
boomvang's Avatar
Have you ever wanted to unlearn something? In all of my years on this board and others this my first thread to unsubscribe to. Have fun kids,
Scarlet O'Shea's Avatar
I have a set of Heger sounds and a set of Rosebuds sounds down here in Austin that I've used on several clients, as well as let a couple of them use them on me. I agree with Goddess Dallas however, no matter how well I know how to sound someone, no two guys are the same and it really is something that requires self experimentation before someone else can please you.

If you're wanting to try, but not wanting to buy a set of sounds (Check eBay or amazon, a good set is about $50, you can use crochet hooks, or really any other smooth, clean metal object. You will want to use a later based lubricant as silicone bases can coat the inside of your urethra, trapping bacteria in between the tissue and lube layer, which can cause infection. You always want to piss afterwards to flush anything out and if it hurts, don't do it. Self sounding exploration is a lot like self anal exploration. Use lots of lube, go slowly at first, if it hurts, stop, if it bleeds, stop and if you do it right, it can be absolutely phenomenal.

Forums like fetlife are wonderful for knowledge on subjects such as these, lots of people are into sounding, it's just another one of those things that doesn't interact with the hobby world much.
Seems Winter Monroe is into this. (And, if she ever gets to my area, is definitely someone I'd love to see).
  • RoxyG
  • 06-23-2015, 12:02 PM
Sounds is one of my favorite areas of play. Please make sure that anyone administering the sounds has experience so there are no injuries such as a torn urethral wall. Ive heard lots of horror stories over the years. Never use straws, heels, toothbrush ends, bare fingers...and so on. Hands should be gloved, sounds need to be sanitized (cavicide and then cleaned with rubbing alcohol. Its even better to sterilize (autoclave or pressure cooker on steam rack). Use a medical grade lube such as surgi-lube, and NEVER use force when inserting.

And make sure to drink lots of water for a few days after playing with sounds. That helps flush out the lube
I've had this done numerous times by Mistress Tracy Dallas. Nothing else quite like it. The first time I was blind-folded and strapped to a bondage table. I had no idea what she'd done down there until after the session. Very intense!
  • Sandy
  • 06-23-2015, 11:31 PM
I am very comfortable with sounding~ I have some picture of mine in my showcase I believe.
Sounds is one of my favorite areas of play. Please make sure that anyone administering the sounds has experience so there are no injuries such as a torn urethral wall. Ive heard lots of horror stories over the years. Never use straws, heels, toothbrush ends, bare fingers...and so on. Hands should be gloved, sounds need to be sanitized (cavicide and then cleaned with rubbing alcohol. Its even better to sterilize (autoclave or pressure cooker on steam rack). Use a medical grade lube such as surgi-lube, and NEVER use force when inserting.

And make sure to drink lots of water for a few days after playing with sounds. That helps flush out the lube Originally Posted by RoxyDDD
If only you visited Dallas...
I'm willing to try it if u bring the toys needed...because that is one thing I don't have in my toybox
I have a set in my toy box -- but have never used it. Volunteers??
I'm not sure that I would volunteer to be used as a test subject by an inexperienced provider. Having no experience myself I would like to think that at least one of us knew what she/he was doing. Besides Penny, nobody knows where you are as there is no information in your profile. Kudos to you and babykins for being brave enough to try it though.
stephanie1's Avatar
Personally I like vibrating sounds but if you do not have experience with it I highly suggest you go to someone who does. Making sure they are sterile is a must, so for my more squeamish I use the disposable ones even though I use both chemical and ultra-violet sterilization for the metal. Unfortunately, I'm in South Florida.
Have seen ads for vibrating sounds. Think that would be an awesome experience!