DAM: Steve Bannons New Book: Donald Trump, his Sons, and Kushner All Met With Russians and Committed Treason

bambino's Avatar
There's a lot of smoke but no fire. The Trump Russian collusion Fairy Tale is nothing more than a strategic political distraction maneuver designed by high level Trump advisers to bring down Clinton, Obama, Podesta and many others. Mueller is a criminal too, but Trump has him by the short hairs to bring down the main players. The big Russian Collusion ruse is about to be shattered once those indictments are revealed and executed.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Bannon said unequivocally on 60 minutes with Charley Tarzan Rose, “there was absolutely no collusion with the Russians” !!!!!!

I only see evidence of a


on Shitstain's part.
Distraction! NOW BACK ON POINT... https://theconservativetreehouse.com...has-questions/

Representative Jim Jordan Has Questions…

Posted on January 3, 2018 by sundance
O’boy, things are fun now. We’ve gone from a small peep hole in the rat-filled barn wall letting in the sunlight, to rapid cannon-fire knocking holes the size of bowling balls. Whoo doggies… look at em’ scatter.

A few days ago CTH advised of a few good people to keep an eye on. Yes, there are a few people inside the Swamp with a laser painting the target.

Ohio Representative Jim Jordan flying through the chaff and countermeasures while carrying a MOAB of truth. Head’s up, he’s quickly approaching the target:

1) Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele, author of the dossier?

2) Was the dossier the basis for securing FISA warrants to spy on Americans? And why won’t the FBI show Congress the FISA application?

3) When did the FBI get the complete dossier and who gave it to them?

•Dossier author Christopher Steele?
•Fusion GPS?
•Clinton campaign/DNC?
•Sen. McCain’s staffer?

4) Did the FBI validate and corroborate the dossier?

5) Did Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, or Bruce Orr work on the FISA application?

6) Why and how often did DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr meet with dossier author Christopher Steele during the 2016 campaign?

7) Why did DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr meet with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson after the election? To get their story straight after their candidate Clinton lost? Or to double down and plan how they were going to go after President-elect Trump?

8) When and how did the FBI learn that DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr’s wife, Nellie Orr, worked for Fusion GPS? And what exactly was Nellie Orr’s role in putting together the dossier?

9) Why did the FBI release text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page? Normally, ongoing investigation is reason not to make such information public.

10) And why did FBI release only 375/10,000+ texts? Were they the best? Worst? Or part of a broader strategy to focus attention away from something else? And when can Americans see the other 96% of texts?

11) Why did Lisa Page leave Mueller probe two weeks before Peter Strzok? This was two weeks before FBI and Special Counsel even knew about the texts.

12) Why did the intelligence community wait two months after the election to brief President-elect Trump on the dossier (January 6, 2017)? Why was James Comey selected to do the briefing?

13) Was the briefing done to “legitimize” the dossier? And who leaked the fact that the briefing was about the dossier?

14) The New York Times reported last week that George Popadopoulos’ loose lips were a catalyst for launching the Russia investigation. Was President-elect Trump briefed on this?

15) Why did Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson meet with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after her meeting with Donald Trump Jr.?

16) Why was FBI General Counsel Jim Baker reassigned two weeks ago? Was he the source for the first story on the dossier by David Corn on October 31, 2016? Or was it someone else at the FBI?

17) Why won’t the FBI give Congress the documents it’s requesting?

18) And why would @SenSchumer, leader of the Democrat party, publicly warn President-elect Trump on Jan. 3, 2017 that when you mess with the “intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you?”

It doesn’t work that way in America. We are not ruled by unelected bureaucrats, police forces, or intelligence agencies. In America, We The People ELECT officials who govern.

~ Jim Jordan

Bannon said unequivocally on 60 minutes with Charley Tarzan Rose, “there was absolutely no collusion with the Russians” !!!!!!

BAHAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Trump is beating the media and the Democrats at their own dirty game. He's using the big buffoon Mueller to do it. The media thinks Mueller is investigating Trump, he isn't. The investigation is pedophilia within the entertainment industry and politics. That road leads to Clinton, Obama, Podesta and many others within the entertainment industry and politics. Trump has everyone looking in the wrong direction. It's a brilliant scheme and apparently Clinton and Obama know the gig is up that's why nobody hears much from them anymore.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Trump is beating the media and the Democrats at their own dirty game. He's using the big buffoon Mueller to do it. The media thinks Mueller is investigating Trump, he isn't. The investigation is pedophilia within the entertainment industry and politics. That road leads to Clinton, Obama, Podesta and many others within the entertainment industry and politics. Trump has everyone looking in the wrong direction. It's a brilliant scheme and apparently Clinton and Obama know the gig is up that's why nobody hears much from them anymore.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

hahaha poor guys this Bannon news has yall confused as FUCK!!! hahahahaha it's sad but also fun to watch yall squirm like this....Deny it all you want to I know you dirty assholes are sick right now...and PappaDoupolous, Flynn, Manafort, now Bannon flipped....Mueller is zeroing in on ONE suspect and that's Trump and his retarded ass sons....HAHAHAHA..

Thank you Bannon thank you Sir.

Eat Shit Twitler Fan Boys
President Donald J Trump's quote about Bannon...


“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency. When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind. Steve was a staffer who worked for me after I had already won the nomination by defeating seventeen candidates, often described as the most talented field ever assembled in the Republican party.

Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look. Steve had very little to do with our historic victory, which was delivered by the forgotten men and women of this country. Yet Steve had everything to do with the loss of a Senate seat in Alabama held for more than thirty years by Republicans. Steve doesn’t represent my base—he’s only in it for himself.

Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was. It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books.

We have many great Republican members of Congress and candidates who are very supportive of the Make America Great Again agenda. Like me, they love the United States of America and are helping to finally take our country back and build it up, rather than simply seeking to burn it all down.”
hahaha poor guys this Bannon news has yall confused as FUCK!!! hahahahaha it's sad but also fun to watch yall squirm like this....Deny it all you want to I know you dirty assholes are sick right now...and PappaDoupolous, Flynn, Manafort, now Bannon flipped....Mueller is zeroing in on ONE suspect and that's Trump and his retarded ass sons....HAHAHAHA..

Thank you Bannon thank you Sir.

Eat Shit Twitler Fan Boys Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You're a dreamer and a dumb one at that. Bannon never wrote a book and never claimed there was any collusion, because there was never any collusion within Trump's team with the Russians. You're chasing a pipe dream is all you're doing. Nobody with any common sense at all is worried about Trump being indicted.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You're a dreamer and a dumb one at that. Bannon never wrote a book and never claimed there was any collusion, because there was never any collusion within Trump's team with the Russians. You're chasing a pipe dream is all you're doing. Nobody with any common sense at all is worried about Trump being indicted.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

I hope you feel better about all this....Bannon just unloaded on Trump..ahhahaha don't beleive just check Trump's twitter rebuttal of Bannon....hahahah you fuck boy clowns are in denial...and I'm loving every min of it.....you racist bastards deserve all this and more....hahahaha
I hope you feel better about all this....Bannon just unloaded on Trump..ahhahaha don't beleive just check Trump's twitter rebuttal of Bannon....hahahah you fuck boy clowns are in denial...and I'm loving every min of it.....you racist bastards deserve all this and more....hahahaha Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You're living in a vacuum dude. It's actually not even funny anymore, it's pathetic.

bambino's Avatar
I hope you feel better about all this....Bannon just unloaded on Trump..ahhahaha don't beleive just check Trump's twitter rebuttal of Bannon....hahahah you fuck boy clowns are in denial...and I'm loving every min of it.....you racist bastards deserve all this and more....hahahaha Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Trump unloaded on Bannon. His 15 minutes of fame are over. Maybe he’ll run for President. He’ll choose Roy Moore as his Veep. Dumb drunk.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He didn’t say they committed treason.
He said he “thought” the meeting was treasonous and unpatriotic. Same BS The liberals and media have been saying with not bit of proof. Just words.
That’s a lot different than actually committing treason.
And once again....no proof of collusion.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
hahaha poor guys this Bannon news has yall confused as FUCK!!! hahahahaha it's sad but also fun to watch yall squirm like this....Deny it all you want to I know you dirty assholes are sick right now...and PappaDoupolous, Flynn, Manafort, now Bannon flipped....Mueller is zeroing in on ONE suspect and that's Trump and his retarded ass sons....HAHAHAHA..

Thank you Bannon thank you Sir.

Eat Shit Twitler Fan Boys Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
The only confused Fuck is you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It is a dark time for the Republic....

It's no darker now than it was from 2008-2016 .....