What do you think?

She owes you a session. Plain and simple. Perhaps you should've given her a portion of the donation for having to leave abruptly. But still, being so loyal and "safe" she runs the risk of losing a regular client. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Seriously?? Gosh some of these ladies are too money hungry and take appointments for granted - and in the end it comes back. But in this war - oops - world, you have got to understand for most providers, it IS just about the cash and WHAT they are able to get out of you at the moment. For the inconvenience, yes, I would have given her half. Unfortunately, you took a loss this time. If this should happen again, I would cement a SOLID understanding of the donation given for the next appointment. Hope this helps!
Sarunga's Avatar
Considering this is a purely business transaction.....the next time this happens to you, you could ask the provider how much is owed for the time spent...before handing her the full amount. This way, you can cut some of the losses.
Good question, I can see both p.o.v's. ( things come up, but also she has set aside time for you!)
It was a kind gesture on your part and I think she should show some gratitude but that's just me.
-Not much different than a ncns is terms of time-
I too have the on call problem where I work and it can be a real pain in the ass. I fortunately have people that can cover for me but it takes scheduling, planning etc.. Quite frustrating when it doesn't work as it recently did for me.

I think you did the right thing in leaving the full amount if nothing was discussed about a recheduling fee. I Also think that she should have had more consideration for your situation and could have well worked something out.
Since there have been all kinds of responses to this I have one that i think was missed. You said that you gave her the full amount or roses even after the cancelation and then she walked out with you and aparently miscounted the amount and then asked for the rest. It would be the last time I would call this one especialy since you have seen her before and she knows that sometimes you have to go. But to be a repete customer and she had the nerve to ask for more I'd move on down the road and find a new one. There are to many fish in this ocean that I think one who took the hook ate the bait then spit out the hook without getting into the boat would be thrown out of my boat and I'd pull anchor and find a new fishing ground
Just my 2 cents take it for what its worth
housebroken's Avatar
I can understand your issue. There have been several providers with whom I thought I had established a rapport, had met with a few times, and everything seemed cool, only to have them "dry up and blow away", stop answering phone, etc., even though it is obvious they are still around, and I had been my usual charming self - total cold shoulder (you know who you are!!!). I'm reminded of the country music song title; "If the Phone Don't Ring, You'll Know It's Me". That's the beauty here - if one flames out, just move on to the next great chick that comes down the line, and darn it, there are a lot of them out there! (Shameless suck-up to the hot chicks on the board.) :-)