system. many companies are rewriting software to get away from licensing by microsoft. be careful on the drivers but once its up....ur rocking better than a MAC on steriods. Originally Posted by windowshopper
There is one way to test a machine with Linux before installing it. It is called a "Live CD" or a "Live USB drive" from a linux machine you can create one of these, and BOOT a machine from it. It runs in RAM, and only uses a small portion of the hd for swap which is cleared when you reboot, but it will test all the hardware to see if it is natively supported. If it is, you CAN from this Live image install either side by side on you current OS or wipe it out and run Pure Linux.

As for Windows 7 being "da bomb" companies are looking for it but as things become webclients etc..... all they need is a thin client (tech term for a non os no drive device that connects you to the server farm with full graphical gui) to allow them to remote in.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Sounds like the closest you can get to Mac quality is windows machine with liniux....

What keeps Mac from getting viruses? That is one of the biggest selling points to me.
I use a iPad which works for 99% of mod stuff and email. I am looking at the new Mac air and will sell the iPad if I do.
Sounds like the closest you can get to Mac quality is windows machine with liniux....

What keeps Mac from getting viruses? That is one of the biggest selling points to me. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

most viruses are programmed for pc and not for mac. its a different system programming. since pc is used most often int he world they are more vulnerable. i assume that changes once mac becomes standard. the only reason why they are "safe" (not so much though) is because they are not common good.