When will Obama send Holder to investigate

It was MISSISSIPPI. He was warned not to go in there. Nothing to investigate. He walked into a thugnasty greasy spoon in a thugnasty neighborhood and got his ass beaten up.

Are you dumb enough to go into a place like that, especially after being warned you'll get your ass beaten up?

If anybody should be investigated it's the dumbass who obviously didn't understand the words "DON'T GO IN THERE."

Good thing he didn't "bum rush" a black Muslim cop.

Then you pansies would REALLY have something to piss and moan about. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So you are saying that the white guy should have known his place?

Now why does that kind of thinking sound familiar? Why, oh why could that be?
Self loathing racism? That's a liberal white thing. Your kinda thing assup. Now get me a drink boy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pearl or Boone's Farm?

LMAO! Good one!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you are saying that the white guy should have known his place?

Now why does that kind of thinking sound familiar? Why, oh why could that be? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Did I say that? No. I said exactly what the story said... That the poor schmuck in question was told that the Waffle House was unsafe for white people.

I'm sure he could have gone into any other greasy spoon in Mississippi and gotten his dumb ass whipped by white folks, too.
Assup showing how he won the lifetime achievement douchebag award. Being a hypocritical self hating liberal brainwashed by Hollywood and public schools.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Assup showing how he won the lifetime achievement douchebag award. Being a hypocritical self hating liberal brainwashed by Hollywood and public schools. Originally Posted by Nick Gers
Jesus. You must live in WillCo!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How does any of this excuse the violence? Had the races been reversed, this would be on the news for weeks. It's all agenda driven, not justice driven. You shouldn't get a pass for committing violence based on skin color.
How does any of this excuse the violence? Had the races been reversed, this would be on the news for weeks. It's all agenda driven, not justice driven. You shouldn't get a pass for committing violence based on skin color. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Dam right , if it were 20 white dudes that beat the shit out of some black folks it would be all over the news, and they'll be rioting in Tupelo.
How does any of this excuse the violence? Had the races been reversed, this would be on the news for weeks. It's all agenda driven, not justice driven. You shouldn't get a pass for committing violence based on skin color. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Don't tell that to assup. His white guilt complex is off the scale.

dreamvacationdates's Avatar
No it means you need to know where you are, yeah in the united states you have freedom of speech, but you might want to make sure you know what may or may not will cause a negative response, for example if someone told me a establishment had the A B's in there and in a bad mood, I Wouldn't go there, i'm not trying to be their next form of entertainment. sortta like a black person dealing with cops, you got to know what to say and what you can and can not do, and thats a fact, Not saying this doesn't happen to people of other races, it something that you can usually avoid, not a given, I seen white guys do shit at a traffic stops that your average black man would get shot or beat down, but I digress.
No it means you need to know where you are, yeah in the united states you have freedom of speech, but you might want to make sure you know what may or may not will cause a negative response, for example if someone told me a establishment had the A B's in there and in a bad mood, I Wouldn't go there, i'm not trying to be their next form of entertainment. sortta like a black person dealing with cops, you got to know what to say and what you can and can not do, and thats a fact, Not saying this doesn't happen to people of other races, it something that you can usually avoid, not a given, I seen white guys do shit at a traffic stops that your average black man would get shot or beat down, but I digress. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
I totally agree. Chris Rock made a public service announcement encouraging black people not to run from or fight the cops. It fell on deaf ears, just like obamas tough love message to black America, and Bill cosbys statement.

You don't even need statistics. Assup why don't you move to Houston?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No it means you need to know where you are, yeah in the united states you have freedom of speech, but you might want to make sure you know what may or may not will cause a negative response, for example if someone told me a establishment had the A B's in there and in a bad mood, I Wouldn't go there, i'm not trying to be their next form of entertainment. sortta like a black person dealing with cops, you got to know what to say and what you can and can not do, and thats a fact, Not saying this doesn't happen to people of other races, it something that you can usually avoid, not a given, I seen white guys do shit at a traffic stops that your average black man would get shot or beat down, but I digress. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Such as?
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
jump out the car and run up to the officer car door before he could get out the car raising hell while drunk.
I live around a lot of good old boys who rather fight then fuck, kick the wife and kiss the dog, and a good summer day is in the infield during a nascar race drunk and fuck up off meth.
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