Where is Barry?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He don't give a fuck about you. Get real. He abhors you mouth-breathing types, clinging to your guns and your bibles. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Cass Sunstein is looking for you. He so horny.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He don't give a fuck about you. Get real. He abhors you mouth-breathing types, clinging to your guns and your bibles. Originally Posted by WombRaider
He doesn't care about you, either, Wormby. Or anyone other than himself and his corporate masters.
RedLeg505's Avatar
You wouldn't know it, but there are many democrats who are genuinely unhappy with Obama and some of the things he's done. Originally Posted by WombRaider
No I wouldn't know it because they are all too scared to speak up and criticize what they disagree with. Funny how using that "Only racists disagree with a black President " plan painted ya in a corner, huh??

So, why don't you start Woomby-tunes, what has Obama done that you are "genuinely unhappy with"??
No I wouldn't know it because they are all too scared to speak up and criticize what they disagree with. Funny how using that "Only racists disagree with a black President " plan painted ya in a corner, huh??

So, why don't you start Woomby-tunes, what has Obama done that you are "genuinely unhappy with"?? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Like you won't speak against Reagan or Bush? Plenty of democrats have said they're unhappy with Obama. You just don't read those websites. They are unhappy, but still support him. Much like you might have been unhappy with Bush, but still supported him.

And you got that part wrong; only republicans who disagree with Obama are racists. The democrats are just disagreeing on principle.

As for what I'm unhappy about, it's not really any of your goddamn business. Why don't you start, dipshit.
No I wouldn't know it because they are all too scared to speak up and criticize what they disagree with. Funny how using that "Only racists disagree with a black President " plan painted ya in a corner, huh??

So, why don't you start Woomby-tunes, what has Obama done that you are "genuinely unhappy with"?? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
woomby's unhappy that he doesn't get his "supplies" for the 'holes paid for by obammy like his odummer phone and delivered to him for free. He's also upset that his odummer phone isn't the latest and greatest and that he has to pay for his own Depends to cover his well fudge-packed ass !
RedLeg505's Avatar
Why don't you start, dipshit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
On what I disagree with Obama on? You don't have enough room. So.. let's start with Bush's use of Drones. DO you agree or disagree with it?

So.. tell us DICKSTAIN.. if you disagree with so much that Bush did.. how do you feel about the HUNDREDS of things where Obama continued a Bush policy or plan?
On what I disagree with Obama on? You don't have enough room. So.. let's start with Bush's use of Drones. DO you agree or disagree with it?

So.. tell us DICKSTAIN.. if you disagree with so much that Bush did.. how do you feel about the HUNDREDS of things where Obama continued a Bush policy or plan? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
I'm not for them. And?
RedLeg505's Avatar
I'm not for them. And? Originally Posted by WombRaider
And.. did you ever speak up about it? I did when I disagreed with stuff Bush was doing... and yet.. I have NEVER, EVER heard any Obama supporter brave enough to straight out say what they disagreed with Obama about.

Why is that Woomby-tunes? You folks afraid of being called racist?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Like you won't speak against Reagan or Bush? Plenty of democrats have said they're unhappy with Obama. You just don't read those websites. They are unhappy, but still support him. Much like you might have been unhappy with Bush, but still supported him.

And you got that part wrong; only republicans who disagree with Obama are racists. The democrats are just disagreeing on principle.

As for what I'm unhappy about, it's not really any of your goddamn business. Why don't you start, dipshit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Actually it was the GOP who called Bush down for his amnesty plan.
It was the GOP who called Bush down for his nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.
It was the GOP who called Bush down for not having a plan to finish the job in Iraq which got us the "surge".

Gee! I guess the GOP does act out of principal but then we have Hillary and Obama both on record as saying they opposed the war (even after Hillary voted for it) and Keystone for political reasons.....gee, I guess the democrats don't have many principals.
And.. did you ever speak up about it? I did when I disagreed with stuff Bush was doing... and yet.. I have NEVER, EVER heard any Obama supporter brave enough to straight out say what they disagreed with Obama about.

Why is that Woomby-tunes? You folks afraid of being called racist? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
You're not looking hard enough.
Actually it was the GOP who called Bush down for his amnesty plan.
It was the GOP who called Bush down for his nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.
It was the GOP who called Bush down for not having a plan to finish the job in Iraq which got us the "surge".

Gee! I guess the GOP does act out of principal but then we have Hillary and Obama both on record as saying they opposed the war (even after Hillary voted for it) and Keystone for political reasons.....gee, I guess the democrats don't have many principals. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Principles goddamit. Principles. Principals run schools, dipshit. Something I guess I shouldn't expect you to know, since it seems you've never seen the inside of one. If you're a teacher, I'm a fucking monkey's uncle.

Ah yes, the good old surge. Led by RINO McCain.
He don't give a fuck about you. Get real. He abhors you mouth-breathing types, clinging to your guns and your bibles. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Well what else is there when we have a lawless masonic government and 240 million brain dead liberals.

LexusLover's Avatar
He doesn't answer to you, ...... Originally Posted by WombRaider
As he (Obaminable) has made it clear, ...

.... after his re-election he doesn't answer to anyone....except Putin, of course.
As he (Obaminable) has made it clear, ...

.... he doesn't answer to anyone....except Putin, of course. Originally Posted by LexusLover

And he (LLIdiot) has made it clear, ... he doesn't answer anyone ... except other Idiots, of course.
As he (Obaminable) has made it clear, ...

.... after his re-election he doesn't answer to anyone....except Putin, of course. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Since the republicans failed to make him a one term president, they haven't done anything. Where is the big change promised? Was it like hope and change also?