ECCIE Bully ALERT!! from a member who goes by - pxmcc

I'm sure you are only DNS'ed with her. Doubt you're actually blacklisted hobby-wide. She's not verified, so it's not infoshared. Bad review, nutty attitude, I wouldn't lose any sleep.
AlexisMoore's Avatar
if i was a mod, i would want to see the text transcript to determine how "egregious" the "offensive" conduct was. therefore, to this end, you have before you the actual text transcript verbatim:

11:32 px: "r u working now?"
11:36 nr: "*******************"
11:37 px: "i dont know thats why i asked."
11:39 nr: "*******************"
11:40 px: "ok sorry. where do u post exactly?"
11:41 nr:"*******************"
11:41 px:"where do i look though? i only saw ur welcome thread."
11:42 px:"provider ads?"
11:42 nr:"*******************"
11:42 px:"jesus i just asked a question!"
11:44 px:"i stuck up for u after u got ripped in a review! i was the only one!"
11:45 px:"ur review was called' Nina the Dead Rose.' and you want to blacklist me for asking when ur available? seriously?"
11:45 px:"u got some nerve!"
11:47 nr:"*******************"
11:47 px:"ur a nut job, a frickin loony tunes. if u do that im gonna review ur weird side. ur one of the strangest providers ive met."
12:04 px: "talk to eva b4 u do that."

End of transcript. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Posting actual conversations is against rules also. Revealing review info is against the rules too. So should you earn a ban also?
She revealed your number. Happens every day here on ECCIE. And no bans handed down. At least it was just your number and not your name, etc.

And someone needs to tell Nina where to post alerts, etc. Not here is a huge clue.

Staff edit, Spice - edited private communique
animitasenthe's Avatar
Russ38's Avatar
Dorian Gray's Avatar
You are both idiots
No disrespect intended pxmcc but if I just got my ass kicked I would probably be in chill mode.
KaitlynDior's Avatar
Hey maybe im out of line for saying this but I would be irritated too. She made it apparent that she didnt want to talk to you and you still texted her back again 4 times after that before she told you she would write an alert on you. Like superhead said she is new and didnt know any better posting your phone number but I am almost 100% sure that you knew you arnt supposed to reveal text messages or info in a private review…
AlexisMoore's Avatar
Hey maybe im out of line for saying this but I would be irritated too. She made it apparent that she didnt want to talk to you and you still texted her back again 4 times after that before she told you she would write an alert on you. Like superhead said she is new and didnt know any better posting your phone number but I am almost 100% sure that you knew you arnt supposed to reveal text messages or info in a private review… Originally Posted by KaitlynDior

+100 Kaitlyn....
SpiceItUp's Avatar

I am sorry this happened and that you are so upset about it. However, this is not the appropriate forum for this discussion.

Without an actual threat of some kind to you or another member, the coed forum or the ladies Infoshare area is the appropriate place to talk about this kind of topic.

The alerts forum is reserved for issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.

Moving to coed.

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
LADIES beware of this number 713-9*7-75** & name pxmcc. Idk who this guys is but he been texting me for 2 days back and forth. I told him I only work until 8pm and not to text my phone while I'm off. And he goes on this tirade of how I'm nuts and weird because I asked him to stop texting me. Hell he is still texting me and has been off and on for the last 2hrs (Now its 12:30am). I haven't seen him and I suggest u dont. either. He seems crazed about this whole eccie thing. Kinda stalker-ish. Its real scary for me cause I just started. I warned him I would make a alert on him and he still texting. Talking about he would make a post about me being one of the strangest providers hes met. Why am I strange cause I dont want to be harassed or eccie bullied? No provider should have to deal with this. Mods please talk to mr pxmcc. Cause hes making my work day more difficult. These guys think they have power and sometimes take things to far. Not cool.

It is not permitted to post a member's full number or other contact info. We take personal privacy of our members very seriously and this is considered a breach.

I have masked a portion of the number, in the future please do the same.

Originally Posted by Nina Rose_Hou Tx
ya no shit dude! mods i'm sorry if ms. rose deemed anything i said to be harassing or bothersome. it took place exactly as i stated. happy to produce the text transcript. having said that, it is my understanding that outing a member is a grevious offense of the highest magnitude. ms. rose posting my actual telephone number is beyond the pale. i would respectfully ask at this time that she be banned from eccie. anonymity is paramount to all members enjoyment of the site, and maliciously outing a member for a perceived slight is conduct that cannot and should not be tolerated. therefore, i believe at this time that the interests of justice would be served by a ban of ms rose. sincerely, pxmcc. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Mods can't do shit to what happens off the board. So y'all keep your drama where it belongs.
And while we're at it why don't y'all take a gander at the site rules and maybe you won't violate so many rules next time.
canihitit's Avatar
Awwwww shit
oilfieldscum's Avatar
so there you have it. sorry about the funky font. i stipulate that im retarded. however, i am neither a stalker nor a harasser, unless the text conversation qualifies as "stalking" and "harassing." if so, guilty as charged.

Staff edit, Spice - masked number Originally Posted by pxmcc
But, but I thought you had two PhDs?

That dope is some bad shit.

Oops I almost forgot...get a fucking hobby phone.
wildething's Avatar
...get a fucking hobby phone. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Worth repeating.
First. Hobby line. Get one. You shouldnt have a personal and work phone in one. Thats a dumb fucking idea and a dumb thing to do. Some of these men can be persistent. It goes with the hobby. Dont like it? Get a work line and shut it off whenever your off time is.

Someone get the whores a whore handbook ffs.
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Originally Posted by Russ38
That can't be real. If so, what the fuck did she eat? A brontosaurus?