
TO ME seemed a little personal (if I am wrong please educate me).

Any advice would be appreciated.......thanks...... Originally Posted by coffeedrinker
You're not wrong.
To be blunt, remember that you're dealing with people who make a living off of other people's weaknesses.
You're not wrong.
To be blunt, remember that you're dealing with people who make a living off of other people's weaknesses. Originally Posted by MrLuigi
You're not wrong.
To be blunt, remember that you're dealing with people who make a living off of other people's weaknesses. Originally Posted by MrLuigi
.............................. .............................. ...................WOW........ .............................. ..........soooo wait what?????

really...what really!!!???!!!! I think not mister Luigi.....I totally want to know who it is coming to visit me..and if in the event you do not understand this,,, then you sir..totally cannot understand the great magnitude that comes with offering a service to the hobby..we the providers take a huge chance on seeing men..hense the screening process makes things abit more doable for both the providers as well as YOU the hobbiest!!!! You sir are in "TIMEOUT".... which reminds me of the last gent i put in timeout..wait..that was like 19.......HOLYMOLYROCKY!!!!.(bl inkblink).i gotta make a phone call!!!
This conversation comes up on a regular basis. The options seem to be to find a known provider that is newbie friendly that does screening that you are comfortable with, or go through the more thorough screening process with the provider you really want to see this one time. Either way you will have a solid reference for the future. Originally Posted by remix

Coffee Drinker - It's time to research, research & research some more. Find the lady with the best reviews you can find that also revs your engines and ask politely what she needs. All you need is a couple of quality referrals and you will be all set. The quality ladies on this board (which includes Anita of course!) want to be safe and provide you with a safe experience. They really don't want to expose your identity or theirs! They have worked hard to earn their reputations and we have to earn ours also. Best of luck, I think you'll become a very happy man! LOL
Coffee Drinker - It's time to research, research & research some more. Originally Posted by Perryay
This topic does come up frequently and so I let this one slide.

That's good advice Perry. I'd add too that some of the women after screening invite us into their home where they raise their children. A hobbyist, as much as he perceives he's risking by sharing information, is risking a hell of a lot less than the provider that lets you into their home.

Forget the fact that one our favorites was physically harmed by a hobbyist that wasn't screened well...

Something like a stalker in a situation where a woman has her children can be devastating to their lives let alone their livelihoods.

Without this being an exhaustive list and at the risk of offending someone I've left off (I apologize in advance), the women I trust with screening information in Rochester include in alphabetic order: Anita, China, Chloe, Gabrielle and Nikki.

I mention these women and not others because they represent the people I've left GREAT amounts of personal information with without worry.

The other women I've seen have taken references from me instead of personal information.
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  • GP
  • 06-16-2010, 11:28 AM
We should pick one of these MANY "just starting no references" threads and make it a sticky or something. It seems like we have this exact same conversation every month.
Sorry you feel that way MrLuigi, but your weakness is not an escort's business. Nor is it a clerk's business when a person purchases cigarettes or orders some unhealthy fast food. I think you get the message. However, it is the business of everyone when a hand gun is purchased and escorting and hobbying is like walking around with a loaded and unregistered pistol pointed at your face if you don't get "personal" and check out the quality of a customer or escort. Anyone who doesn't want to get personal should stay away from escorts and seek comfort on the street or try hitting the bars for a willing lady. By virtue of the name "escort" and the requirements/references required thereof, a patron should realize pretty quickly that if he doesn't want to measure up, he should hit the streets and massage parlors. I don't think references are required there, but I could be wrong.
We should pick one of these MANY "just starting no references" threads and make it a sticky or something. It seems like we have this exact same conversation every month. Originally Posted by GP
Well, since the site is all about getting new people here, both as hobbyists and providers, I think this would be an EXCELLENT suggestion!