Even FAUX News has had a belly full of Ted Nugent!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Abbott agreed to hit the campaign trail with Nugent. That's more than enough for me! Originally Posted by bigtex
But you're too ignorant to have noticed that the remarks made by Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton were also politically motivated, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat? So, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, where are your criticisms of Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their Un-PC political stances?
But you're too ignorant to have noticed that the remarks made by Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton were also politically motivated, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat? So, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, where are your criticisms of Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their Un-PC political stances? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If and when they make the decision to run for and/or campaign with a candidate for Governor of Texas, I will reserve the right to criticize any and all of those mentioned.

How's that for a deal?
JCM800's Avatar
hey IB, what's your opinion on Nugent's remarks?

shockingly (..but not really) IB thinks the thread is about Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton.

hey IB, what's your opinion on Nugent's remarks?

shockingly (..but not really) IB thinks the thread is about Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton.

Originally Posted by JCM800
JD Idiot's twin Brother IB is probably the dullest knife in the Idiot's drawer.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If and when they make the decision to run for and/or campaign with a candidate for Governor of Texas, I will reserve the right to criticize any and all of those mentioned.

How's that for a deal? Originally Posted by bigtex
They have already glowing lauded their lib-retarded champion, Wendy Davis, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat. So show where you criticized Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their racists, non-PC remarks, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.

hey IB, what's your opinion on Nugent's remarks?

shockingly (..but not really) IB thinks the thread is about Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton. Originally Posted by JCM800
It's about lib-retard hypocrisy, 1-800-JCM-DATO: the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's soiled breechclout. So cite where you criticized Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their racists, non-PC remarks, 1-800-JCM-DATO: the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's soiled breechclout.

JD Idiot's twin Brother IB is probably the dullest knife in the Idiot's drawer. Originally Posted by bigtex
You're just a broken tool rusting in the garbage heap, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
Politico offers another take on Greg Abbott's foolish decision to campaign with Ted Nugent.

How Ted Nugent riles and divides

Special note to the Idiot Family: Please pay special attention to the campaign sign behind Ted Nugent! Whose name is on it? Huh?

By: Katie Glueck
February 21, 2014 07:36 AM EST

To some Republican activists, he’s a celebrity defender of the Second Amendment who rallies the base like the rock star he once was.

To Democrats and mainstream Republicans, he’s a sexual “predator,” an affront to families and a flamethrower with an appalling record of incendiary comments.

When it comes to Ted Nugent, his conservative fans and liberal detractors are living on different planets.

Nugent catapulted into the spotlight this week when he appeared at two campaign events with Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, the presumptive GOP nominee for governor. Democrats, in Texas and nationally, bracketed the events with email blasts and tweets highlighting elements of Nugent’s unsavory past and record of inflammatory remarks. They plan to continue making hay of those Texas appearances, and relish the possibility of his campaigning with other Republicans.

But in the deep-red Lone Star State, registration for Abbott’s events tripled when Nugent’s appearances were announced.

Democrats and Republicans alike see Nugent as a turn-out catalyst, in Texas and perhaps beyond. He outrages Democrats and mainstream Republicans — but he fires up a segment of the GOP base, which is so enamored of Nugent’s fiery anti-Barack Obama rhetoric and defense of gun rights that it can overlook the singer’s tawdry history. A case in point: Sarah Palin wrote on her Facebook page that if Greg Abbott “is good enough for Ted Nugent, he’s good enough for me!”

Nugent, 65, is a board member of the National Rifle Association, and is perhaps one of the country’s most colorful champions of the Second Amendment. He’s a lifelong gun enthusiast, a crusader against drugs and a die-hard Republican. But as Democrats have been eager to point out this week, he’s not exactly a buttoned-up cultural conservative.

In an interview for a VH1 “Behind the Music” documentary about him, Nugent, who hit the peak of his career in the 1970s, acknowledged that when he was young — and even not-so-young — he was “addicted to girls.”

“I was a wang-dang addict, I was addicted to girls. Addicted. It was hopeless,” he said in the video. “It was beautiful.”

By age 21, he had two children from two different women. By 30, after being married, having more kids and getting divorced, he was involved with a 17-year-old, for whom he assumed the mantle — with her parents’ permission — of legal guardian.

“It just really wasn’t a terribly appropriate situation in most people’s eyes,” said Pele Massa in the documentary, who said in the film that at 17 she became romantically involved with Nugent and was with him for nine years, though he wasn’t faithful to her during that period, she said. “And now, it would be criminal.”
The documentary said he acknowledged several relationships with young women, and that he won parental approval.

There were never criminal charges leveled against him for indiscretions with underage women, the film said, but the incidents have served as fodder for Democrats, who have repeatedly blasted him as a “predator” this week.

“I find Ted Nugent disgusting. And I find it disgusting that Greg Abbott is sharing a stage with him,” wrote Wendy Davis, the Texas Democratic candidate for governor, in a Wednesday fundraising missive. “But this isn’t just about my feelings. Every Texan should be offended by Greg Abbott’s decision to make a predator the new face of his campaign.”

Yet in recent years Nugent has painted himself as a family man. He has always eschewed drugs and alcohol and has been an advocate for keeping kids substance-free.
His current wife, Shemane Nugent, writes on her website that, “Recently, we have discovered four more adult children Ted had from previous relationships. I look forward to getting to know them, and hopefully they will welcome me into their lives.” They have been married since 1989 and have one child together.

“[Like] other marriages, I don’t always agree with everything my husband says or does,” she wrote.

A representative for both Nugents didn’t return a call and emails seeking comment.

