Your friends SO is a provider

Super Head 713's Avatar
Lol now that i read over this thread sounds like a nice poem but nice work though hun
imabout2's Avatar
Im curious to know when you decided to take this trip to meet up with this provider, had you not seen any pics of her before hand? One would think you mightve been able to recognize her or some of her features even with the blurred faces they sometimes use. there should've been some sort of red flag going off in your mind like "damn she has a nice body but she looks familiar somehow" Originally Posted by ARCHmajor
I've seen pics but face blurred out. Body looked Familiar but that's the type I go for! The voice was a dead giveaway
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Oh forgot, please review it. But do not say anything about this thread. your next few reviews many will remember this anyways. give no hint. let em guess and ask in all your reviews. But never answer. May your reviews get many more views and reply's here on out.
er48665's Avatar
How about you make it into a couples session?
Dude, you are in a way dicey situation. Chances of bad outcomes outweigh good outcomes by a lot.

1. Best outcome: You and she have a discrete conversation in which you both agree to speak of this once and then never again. Your BF never knows. They live happily every after. (If he ever dumps her, you are free and clear to navigate; nail her). Failing this, both of you independently keep your pie-holes shut. The first time the three of you are together, you MUST NOT betray any recollection, hint, whiff or molecule of the event; she will follow your lead.

2. You're screwed scenarios:

a. She is all guilted out and confesses to him. She names names. Film at 11; bullet riddled body found at Motel 6.

b. She keeps the secret and you in a drunken state spill the beans. Film at 11; bullet riddled body found at Motel 6.

c. He suspects. Has her followed. The Truth is revealed. She names names. Film at 11; bullet riddled body found at Motel 6.

d. He knows and is cool on the concept. Guys are NEVER totally cool on this concept. Someday when you least expect it: Film at 11; bullet riddled body found at Motel 6.

e. You are weak and confess the discovery to him because he is your best friend and his SO is betraying him. Now everyone is screwed and there is a very real possibility of Film at 11; bullet riddled body found at Motel 6.

Navigate with care and keep thy Spidey senses on full power. Good luck, brother.

It's OK when it's in a three-way
It's not gay when it's in a three-way
With a honey in the middle there's some leeway
The area's grey in a one, two, three-way

Jk, it's still fucking gay.
Sarunga's Avatar
I'm guessing...
What do you do when you find out your best friend's significant other is a provider? You made the call , you make the trip, got your ticket to take a dip. She opens the door, which did not have a peep-hole, and there you stand, and the only words out of her mouth were holy shit! You look up into her eyes and see nothing but the door slamming into your face! The words cry out from behind the door were get the fuck out of here! I stop to pause as I know that voice, and a cold sweat runs down my head. Needless to say I'm scared as shit for what I was about to hit! I know her well as she knows me, and now I'm afraid of what will happen to thee! Please help me out boys and of girls for I no not what to do next! I want to laugh about my trip but don't want to let it slip. For my friend knows not what she does, and I don't want my friendship to go from present to was! Originally Posted by imabout2
I would not do the session, but instead have a serious talk about this aspect of life.

it can be a secret you two share, in fact she can help you screen other ladies and such. Nothing wrong with an Allie on the other side of the fence.

But if you respect the friendship you have with your buddy, DON'T DO his WIFE
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Wow dude I think you're caught up in no mans land. Originally Posted by hornfreak
I agree. This sounds like a difficult situation : (
Moved to coed...

Oh yeah, don't do shit... Originally Posted by DickEmDown
I agree, what he said
gimme_that's Avatar
I wouldn't do anything. Because sure enough one day when they break up she will expose it to him and ruin your friendship. Some women can be vindictive like that right down to describing you secret mole lol.

If I saw my homeboys girl as a provider....I would simply leave and not speak of it. She should do the same.

I think if this were none hobby I still wouldn't tell my best friend. Men usually react to this truth differently. Their women will get in their head and their charms will win over your truth of what occurred. Not to mention you will look sorta vindictive in a sence cause she can turn it around and say that you had fantasies about wanting to be with her anyways. Your truth will in actuality put doubt in his mind about your method.

Now if this were reversed and you were a female......don't think for a second she would hesitate to tell her homegirl. Ladies are even more vicious in this sense. I couldn't see a lady biting her tongue on this.....

But on the other hand....I'm a good friend so all that above this line is bullshit-----------

A lot of men say snitches get stitches........but on the other hand they heal in two weeks. He may hate you for telling the truth, but I bet in time he will respect you for it......if he doesn't fuck him....he didn't want a real friend.
tbone77494's Avatar
Well, if I was your friend I would want you to tell me "dude, you know your girlfriend is a hooker, right." If he doesn't know - he should and would rather hear it from a friend. If he does know, he either tells you to go ahead and do her or he says thanks for passing. He can't get pissed at you for finding out and not going in. He is gonna find out eventually anyway.
Why A Duck?'s Avatar
Is she on ECCIE? Maybe we could get her perspective. Maybe she wants to do you dude!
boardman's Avatar
I have an idea for a top ten list:

Top ten friends' SOs that I wish were providers...

I can only thinck of 9 though.
JRCash's Avatar
For my friend knows not what she does ... Originally Posted by imabout2
What leads you to that conclusion? Or are you just assuming? Maybe he hasn't mentioned it but that is a different thing than not knowing.