Abbott’s campaign responded to questions about Nugent’s appearance by calling him “a forceful advocate for individual liberty and constitutional rights — especially the Second Amendment rights cherished by Texans. While he may sometimes say things or use language that Greg Abbott would not endorse or agree with, we appreciate the support of everyone who supports protecting our Constitution.”

In the wake of the Newtown, Conn. shooting massacre, Nugent wrote a piece for The Washington Times saying that family values, not more gun restrictions, are the solution to preventing future gun violence. “As with most things, the cure to this mess begins and ends with the family,” he wrote. “Traditional family values have been under siege for decades by our culture of contempt. In the absence of a solid family, the whole thing slowly unravels and rots.”

Nugent, who grew up in a strict household in Michigan and now lives in Texas, is an avid hunter and has repeatedly clashed with animal rights activists. He and Shemane authored a cookbook together called “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish.” On Valentine’s Day he tweeted, “I will shoot an arrow thru a deer heart for valentinesDay! Better than chocolates.”

Nugent has already endorsed in several 2014 races and has a long history of voicing support for various Republicans, including in 2012, when he backed Mitt Romney after a phone call with the former GOP nominee — though Texas Gov. Rick Perry was his first choice. Romney’s campaign ultimately had to disavow “divisive language” in the wake of the support.

“He’s very popular with some of the base, a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights, I think some party activists appreciate his strident criticism of the president,” said a senior Romney campaign veteran. The source added, “Obviously a governor’s race in Texas is different than a national race for president. Competing in different states, these comments might cause problems, certainly in purple states.”

Some of those comments came under scrutiny this week, especially his recent description of President Barack Obama as a “subhuman mongrel.” On Friday Nugent offered a partial apology, telling a conservative radio host that “I do apologize–not necessarily to the President–but on behalf of much better men than myself.”

Still, it’s a favorite phrase of Nugent’s, according to his Twitter feed. In the past two months alone, Nugent has: likened the media to Nazis; blasted Maryland — a state with tough gun control requirements — as “a muderers dream”; and dismissed Obama as a “racist lying president.” Previously, he has called Hillary Clinton a “worthless b——,” derided feminists as “fat pig[s],” and labeled Sen. Dianne Feinstein the most derogatory term for a prostitute.

He has also called Obama a slew of expletives over the years. One fiery statement — “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year” — led to an interview with the Secret Service in 2012, but law enforcement didn’t go further.

A Texas Republican with direct knowledge of the Abbott campaign’s thinking said that they are focused on driving turnout in both the March 4 primary and in November — and Nugent is an effective way to rile up the base. The source also noted that the campaign wasn’t aware of the “full extent” of Nugent’s controversial past, but didn’t detail what was and wasn’t known.

In a CNN interview on Thursday, Perry — who has also campaigned with Nugent before — pushed back mildly on the rocker’s remarks about Obama. Nugent drew fire in 2007 for performing at a Perry inaugural party in a Confederate flag T-shirt.

“He shouldn’t have said that about the president of the United States,” Perry said Thursday of the “mongrel” comment. But, he added, “I mean, the idea that Ted Nugent said something that’s outrageous shouldn’t surprise anyone, he’s been saying outrageous things for a lot of years.”

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) went further.

“Ted Nugent’s derogatory description of President Obama is offensive and has no place in politics,” he tweeted. “He should apologize.”

JCM800's Avatar
It's about lib-retard hypocrisy, 1-800-JCM-DATO: the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's soiled breechclout. So cite where you criticized Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their racists, non-PC remarks, 1-800-JCM-DATO: the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's soiled breechclout. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
start a thread about 'em dipshit and maybe I will.

...no comments on Nugent?
I B Hankering's Avatar
start a thread about 'em dipshit and maybe I will.

...no comments on Nugent? Originally Posted by JCM800
Why didn't you, 1-800-JCM-DATO: the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's soiled breechclout, or BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat start a thread on them to prove you're not lib-retarded hypocrites?
JCM800's Avatar
anything on Nugent IB ...any comments?
I B Hankering's Avatar
anything on Nugent IB ...any comments? Originally Posted by JCM800
Anything on Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their racists, non-PC remarks, 1-800-JCM-DATO: the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's soiled breechclout?
Anything on Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their racists, non-PC remarks, 1-800-JCM-DATO: the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's soiled breechclout? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Any comments on Greg Abbott's foolish decision to campaign with Ted Nugent, JD Idiot's identical twin brother IB?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Anything on Ted Nugent, JD Idiot's twin brother IB? (The lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard?) Originally Posted by bigtex
Anything on Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their racists, non-PC remarks, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat?
Anything on Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their racists, non-PC remarks, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Start on thread on them and I will comment. Until then, do you have any comments on Greg Abbott's foolish decision to campaign with Ted Nugent, JD Idiot's identical twin brother IB?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Start on thread on them and I will comment. Until then, do you have any comments on Greg Abbott's foolish decision to campaign with Ted Nugent, JD Idiot's identical twin brother IB? Originally Posted by bigtex
You started a flame thread, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat. Your ignorant remarks are being addressed, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
remarks are being hijacked.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Fixed it for you! No Charge!

Now that we have established that you are making a desperate attempt to hijack a legitimately current news story (Greg Abbott's idiotic decision to campaign with Ted Nugent), do you have any comments relating to the actual subject matter of this thread?

Or is it your intention only to hijack, obfuscate and deflect attention from the actual subject matter reflected by the thread starter?

I would be interested to hear any remarks related to Greg Abbott's decision to campaign with Ted Nugent.

For the record (Part 1): I would be more than happy to discuss my opinion regarding the individuals you continue to reference in a thread specifically about those individuals.

For the record, (Part 2): The individuals you continue to reference are not what this particular thread is about!

For the record, (Part 3): Stay on topic, IDIOT!